Forum Replies Created
Wed 2 Feb 2022 at 21:35 in reply to: … change texts an rerquired fields option in registration form? #63814
KeymasterEME can do the maps thing too btw 😉
KeymasterOk, your values contain spaces too: one character after 50 and one before the 0
You should try without spaces, example (remove the quotes): “50||0”
I’ll try here tooEdit: it works fine, but since your dropdown values are different from your tags, you’d want to test #_FIELDVALUE{xx}
Reason: #_FIELDVALUE{xx} returns the field value, while #_FIELD{xx} returns the tag (the visible text)Franky
KeymasterIt works fine with a custom field, but maybe your value isn’t what you expected. Since you didn’t give your custom field definition, I tested with a custom text-field and the result was visible as expected in the pdf and the mail.
KeymasterI just tested eme_if in email and in the pdf generated: all works as expected.
KeymasterThe php notice will be fixed in the next version, thanlks for reporting.
However, your php config should never show notices/deprecation messages in the frontend. Since it does, it means your php setup is not correct. Check your php.ini or other settings for this (and no WP_DEBUG=true in the wordpress config file). The setting to check/correct is “error_reporting”:; error_reporting
; Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED
; Development Value: E_ALL
; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICTThe default value of “E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED” should be ok.
Also check “display_errors”:
; display_errors
; Default Value: On
; Development Value: On
; Production Value: OffFranky
KeymasterBtw: wordpress is more than just the filesize of a pdf 🙂 It needs memory to work (all plugins take up mem too) and maybe your default mem setting is just too low?
If you go to wp-admin/site-health.php?tab=debug , section “Server”, you’ll see the PHP memory limit value. Make sure it is at least 128M or even better 256M or 512M.Franky
KeymasterAnd what is the definition of the field #_FIELD{1} ? Or to make sure: does it work in the attendees list as expected?
Also: your tag inside your eme_if example containts a space character, maybe that is your problem?Franky
KeymasterAnd how do you use it in the mail (for example)?
KeymasterIs the “XX” pointing to a valid field? And is that field defined for that booking?
KeymasterBoth the booking mail and the generated pdf support the eme_if shortcode.
KeymasterWP_DEBUG is not needed here, I talk about php errors in the standard logfiles (apache/nginx/php-fpm). You should have access to these (or your provider can help).
Tue 1 Feb 2022 at 13:17 in reply to: Repeated booking impossible (already registered for an event the same day) #63788Franky
KeymasterThat’s only part of the function I presume 🙂 But it means this is not a bug.
KeymasterMaybe the webserver has issues generating the pdf due to memory issues. Can you check your php error logs here?
Tue 1 Feb 2022 at 12:45 in reply to: Repeated booking impossible (already registered for an event the same day) #63785Franky
KeymasterThat message is not an error message of EME (I don’t verify other events when doing a booking).
However, maybe you have a custom action/hook/function (in your theme function.php) that checks for this?Franky
Keymastereme_send_mail is a generic function, also used for memberships, tasks, generic mails etc … so not just events.
You could call eme_get_template_format_plain (which is eme_get_template_format but making sure no nl2br translation happens) with the template id as argument. After that replace the placeholders in it, by calling eme_replace_booking_placeholders on it (using also $event and $booking). E.g. for template id 1 for subject and 2 for content:$my_subject_format=eme_get_template_format_plain(1); $my_actual_subject=eme_replace_booking_placeholders($my_subject_format, $event, $booking, 0, "text"); $my_content_format=eme_get_template_format_plain(2); $my_actual_content=eme_replace_booking_placeholders($my_content_format, $event, $booking);
KeymasterThat is exactly what I meant 🙂
Btw: you can also use #_FIELD{NAMELIST} (if your custom field is called “NAMELIST”)Franky
KeymasterBtw, in the dev-version (and the next release) the events (when using category_id) will be sorted by start_date ASC and event_name ASC by default (the same as everywhere else). The order option is also identical as to the one in [eme_events]
KeymasterWell, indeed use a custom field (checkbox I’d say) and check that value by using the [eme_bookings] shortcode (inside the template defined by the “template_id” option) by using the conditional shortcode [eme_if].
KeymasterHint: you also have template_id_header as an option for eme_events.
KeymasterThe eme_events only shows events if any are available, so I don’t see the problem …
The no-events message can be adjusted (or empty).Franky
KeymasterThat’s indeed currently not possible. I just coded an order-option for the multibooking shortcodes, so if you want to try out the dev-version, feel free 🙂
KeymasterOk, try again now 🙂
Keymastersimple=1 works, simple=0 but only_one_event=1 doesn’t. I’m checking that
KeymasterYes, I’m fixing that in dev 🙂 I think I just fixed that last php error on your site too, and the php warning too.
I’ll now check the form submit, but can you check on your end what combination is not working?Franky
KeymasterThe readonly was not implemented for multibooking, I implemented it now in dev.
Concerning the php error: should be fixed your site.Franky
KeymasterThat is the value of the custom field
KeymasterI’d do it using custom fields with the “extra price” option checked (use a negative amount as value and some text as “tag”). Then you can also use #_DYNAMICPRICE in your form and the price will get adjusted automatically if people e.g. check a certain box.
KeymasterI corrected your templates/setup and also the doc on the EME website.
Keymasterit is only_one_event, I need to update the doc there (because I also added only_one_seat)
I changed it at your end, but you need to check your output now.
Also: maybe check the new eme_add_simple_multibooking_form ==> no need to change your templates per event then etc …Franky
KeymasterI still have access to your test setup so I’ll take a look 🙂
KeymasterSolved in latets release 2.2.52
KeymasterWell, I have pending bookings arriving fine for me, so … all tests I do don’t point to anything there.
Have you checked your mail queue/settings and the per-event settings? Can you reproduce that in a test setup I can access?Franky
KeymasterI confirmed my initial remark.
KeymasterIf you mail people the attendance qrcode, you can scan that code when they attend the event. Then – if logged in with sufficient enough rights and the option “Select this option if you want an attendance record to be kept everytime the RSVP attendance QRCODE is scanned by an authorized user.” is set – an attendance record is stored.
To manually RSVP a user, just go in the backend to the list of events and click on RSVP.
KeymasterCorrection on the wait period. Let me test that some more first …
Keymaster– automatic forwarding hapens fine here … either for multiple payment gateways or automatically to the only one defined. However, the timing for automatic forwarding used to be ignored causing the “booked” message to be invisible because of immediate forwarding, that has been corrected. So you might want to change your timeout setting “Redirect wait period”
– I don’t understand the second remarkFranky
Keymasterfor 9, from the dev changelog:
* Added event placeholders #_AVAILABLETASKS and #_FREETASKS, returns the number of free tasks for an event
Keymasterfor 4, from the dev changelog:
* Add task placeholder #_TASKID (allows you to call e.g. [eme_task_signups task_id=#_TASKID] when inside the list of task signups
* Add task placeholder #_TASKSIGNUPS, to be able to show a list of signups inside the signup form itself (format is then done via the generic EME settings)(together with some extra generic task options to format the signups by default)
Keymaster6: javascript optimized a bit: date will be copied from line where you do “+”
Keymaster8: handled in dev
9: not currentlyFranky
KeymasterCurrently it is not possible. Some time ago I tried to implement that, but things got hopelessly complicated (code wise). However: you can add a custom class to a field definition and then use custom jquery to show/hide other fields.
Keymaster1 and 2: it is event_id. The doc was correct but the examples not, I have corrected those.
3: correct, fixed in development already
4: that’s why currently you have [eme_tasks_signups]
5: very difficult to do, and unwanted since the change is not visual, but I do agree with 6
6: I’ll see what I can do
7: indeed, the next version will have a skip_full optionFranky
KeymasterI corrected the doc at a little bit to be more clear:
The mails being sent to the respondent and contact person are based on the templates configured for the first event in the series mentioned.
So, just the template settings are taken from the first event in the series, all the rest works as normal (and specified in that link).
If you want a mail per event/booking, then don’t use multibooking mails.
However: EME also has the notion of tasks: one event can have multiple tasks and people can subscribe to as much tasks as they want in 1 go and with 1 form only. This is mostly usefull for volunteer management of course (who does what during an event). See [eme_tasks_signupform] for more info on that form.Franky
KeymasterIndeed, EME access settings were not granular enough for this. The next version will have an extra setting to “access” the menu and a separate to “list” the members themselves (the current explanation is not totally correct). Dev contains this already.
KeymasterWhich access setting did you try to change?
KeymasterI forgot to reply to this. The “Payment GW ID” is the payment id of the gateway used to make the transaction. It can also be used to reimburse if needed. It is not really required (but for reference you might want to fill in the mollie id there).
KeymasterYou can edit it in the db indeed if you’d like.
KeymasterThe dev-version should now work as expected.
KeymasterSee , this was reported just hours ago and fixed in dev 🙂
KeymasterFirst: I corrected the example (it is just “event_start ASC, event_name ASC”, I switched to 1 column for dae/time some releases ago). That covers your second question 🙂
For your first question: make sure to use correct quotes for the order-option (not slanted), then it should be ok.
However, I still bundle events by day, and that causes order-issues … I need to figure out a wau around that.Franky
KeymasterIf you use “mark as paid and approve” on a pending booking that is already paid, it will indeed erase the payment info from any payment gateway. I’ll take that into account for the next version and just do the approve action if already paid.
The amount received column is in the current situation also completed with the total cost of the booking, but only if empty. So it sounds weird to me that a paid non-approved booking had an empty received value …Thu 13 Jan 2022 at 19:19 in reply to: Automatic waiting list approval Mail-confimation wrong template #63698Franky
KeymasterWhile I mention the changeset to anyone wanting to have the fix immediately, I *never* recommend to download a changed file completely since other changes can already be present (that are not part of the fix you need).
Thu 13 Jan 2022 at 15:34 in reply to: Automatic waiting list approval Mail-confimation wrong template #63696Franky
KeymasterConfirmed as a bug: while I change the booking correctly, I used the “old” booking to send the mail with, resulting in this.
This should fix it:
KeymasterSet the events you don’t want to show in a category and exclude that cat. An example (if that category to exclude has ID 4):
[eme_events scope=2022-05-01--2022-05-31 notcategory=4]
(also: use eme_events, events_list is deprecated)
KeymasterCheck out [eme_if] and check for the value of #_IS_ADMIN_PAGE , that should help.
KeymasterMaybe a family membership could help there (so the “free” members are in fact just family members and then you can move them to “normal” members once they are old enough). Anyway, I’ll let you decide that 🙂
I’m thinking of implementing the possibility to send a birthday-mail too …
KeymasterI corrected the code (inline doc) and the doc concerning that: the member placeholder #_PAYMENT_URL should be sufficient (if “allow renewal” is set, which was already being taken into account for active and expired members). The next version will also set a value “renewal cutoff days” so you can prevent people from paying too soon for an extension (it will even refuse to have them pay multiple times).
You can still use the generic placeholder #_MEMBERSHIP_PAYMENT_URL too (even #_EXPIRED_MEMBERSHIP_PAYMENT_URL, but I removed that from the doc), but that’s only usefull for pages protected by an EME membership and logged in users.Franky
KeymasterBtw: I’ll add that info in the code to the remember/expire mail templates, so it is a bit more clear.
KeymasterHi Frédéric,
thanks for the kind wishes, I hope you’ll have a nice and fun 2022 too 🙂
The termination emails are sent when the status reaches “expired”, meaning after the grace period. You can send reminders (what I do) via the membership definition, so as to let people know the end time (the actual end time, not taking the grace period into account) and tell them they the grace period and renewal options etc … I typically send out such a mail 30 days before and 7 days before the end of the membership.
KeymasterThanks for the confirmation. I optimized the code in a previous version but forgot to take into account the time of sending for the ticket. I’ll release a new version since I assume others will be impacted too.
KeymasterThis should fix it:
KeymasterWell, apparently I can contribute and approve German translations but I don’t speak German (nor did I ever ask for that right). So you should contact YogieAnamCara (or apply to become a contributor).
KeymasterI’m not managing the translations, that is done via the wordpress translation project. So go to , select the language of choice and contact the responsible person (or contribute).
KeymasterDeleting is only possible in the backend, EME makes strict checks for that too.
You can use the #_EDITEVENTLINK placeholder which redirects the person to the edit-event window, where you can also delete that event.Franky
KeymasterDo you mean you have an end-date on a free membership? That is kind of illogical …
If it is free, people can’t pay for it, so you should change the duration period to “Forever”.
Anyway, in the backend you can still select the member in question and select the mass action “Accept membership payment”, it will extend the membership for that member with 1 period.Franky
KeymasterYou’re correct, a little bit too strict there. This change will fix it:
KeymasterA CSV export from EME is not to be imported by EME, it is meant for excel … reason is that the titles are human readable, not the needed column titles. Change the title headers to be the ones needed and it will be ok.
For the locations, you can see at the top of eme_locations.php (in the first defined function) the column names.Franky
KeymasterSince you don’t give an example of your CSV, I can only say that probably one of these columns is missing: “location_name”,”location_address1″,”location_city”
KeymasterThis is already in the 2.2.41 version released 2 weeks ago.
KeymasterCalling wp_schedule_event will cause a recurring schedule to be inserted, in this case every 5minutes (it is not a “one time only” call). So doing that multiple times will totally mess up your schedules for sure. Either check if not already scheduled, or unschedule and reschedule, or call a one-time-only schedule using the correct wordpress functions.
While I would love to help with that, it is not in the EME support scope so I will refer you to the appropriate wordpress forums/doc for that: and
Also, I checked the wordpress cron code to add/remove a schedule: it does “get cron array, do your stuff, save cron array”. So if you have a system that abuses the schedules to create tasks all the time, it will cause problems and things can get deleted since no “lock” is taken on the cron array (this is a wordpress issue, not mine). So I recommend to use tools that don’t touch the cron system too much (in your case, WPForms might be the plugin that triggers the wordpress cron issues).Franky
KeymasterWpcron never tells you what was executed. But you can use plugins like wpcron manager to check you cron queue
KeymasterIt is wp-cron.php. But since it only launches once every 5 minutes, it solves the problem where multiple connection launch it at the same time (it is 1 process only). From your wordpress point of view nothing changes except it then no longer checks for schedules on every page view. And since it is only 1 process it might solve the problem/bug wordpress has with its cron.
If your hosting provider limits you to once per hour, then I can’t help there. Either search another provider (I never encountered a provider with such a limit, seems a little low-budget) or live with the wordpress cron …Franky
KeymasterWhy would you think it limits the frequency to 1 per hour? Is that a limit of your hosting provider? The example I give in EME will check once every 5 minutes.
KeymasterIt seems wordpress has a cron-bug if you have many crons and more than 1 process executes the cron at the same time: question here to you: which cron method do you use? The one from wordpress or system cron? See the tip at the top of the “Scheduled actions” EME settings page, where I explain how to use your system cron. If you’re not using that, this might be the time 🙂
KeymasterCan something be changing things in the database? Or a sync from a dev-server to prod or so?
And nothing in the apache/php logs?Franky
KeymasterThe eme_if part is being handled the latest (because first the placeholders need to be replaced with actual values before the if-logic can be executed). So that’s why the pdf’s are being generated.
Keymasterno reply, closing
KeymasterI’ll move this to fixed for now.
KeymasterYour mysql/mariadb version seems ok, and the fact that it works ok for the other setup strenghtens my belief the code is now correct.
KeymasterI’ve tested this again and the sql seems ok and the behavior too …
I’m wondering if the current behavior is related to some kind of mysql version. Any idea what you’re running?
In short, this is the sql being executed:
INSERT INTO wp_eme_answers(`field_id`,`related_id`,`answer`,`type`) SELECT `field_id`,`event_id`,`answer`,'event' FROM wp_eme_events_cf;
(after which the table wp_eme_events_cf gets dropped). And I tested and retested, but it works as it should.Franky
KeymasterI’m copying over data from 1 table to another, so maybe the sql there is not ok … I’ll test some more.
KeymasterAre you in a position to test the dev-version? You can download it at the bottom here:
KeymasterNo, it is a bug there. I’ll update and release once I’ve tested some more (fix already in dev).
KeymasterBtw, I checked the code and I didn’t touch the custom field answers database tables in the last 7 months, so …
Did you check your php error logfiles? Maybe something went wrong during the update?Franky
KeymasterAnd: from which version did you update?
KeymasterErrr … what do you mean with “custom fields empty”? Which ones/where? In the events themselves you mean? Or per booking?
KeymasterWell, to answer your initial question anyway: can it be the membership date hasn’t started yet?
KeymasterCan you tell me what is not working? Because I can create an event like this without problems.
KeymasterThat is a question that no longer falls under EME support.
Check the options table, option name “cron”. That’s just something I found yesterday too, but for the rest this is all WP, not EME.Franky
KeymasterNo, they’re wordpress recurring schedules. WordPress reschedules them to run at the following interval, even if the run failed. The schedule never gets cleared, unless you decide you don’t want queueing, but that’s a manual action in the CRON submenu.
KeymasterOne cron should not eject another, so I don’t think that’s the case here.
KeymasterAlthough it should not change anything, here’s a small change: if only eme_cron_send_queued gets removed, that change shouldn’t really make a difference …
KeymasterCan it be some sync plugin is doing this? Because I have several sites and never experienced this.
KeymasterSorry, but I do not. Is it always the same one that gets removed?
KeymasterFor me every time I ctrl-F5 the screen it worked … so it is some borderline css thing. I’ll check the effect of this css info, tx!
KeymasterWhile my code allows media upload, wordpress blocks it if the user is not allowed to do so. So you need to figure out a way for guest users to have the “upload_files” capability.
KeymasterRead this thread:
I’ll gladly implement a workaround in EME if anybody can provide one, but as far as I can see it is a wordpress issue (wrong CSS styling).Franky
KeymasterDo you by any chance remember from which version you upgraded? Or was is the latest previous version?
KeymasterI checked and rechecked the code, but can’t find a reason to this.
Are these actions still planned? Namely: eme_cron_member_daily_actions, eme_cron_events_daily_actions, eme_cron_gdpr_daily_actionsEdit: eme_cron_gdpr_daily_actions had a bug (was removed upon activation, I’ll fix that for the next version, but is not critical)
Sat 11 Dec 2021 at 17:44 in reply to: Fields like #_COMMENT or #_SPACES not shown in custom forms #63581Franky
KeymasterThat indeed changed a number of versions ago. If needing to find the answers of a booking, the function call eme_get_booking_answers($booking_id) is recommended (your query is not limiting itself enough, you’d need to use type=’booking’ too).
Sat 11 Dec 2021 at 15:00 in reply to: … set a condition for Elementor templates to apply to the single event page #63579Franky
KeymasterThe single event content is shown by replacing the content of the special events page (and that special events page is just a regular wordpress page with the defined wordpress template applied as for any other page). For single events, you can (on the right bottom) apply another page template supported by your theme.
Sat 11 Dec 2021 at 14:57 in reply to: Fields like #_COMMENT or #_SPACES not shown in custom forms #63578Franky
KeymasterThe cancel booking form has always been more limitative in placeholders. In the past maybe placeholders that weren’t recognized got replaced by empty strings (but that doesn’t happen anymore to avoid issues when including shortcodes inside other shortcodes etc).
So the cancel form should only contain the supported placeholders, nothing more.Sat 11 Dec 2021 at 11:35 in reply to: Fields like #_COMMENT or #_SPACES not shown in custom forms #63575Franky
KeymasterWhen cancelling a booking, #_SPACES etc … are not relevant info.
See here for the placeholders you can use in the cancel booking form:
KeymasterThey do 🙂
I’m just a late worker 😀Franky
KeymasterPlease read my reply to your initial post.
KeymasterSince events are not posts, that is not possible. Using some plugin that provides a shortcode (for e.g. discord) and using the event id as unique identifier could work.
Or if you want a specific event to receive comments, put it on a normal WP page using [eme_event] (with the event id as parameter, see the doc). That page can then receive comments.Franky
KeymasterConfirmed and fixed here:
KeymasterFirst: please don’t hijack other threads!
Next: did you check if the file is present? If not: something went wrong with your update (probably out of diskspace during the update). You need to figure out why, fix that and then reinstall EME.Franky
KeymasterIf it doesn’t work using bbpress (the software I’m using), send me a mail:
KeymasterGlad it works!
For events, the contact person is used to receive mails (set when defining the event). If no contact person is set, the event author is used. And if even that would be empty, the admin account would get the mail. Can you check that?Franky
KeymasterThe local dog training school has both options in fact: they use a regular membership with 1 price and a family membership with another price (both prices are fixed, but for the family membership the number of members is limited only in code to 10 or so).
Also in the case of family membership and “create wp account” the problem would come into play for identical email addresses (the family members with the same email as the “head of the family” would not get a wp account). That is a wordpress limitation I can’t get around …Franky
KeymasterA discount has a “Coupon code” (the value that the client needs to fill out). If you leave that value empty (the ‘early bird’ modus), then the discount automatically applies for that event and the dynamic price info gets adjusted accordingly.
KeymasterIf you have a membership, you can choose the option “Ask for family member info when someone signs up”, which allows family members to just get the same membership, but only the “head of the family” gets a payment mail. Is that what you’re looking for? Linked persons (in the persons section) is just informative and not really used otherwise.
KeymasterI don’t see any problem here. I just tried and got as answer “Votre réservation a été transmise – Consultez votre messagerie”.
While I did not receive a mail, in that case:
– check your mail settings (but you did that, so that seems ok)
– check your mail templates (in the generic settings or per event) so the mails you want sent don’t have an empty subject or body
– check also the mail setting “Enable the RSVP e-mail notifications?”Franky
KeymasterThat means some javascript error is preventing the submit. Your browser console should tell you what is wrong then. If you give a demo (test) event url, I can check from my end too.
KeymasterI’m not sure I understand what you mean here …
KeymasterThe last 4 can indeed be ignored (but I corrected the code to take it into account).
The first one is a bit weird, but if your primary key exists and is answer_id, then all is ok.Edit: ok, found the reason for the first one too, I’ll change the code for this too 🙂
KeymasterYes, I make sure the theme isn’t responsible for captcha generation errors, but if the issue was in wp-config.php then many things that create images on the fly would not have worked.
KeymasterWhile I try to be backwards compatible, I can’t guarantee an upgrade from a version of 6 years ago 🙂
But: just go ahead and try it (make a db backup first), in theory it should work.Franky
KeymasterYou make a nice donation and I’ll see what I can do this weekend, otherwise this is something on the list of feature requests.
KeymasterThis should fix it: changing the “%d” to “%s” change should be sufficient)
KeymasterI’ll need to check all use-cases, but can you test this changeset:
KeymasterConfirmed, bugfix underway (new release)
KeymasterThis fixes the mollie payment id:
The rest is not so easy to reproduce …Franky
KeymasterBtw: Mollie blocked by test account, so if you want me to test something from Mollie:could you give me a test-api key? You can remove it later on again …
KeymasterI’ll check the mollie id (maybe some typo somewhere).
Concerning the extension:
– what is the type of membership (settings)?
– what was the state of the user, and how did the extension process start (I assume the user clicked on a link)?
– I assume the user “tried” to pay with mollie. But are you sure the payment failed?Franky
Keymaster‘Payment GW ID’ is also there. Can you explain what is wrong exactly?
Concerning the membership: was this for an extension?
KeymasterMollie talks to EME and sets members as paid automatically. Next to that, you can show the “payment id” column in the members overview, and even the payment gateway used and their payment id.
See the hint: rightclick on the column headers to show/hide columnsFranky
KeymasterIs the legacy paypal working? And I assume you want that payment id to inform your clients about the text in the payment transaction?
Keymasterhumm …. this example seems like a special case 🙂
But I’ll take a look at it via a test later today.Franky
KeymasterThe next version will have #_PAYMENTID too for members and bookings
KeymasterYou have a specific filter in place ( eme_payment_gateways ).
Because I see that your offline payment info is shown above the one for Mollie, which is not normally the case …
And you don’t specify legacypaypal in that filter, so the button doesn’t show.
Reason: if I remove the use of that filter, the legacy button shows (and the Mollie info is shown above the offline info). So correct your filter.Franky
KeymasterYes, send me the credentials as well. I don’t keep info on other people’s sites.
KeymasterJust tried it here: it comes up just fine. Anything in the php logs or the console? Test event for me?
KeymasterDid you check legacy PayPal as a payment method for the event (RSVP settings per event)? Just entering the settings is not enough …
KeymasterThe next version will act as you expected it.
KeymasterThis was a bug fixed some time ago …
KeymasterThe goal of CSV export is that you can do whatever you want in excel then 🙂
But, EME foresees the filter eme_csv_column_filter , see
KeymasterI confirm a bug (a number of copy/paste typos …). Fixed and released a new version now.
KeymasterI’ll test this later on today. I have to admit: I tested it for task reminders, but not for rsvp reminders (but the code was quite similar). So it is possible a bug made its way in.
KeymasterI’d need to check/change the form logic then … a big job to change. I’m willing to take a look, but later on 🙂
KeymasterIt is triggered at midnight. If you use a cron-tool in wp, you’ll see the event “eme_cron_events_daily_actions” being triggered at midnight.
Of course nothing guarantees that I didn’t make any bugs 🙂
KeymasterIf someone wants to enter other info, just log out. EME links info with your wordpress account, so it will stay read-only if logged in.
KeymasterThe reminder mails can be multiple and negative:
“10,5,-3” would send a reminder 1O days before, 5 days before, 3 days after (always relative to the start of the event).
But I can’t foresee every possible scenario in the event setup itself, that would result in way too much settings. There’s the “event email” mail section where you can plan things too …Franky
Keymasterreminders for pending/approved bookings can now be set per event (in the next release)
Keymasterdone in next version
KeymasterI like that people read the dev changelog 🙂
Now if someone would start helping, it would even speed up things 😉But I have the framework in place now, so I’ll keep it in mind. I need to do extra stuff for all that …
KeymasterSee the doc on eme_mybookings …
KeymasterTested a event mail of type “booking” and used the mentioned placeholders: it works just fine.
Keymastereme_mybookings only works for logged in users that are linked to a EME person (and only one).
I just tested it here and it works just as expected: I created a backend-booking as admin for a other person (that’s linked to a WP person). After that I logged in as that other user and checked the result of eme_mybookings, it works as expected and shows the created booking. -