Forum Replies Created
KeymasterThe search query I put here only looks in the event name and the event notes (the html field).
Mon 25 Jul 2011 at 16:27 in reply to: How to add a weekly RSVP event without a start and end date #48145Franky
KeymasterLook into conditional tags for that, see here for examples:
Mon 25 Jul 2011 at 14:37 in reply to: How to add a weekly RSVP event without a start and end date #48143Franky
KeymasterIf you don’t want to show the event dates: change the formatting for that event to leave them out. Maybe that can help you? I can’t create events without a date …
KeymasterOnce I have custom fields, I’ll work on the search.
Mon 25 Jul 2011 at 13:52 in reply to: How to add a weekly RSVP event without a start and end date #48141Franky
KeymasterIf I understand this correctly:
“I would like to have a RSVP event for that time visible until I get a new participant”
you should just limit the number of seats for that event, when somebody drops off the RSVP becomes visible again until the number is once again reached (or the date has expired)
KeymasterThis works just fine:
* The template for displaying Search Results pages.
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Twenty_Eleven
* @since Twenty Eleven 1.0
get_header(); ?>
$table = $wpdb->prefix."dbem_events";
$s = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['s']); // The search key words
$found_event = false;
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE (event_name LIKE '%".$s."%') OR
(event_notes LIKE '%".$s."%') ORDER BY event_start_date";
$events = $wpdb->get_results ( $query, ARRAY_A );
foreach ($events as $row) {
print "<h2><a href='".eme_event_url($row)."'>".$row['event_name']."</a> ".$row['event_start_date']."</h2>";
print substr($row['event_notes'],0,250)."[...]";
print "<div style='clear:both;'></div>";
$found_event = true;
<section id="primary">
<div id="content" role="main">
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
<header class="page-header">
<h1 class="page-title"><?php printf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'twentyeleven' ), '<span>' . get_search_query() . '</span>' ); ?></h1>
<?php twentyeleven_content_nav( 'nav-above' ); ?>
<?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
/* Include the Post-Format-specific template for the content.
* If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file
* called content-___.php (where ___ is the Post Format name) and that will be used instead.
get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() );
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php twentyeleven_content_nav( 'nav-below' ); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php if (!$found_event) : ?>
<article id="post-0" class="post no-results not-found">
<header class="entry-header">
<h1 class="entry-title"><?php _e( 'Nothing Found', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></h1>
</header><!-- .entry-header -->
<div class="entry-content">
<p><?php _e( 'Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords.', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></p>
<?php get_search_form(); ?>
</div><!-- .entry-content -->
</article><!-- #post-0 -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- #content -->
</section><!-- #primary -->
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>Franky
KeymasterFor a single event, this is the default:
<p>#j #M #Y - #H:#i</p><p>#_TOWN</p><p>#_NOTES</p>
Create your own formatting to your liking, add #_MAP for a map somewhere. See for all events placeholders.
KeymasterThis is not possible since you can have more than one event with the same name. ..
KeymasterYou can choose to show events on only the first day, just read the docs first
KeymasterI’ll make a feature request of this: change the ical formatting for an event.
But for now, edit eme_ical.php and change (line 102 or so)
$description_format = get_option('eme_single_event_format');
to e.g.
$description_format = "#_NOTES";
But normally I strip all html tags, see line 11 in eme_ical.php:
$description = strip_tags(preg_replace('/<br(s+)?/?>/i', "\n", $description));
Does this mean you have changed this code? Or is this not working?
Keymaster@mostelle: don’t hijack this thread. You’re not using the correct placeholders for EME, but those for “Events Manager”. This post and yours will be removed later on.
Thu 21 Jul 2011 at 07:08 in reply to: Can't use comments & GD star rating, shows same comment & rating for all events #45316Franky
Keymasterwrong forum, you need the “events manager” forum, this is “Events Manager Extended”
Keymasterwrong forum, you need the “events manager” forum, this is “Events Manager Extended”
KeymasterHmmm … wptexturize is being used for the event title and content …
KeymasterDid you use the #_MAP placeholder in the location/event formatting settings?
KeymasterOk, tried the plugin and after activating the calendar for events still pops up as before.
KeymasterWell, for debugging sake I will look at it for 5 minutes: since it’s that plugin that’s causing issues, I can just take a quick look to see if I can work around it (it not being free as well).
Mail it to me: , I’ll delete it immediately after the tests again.
KeymasterIs that a free plugin I can try?
KeymasterYou miss signle quotes around the “$oldcomment” in the update statement.
But best (and I need to change the code in general accordingly) is to use $wpdb->prepare.
I already have one example on the usage in the trunk code.
KeymasterThen try the eme_replace_placeholders function, e.g.:
eme_replace_placeholders("#_12HSTARTTIME", $event);
The first string can be whatever you want (normally it’s one of the formats you enter in the admin section)
KeymasterThe html output for a single event was created in a function eme_display_single_event_shortcode, but in trunk I made the function eme_display_single_event(), that takes the event ID as single argument and returns the html output for that event.
KeymasterSeems to work just fine here. Try using the default themes as well, and see if that helps you. And look in your browser for javascript errors, sometimes another plugin interferes.
Keymaster“insert into post” is there, so it works ok.
KeymasterJust tested this, seems to work just fine using WP 3.2.1
KeymasterFor the record:
(I really should contact the author and include it in eme itself)
KeymasterAttributes are serialized and then stored in one column in the events table, column event_attributes
These filters should best be used to add custom fields, so as to be able to give them to paypal in the background after submit.
KeymasterFrom the changelog in trunk:
eme_add_booking_form_filter and eme_delete_booking_form_filter filters added, so you can change the form html to your liking
KeymasterA quick solution to be able to add extra data/html to the form would be to add a filter after the form creation. The trunk version has these now:
so you can edit the generated html to your liking. Not perfect (I hate editing html directly in a script personally) but it should help you.
Keymastersorry, this is currently not possible
KeymasterThe rsvp hook allows you to get the whole event info as well (using the eme_get_event($event_id) function), so you do can have event attributes and use those values in the hook.
The url for rsvp approval is simple: you can get it from firebug when doing an approval via web, but the thing is that wordpress (and eme) checks for permissions, so if you script this you need a script that first logs in into wordpress, retains the pph session value and then does the same action. Maybe easier would be a small php script that updates the mysql booking table for that booking id. I’ll try to write a demo script later on for this.
Custom form fields are not yet possible, I hope to get around to that next …
KeymasterDid you read this:
In the format where you use #_EXCERPT, create your own link using #_EVENTPAGEURL and the word “more” or so, e.g.:
<a href="#_EVENTPAGEURL">More</a>
Keymasterhmm … did you try “full=1” in stead of “full=true”?
Note to myself: if this works, check eme_calendar.php, function eme_filter_calendar_ajax
KeymasterWP often changes this behaviour. I’ll check it out this evening and move this to Bugs.
KeymasterUpping this feature request, as it can be implemented now.
Keymasterconfirmed and fixed in trunk. Workaround: change one letter or so (e.g. add a space in the description) and it will work.
From the changelog:
fix a mysql warning which wasn’t one when updating a location without changing anything (wpdb->update returns 0 because 0 rows changed)
KeymasterThe “this_location” option only works within a location, not for events. “this_category” doesn’t exist (yet). If you want that, you can always make a feature request.
Mon 11 Jul 2011 at 16:19 in reply to: calendar dates not clickable and prev next load whole front page in calendar #47599Franky
Keymastercheck your general wordpress settings for site and home and such. Those settings should match. And also any other setting (maybe our apache server is doing the redirecting)
KeymasterWell, in the trunk version I’ve added code so every booking has a date/time there. Using that date/time in the attendees list is more complicated (because of the more-than-one issue), but a real booking table can be created: a new shortcode etc … but I guess the backend is sufficient there if I just add the date of the booking to it.
Mon 11 Jul 2011 at 12:59 in reply to: calendar dates not clickable and prev next load whole front page in calendar #47597Franky
KeymasterYour life site is redirecting the requests from… to… for the calendar ajax request.
But: going to gets redirected to so you need to fix things.
KeymasterCategories were “hacked on” just before I forked and created EME. In order to be able to sort by categories (and I assume you mean category name, not ID), major changes are needed. Also for the calendar: it’s a calendar, for date/time things. It’s meant for that only. For now the best and easiest thing to do would be to use fake times (and don’t show those) to sort the events to your liking.
KeymasterEither show category per category (using the category option for the events_list) or use the available filter for events_list (see )
KeymasterEmail is not something I’m going to implement: there’s a seperate plugin that let you insert EME events via a regular page, I believe the email part should go there as well.
KeymasterNot going to be done: bulk import can be done via mysql statements (using openoffice can help you there to go from csv to mysql). Email is not something I’m going to implement: there’s a seperate plugin that let you insert EME events via a regular page, I believe the email part should go there as well.
Keymasterthe calendar has no scope, so: denied. There’s is however a cleanup action that you can run to remove old events if wanted.
KeymasterAccess rights management has been implemented in trunk.
Keymasterimplemented in trunk
KeymasterI just checked the code: what’s preventing you from putting this link in the widget footer setting? Any format is possible then …
KeymasterBest is deactivation/activation, but for the rest: yes. And in one month, many things change, also trunk 🙂
KeymasterHmmm … it’s not that simple: the attendees list shows the persons who subscribed, but one person can subscribe more than once … And subscriptions can be changed by an admin later on as well …
Sun 10 Jul 2011 at 10:56 in reply to: today option needs to honor long_events (and all other scopes as well) #47845Franky
Keymastershow_ongoing has been implemented for that in trunk
Sat 9 Jul 2011 at 16:13 in reply to: Event Expresso and Event Manager Extended – now no longer work together #48028Franky
KeymasterUntil a week ago? The last update was about a month ago, so: no, no changes …
KeymasterFor the evnets ending in the future, the trunk version also has something for that:
* Feature: added option “show_ongoing” to [events_list], to indicate you want the scopes to include end dates (ongoing events) upon evaluation (like e.g. future events include events starting in the past, but ending in the future), or just the start date. Default: 1
KeymasterThere were some issues with 3.3.5, fixed in trunk. Try that one (for the filtering issue).
For the evnets ending in the future, the trunk version also has something for that:
* Feature: added option “show_ongoing” to [events_list], to indicate you want the scopes to include end dates (ongoing events) upon evaluation (like e.g. future events include events starting in the past, but ending in the future), or just the start date. Default: 1
KeymasterThere’s a bug in 3.3.5 which has been fixed for the next version:
* Bugfix: AND categories for [events_list] were no longer working and resulted in all categories being used
So: wait for the next release or update to trunk:
KeymasterThere’s already a feature request for more flexibility in the seo url’s. So it will happen, but not sure when.
KeymasterThere’s a widget (available when you installed eme) that allows you to show events, ascending or descending, past/future/all, etc … no need to use the shortcodes there. Just drag the widget where you want it in WP (if your theme is widgetized of course).
KeymasterJust tested this and seems to work fine here … are you using the correct location ID?
KeymasterYou need to go into the settings of EME and change the “format” entries to your liking. See here for any placeholders you may use there:
KeymasterWell, the last faq entry explains total removal and reinstall:
You’re welcome 🙂
KeymasterHmmm … to be sure to see what happened: export the mysql database (structure alone is enough for me) and mail it to me: , then I’ll be able to see what is really going on.
And I’m not in America but still: Happy Fourth!
KeymasterIf you don’t know html: use another theme. The theme you’re using is causing the javascript errors.
KeymasterYou’re missing the point: “Events Manager” and “Events Manager Extended” are two different plugins. If you have “Events Manager” newer than 2.2, you can’t switch to “Events Manager Extended” any more (the reason is that the “Events Manager” plugin changed columns and stuff, so I can no longer garanty the switch).
KeymasterWell, if you were using “Events Manager” newer than 2.2, and are switching to EME, then you have these kind of problems. Otherwise you need to post the db errors …
KeymasterSolve the javascript errors your site is having and your map will apear.
KeymasterRead the last entry of the faq:
Keymasternot relevant to my plugin. Please address your question on a generic wp forum.
KeymasterFor now I’ll attribute the other problem to a very old php version, so closing for now.
Keymasterlocation issue solved by being more specific in the address (added the country).
KeymasterCan you mail me an admin account and a scenario that can be tested on your site, so I can see for myself? My email:
KeymasterNo reaction, closing
Keymasterthis_week should now take the shift into account, please test the current devel version:
Keymasterthis_week should now take the shift into account, please test the current devel version:
KeymasterWhen I meant “be more specific”, is: enter more data in the address field so it points to france. Give us the address you enter in the backend for the location, so I can see for myself. Otherwise: are you saying that editing one location changes another?
KeymasterThis is not possible for the moment via the frontend. If they log in into the backend and have the WP role “editor”, they can just edit their own events (the events indicated as having them as “owner”).
KeymasterThere’s already a feature request for this (and workarounds).
KeymasterFor the location in africa: be more specific. For the other problem: wait until I analyzed it.
Keymasterscope=this_week probably doesn’t take your setting concerning “start day of week” into account. So I’ll move this to bugs.
For the list setting when using showperiod=daily: it’s a general wordpress setting there, you can configure it in the “General” settings of wordpress
KeymasterBecause it’s your webserver that must be able to connect to the mailserver, not your pc.
KeymasterThis is possible with the standard config, what’s the question?
KeymasterI guess you can use jquery for that, no?
KeymasterI’m guessing that your theme has JS errors, causing this behaviour … Never seen this before.
KeymasterCan you try the current devel version?
KeymasterUse this line in events_manager.php then:
define('SETTING_CAPABILITY', 'manage_categories');
KeymasterSub cats don’t exist (yet). But using the events filtering form, you can select categories for events (even multiple ones). See
KeymasterThe from address is not correct: for gmail you must use your gmail-address as from. See
KeymasterCan you explain what that checkbox does? Just a link to “view all events” at the bottom of the existing links in the widget? Or does it also takes the category and other options into account?
KeymasterIt’s like the error says: your smtp server can’t be reached. Make sure your settings are correct.
KeymasterThere’s a feature request for this (hopefully in July), but for now you need to change the code if you want other rights.
Access to Categories is defined by the constant “SETTING_CAPABILITY” (for now), and this is defined in events-manager.php as:
define(‘SETTING_CAPABILITY’, ‘activate_plugins’); // Minimum user level to edit settings
So if you want to change this, just change the this line to the level of your choice (see for all levels).
A future version will have the possibility to change this level in the settings page.
KeymasterWell, it’s a feature request to add extra custom fields, but I will only be able to start working on it in July …
KeymasterThe setting “Default event list format header” is for the events list, not the events calendar. If you want to have text before the calendar: create a page, put the text on it and then the shortcode “[events_calendar]” with all possible options (see
KeymasterGo in the settings and activate the extras like “Use categories” and such.
Keymasterif WP is complaining that the db table doesn’t exist, there’s not much I can do. Check your settings and such, and maybe you DB prefix or so …
KeymasterThese are not EME placeholders, but probably used by the other plugin called “Events Manager”.
For the list of placeholders:
and the read the last entry of the faq:
KeymasterFor the moment this is not possible, you’ll have to use a registration form somehow (even if you do it yourself).
Keymasterthe rel canonical tag gets added by the “All in one SEO” pack plugin, maybe you can tune something there?
KeymasterI don’t get redirected, so it seems just fine to me.
KeymasterLots of adjustments, mostly the JS files though …
KeymasterThese are *not* installed by EME, probably you installed the other plugin called “Events Manager” before this one. These conflict in database settings … see also at the bottom of the faq here:
Keymaster#_NOTES is a html field, not meant for a title.
Wed 15 Jun 2011 at 21:31 in reply to: Google Map not displaying correct location on Event page #47937Franky
KeymasterJust tried this at home and works just fine … try editing the location again and press save again, sometimes the geotagging in google maps doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do: in the frontend I use calculated longitude/latitude coordinates (I ask google for longitude/latitude coordinates in the admin backend after displaying the location map, but I can’t do that in the front because google doesn’t like it if you do that too often).
KeymasterShortcode docu:
CSS layout tips:
Hope that helps 🙂
KeymasterUse correct placeholders:
KeymasterDownload the latest version and compare the code …
KeymasterAnd what defines “that users’ events”? When he can’t see any events because he’s not registered, he won’t be able to register for those events.
If you want to play with what is being shown, use the filters:
KeymasterI’m guessing somebody altered the code … it should be just fine …
Tue 14 Jun 2011 at 21:36 in reply to: Google Map not displaying correct location on Event page #47935Franky
KeymasterSeems fine to me …
KeymasterChanging the language is a wordpress thing, not a EME thing. But it is very well possible that not all words have been translated into Italian.
KeymasterI’m sorry, but I can’t read this at all so I can’t really help you here … but in the English version of that page you have “Bulk actions” and that you can change to “approve registration” or “deny registration”
KeymasterIt’s the link above the one used in
KeymasterPut what tomchubb said in a page created and edited inside WP.
KeymasterIt’s the “Pending approvals” link. But make sure that your events are set for RSVP approval: after you activate RSVP for an event, you need to set “Require approval for registration” for the event.
KeymasterSee the WP admin page, EME part. There’s a link to the RSVP’s there.
Sun 12 Jun 2011 at 15:58 in reply to: More about admin panel – deleting a certain date of a recurring event #47912Franky
KeymasterYou can edit the specific event, that will take it out of the recurrence, and then delete it.
KeymasterYou shouldn’t use the Events page in your navigation menu, create other pages and use the available shortcodes (see
But if a page doesn’t exist in your menu: check your wp menu settings, the menu can be changed via the admin settings in wp itself.
Fri 10 Jun 2011 at 21:54 in reply to: Issue with integrating Gravity Forms, but issue is with Events Manager Extended #47897Franky
KeymasterWell, it seems to me extra coding is needed for the gravity form integration. I’m willing to do that (I already use wp_enqueue) but will need some pointers though …
Fri 10 Jun 2011 at 19:14 in reply to: Using the Filter for an own Attribute (#_FILTER_ATT_NAME) #47900Franky
KeymasterNope, not in the current version. You can use own filters there if you want to give it a try:
For the function call: I gave you the definition of the function, of course you can’t use it like that. Use this type of call (after updating to trunk):
<?php eme_get_events_list(0, "future", "ASC", '', 1, '','', 0, '', '', 0, "", 0, 0); ?>
or using the other notation:
<?php eme_get_events_list("limit=0&scope=today&show_ongoing=0"); ?>
Keymastershow_ongoing is not in 3.3.5, only in trunk
Fri 10 Jun 2011 at 07:16 in reply to: Use Multisite to keep separate calendars and then consolidate them? #47896Franky
KeymasterI’m guessing the best thing to do would be to use a hook so when an event is entered in a subsite, you enter it in the DB of the master. But that might result in problems when removing it again (because you can’t keep the event id) … The whole idea of subsites is data sepearation of course.
KeymasterFor now, since that’s what you want: yes (only 2 lines need changing in one js file).
KeymasterSorry, no option to turn it off (yet), but you can play with the CSS …
Keymasterline 13 in eme_events.php:
"event_status" => STATUS_DRAFT,
change it to:
"event_status" => STATUS_PUBLIC,
KeymasterYou can use #_ATTENDEES for that, see
KeymasterDid you update to trunk?
Keymasterthe current released version does this.
KeymasterThis is not my code (the part about Tuesday till Saturday). You may want to check your javascript source here:
var daystrs = ['Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];
Keymaster@tomchubb: I renamed “use_end_date” to “show_ongoing”, which more precisely covers what’s being done: if 1 (the default), ongoing events matching the scope are shown, if 0 only events which startdate match the scope are shown.
KeymasterYes, I have added a new functionality in trunk to the function, namely “show_ongoing”. By default it is 1, meaning ongoing events are also shown, but if set to 0 only events which start date matches the scope are shown. This should solve the problem at hand.
The new function:
eme_get_events_list($limit, $scope = “future”, $order = “ASC”, $format = ”, $echo = 1, $category = ”,$showperiod = ”, $long_events = 0, $author = ”, $contact_person=”, $paging=0, $location_id = “”, $user_registered_only = 0, $show_ongoing=1)
(or you can use the “&” notation and call the parameters in your own order)
KeymasterThis is/was a new bug, fixed now in trunk. You can download the latest version here:
KeymasterUse the correct placeholders. See
KeymasterRead the posts made by admintiger here:
KeymasterWhat, hello? The facebook button issue is not related to the problem at hand here, hijacking a thread is not polite. Also: when searching old posts you’ll find a solution for this problem (I believe admintiger is the person who found a solution).
KeymasterThe latest trunk version includes a new option to [events_list]: “use_end_date”
to indicate you want the scopes to include end dates upon evaluation (like e.g. future events include events starting in the past, but ending in the future), or just the start date (value:0).
Default: 1 (include end date)
KeymasterHmm … I see, I think I found the problem: “future” show events *ending* in the future, not starting in the future.
I’ll add an option so you can deactivate the end date being taken into account for relevant scopes, but for now: change line 1358 in eme_events.php from:
$conditions [] = " (event_start_date >= '$today' OR (event_end_date >= '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))";
$conditions [] = " event_start_date > '$today'";
KeymasterIf the events start on Saturday, they’ll show up on Saturday. But if they start on Friday and span midnight, they’ll only show up on Saturday if you use the “long_events” option for the event listing.
KeymasterFix your html: when you look at the generated html for , you’ll see the problem.
KeymasterFix all JS errors and the map will appear.
KeymasterDifferent issues here: you have lots of JS errors on your page (probably from your theme), but the real issue is that somehow a carriage return sneaked into the balloon text. Which is weird, since I explicitely remove these some line above the generation of the JS in the file eme_locations.php:
$map_text = preg_replace("/rn|nr|n/","<br />",$map_text);
What’s the EME setting for “Default location balloon format”?
Fri 3 Jun 2011 at 12:12 in reply to: "Padlock" icon on private events' titles and delete from individual event page #47828Franky
Keymaster@cyhdesigns: there was a small JS bug in the trunk version; which has been fixed. This solves the green screen of death again.
Thu 2 Jun 2011 at 21:17 in reply to: "Padlock" icon on private events' titles and delete from individual event page #47827Franky
KeymasterCzn you show that?
KeymasterYou can use the conditional tags and compare dates with values, e.g.:
[events_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" value="25 10 2011"]
Keymasterevents_if should work in the formatting. In the function eme_get_events_list, you can use these parameters:
function eme_get_events_list($limit, $scope = “future”, $order = “ASC”, $format = ”, $echo = 1, $category = ”,$showperiod = ”, $long_events = 0, $author = ”, $contact_person=”, $paging=0, $location_id = “”, $user_registered_only = 0)
Don’t forget that you can also use the hooks and filters for more fun stuff:
KeymasterThe links will continue to work 🙂
KeymasterCan you try the latest trunk version to see if this solves it for you?
KeymasterSet the events as private, they won’t show then if you’re not logged in.
Other solution: category can be a comma-separated list of categories to show, so you can show events in certain categories only (excluding categories like you asked is not possible).
You can also use custom attributes and conditional tags to play around with:
KeymasterFor the not-logged in part: make sure your nested shortcodes don’t contain the same shortcode nested. I mean, this doesn’t work:
[events_if tag ...
[events_if tag ...
[/events_if]In your case:
[events_if tag='#_IS_LOGGED_IN' value='0']
[events_if2 tag='#_CATEGORIES' value='2'] Sorry occupied [/events_if2]
[events_if2 tag='#_CATEGORIES' value='3'] [/events_if2]
[events_if2 tag='#_CATEGORIES' value='1'] #_LINKEDNAME [/events_if2]
[/events_if]should do it for the not-logged in case.
Keymaster@wahha: you’ve not described your use of shortcodes, you use a api function here. For the api function: always use the scope parameter. You can have many scope options, see (and more are coming in the next release).
Events always show only on their startdate, unless long_events is used.
The “today” code shows events where today is between start and end date of the event. I might need to honor the “long_events” option there as well though, that seems to be something I need to fix (tomorrow). I’ll create a bug report for that.
Keymaster2 shortcodes needed: [events_list] and [events_calendar]. Put both of these on a different page (with possible options) and you should be ok. See for all shortcodes and stuff.