Forum Replies Created
KeymasterIn trunk now:
Feature: scope=Nm–Mm, to get the events from month N in the past/future till month M in the past future (eg. scope=-3m–2m , scope=0m–3m)
Keymasterthe days should be ok now, forgot something.
The months: I’m not including the current month because it can get confusing. Suppose you want to show the events of the last 3 months: showing the current month might show future events, and that for the last 3 months? The same logic applies for future months to be shown.
If you want the current month, I would suggest to use either “this_month” or wait until I implemented extra scopes, so you can use eg. “0m–3m”
For the events shown: use ASC and DESC as usual for the sorting.
KeymasterEmpty days are not shown, the event list is not a calendar. Using wordpress and hooks/filters is explained here:
For now the this_week parameter doesn’t take the shift into account. This is a bug, so I’ll move this to bugs for that part.
KeymasterCheck your plugins and all you did: the xml-tag needs to be the first line of output, in your case it’s the second one.
Keymaster@Jude: so you mean you tested the latest trunk?
KeymasterDifferent sender is not possible (yet), different contact person and different mail text are possible though.
KeymasterAdding two form fields results in no change, since it’s eme that’s doing the parsing. Or are you using another plugin with higher priority that’s taking this in first?
KeymasterCheck the mysql table wp_options, option_name “siteurl” (and “home” as well maybe). Sometimes wp is getting things wrong …
Keymaster@gunray: I see RSS events in your feed, so it seems to be ok. Concerning the browser: I advise you to use a debugger there and see what’s the problem, since it works in firefox/chrome I can’t help you further here, but I’m pretty sure it’s a js thing in your theme somewhere.
Keymaster@paintstripper: you don’t have titles for your events. No titles, no valid RSS. You can check the validation of your RSS feed here:
The issue with
not starting on a newline is resolved (but not the caue of your problem here)Franky
KeymasterIt’s a wordpress thing: encapsulated shortcodes are screwing things up, so you can’t use a shortcode (something with “[…]” inside another shortcode. See the limitations section on the wordpress API page:
Keymasterno response, closing
KeymasterThe submit parameter works just fine here.
KeymasterIf coding this, you need to get the event ID. Look into the filters available for event lists:
Sat 28 May 2011 at 10:21 in reply to: "Padlock" icon on private events' titles and delete from individual event page #47823Franky
KeymasterI added a new placeholder “#_IS_PRIVATE_EVENT” in trunk, which returns “1” when an event is private. You can now use this in a conditional tag and check for it’s value. See for docu and examples on conditional tags.
Deleting an event needs to be done in the admin interface. Are you talking about just being able to choose between deleting one event in a recurrent series?
KeymasterI’ve added the following in trunk: scope=+Xd, scope=-Xd, scope=+Xm, scope=-Xm, with “X” being a number,
so you can now go X days/months in the past/future. The months scope shows the X last months or the X next months, not the current month
Of course other possibilities are now possible: scope=-Xm–+Yd or so, but not done yet (easy enough to code, but I’m lazy 🙂 )
KeymasterIt’s a php serializing standard, you need to follow it if you manually change things. So no autmatically updating possible. Best thing to do is to calculate the length of the string and replace things with a script.
KeymasterIf you change the content, also change the sizes. Here you changed the url, but you neglected to change the size indicator “s:80” to match the new size (I’m guessing it should be “s:72”)
Keymasternot possible without changing the code.
KeymasterHmmm … try using the filter for eme_event_list_filter: see
It’s a typical wp filter, so the first time just do a “print_r” of the array, so you know what you’re dealing with.
Also, you can filter by location, so maybe if you move all events for one class to the same location? Then the location could be the classname or so …
KeymasterThe CSS part I leave up to more capable hands than me 🙂 Try using firebug to help you out here.
But if you have more than 30 events for a day, that row increases in size to fit it.
Tue 24 May 2011 at 17:34 in reply to: Link to Existing Content Drop Down to list events as well as posts and pages #47790Franky
KeymasterEvents are not posts, so the dropdown you talk about won’t give that info (I honestly don’t know what dropdown you are talking about, but I can imagine it).
KeymasterWell, there are some notification systems for wp, but only for new pages/posts. I’ve already implemented a hook for when a new event is entered, now it only needs to be hooked into for notifications. And people probably want only notifications for specific categories, so they need to be able to subscribe/unsubscribe to categories (something like “let me know if something happens for similar events”)
KeymasterGood suggestion! I’ll try to add that this week.
KeymasterCreate event categories for the classes and filter on the category.
KeymasterLook in the line above that one, and further down for the variable $submit.
It should work just fine … but I’ll check it out
Tue 24 May 2011 at 15:49 in reply to: calendar dates not clickable and prev next load whole front page in calendar #47595Franky
Keymasterthanks for the info!
Mon 23 May 2011 at 18:03 in reply to: Display a list of events that are past events and are limited to only this year #47781Franky
KeymasterAdded in trunk:
* Feature: scope=”this_year” is possible for shortcode events_list
* Feature: scope=”YYYY-MM-DD–today” and “today–YYYY-MM-DD” are now possible, to show events from a certain day in the past till now or from now till some day in the future, also “this_week–today”, “this_month–today”, “this_year–today”, “today–this_week”, “today–this_month”, “today–this_year”
@admintiger: many scopes can still be added 🙂 But the rest is a bit off-topic already, so would you mind creating a feature request for this? I’m trying to wrap up for the next release …
KeymasterUse a conditional tag to check if the value of #_REMOVEBOOKINGFORM_IF_REGISTERED is not empty, and then show the text you want. See
KeymasterSorry, not possible … You can set it to 0 days though 🙂
Mon 23 May 2011 at 10:26 in reply to: Display a list of events that are past events and are limited to only this year #47779Franky
KeymasterI’ll add that this evening if time permits it (using this_month, this_year, but “this_year” is not possible now, not even for future events)
KeymasterIf you have installed “Events Manager” before this, this might happen. If this is the case:
go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?”.
Then deactivate and reactivate EME.
This setting will delete all old tables and settings concerning EME, so also those corrupted by Events Manager, so you’ll start with a empty events manager then.
Sun 22 May 2011 at 22:00 in reply to: Display a list of events that are past events and are limited to only this year #47777Franky
KeymasterThis is now possible in trunk:
* Feature: scope=”YYYY-MM-DD–today” and “today–YYYY-MM-DD” are now possible, to show events from a certain day in the past till now or from now till some day in the future
KeymasterChange the EME format settings to your liking. Use the placeholders to change anything as you see fit, see:
KeymasterFor a single event:
.urlencode(eme_event_url($event));If you want this inside a EME format setting, it’s easier:
KeymasterHmm … I was a bit too quick in reacting: the event title size is generated by your theme, so you need to check your theme for sizings 🙂
KeymasterUse CSS. See also:
Keymasternot possible (yet) without changing the code. You can use some CSS to hide them maybe …
KeymasterCreate one page with at least this as content:
[events_list scope=past limit=3]
[events_list scope=future limit=0]See for all options
Thu 19 May 2011 at 15:31 in reply to: Jquery not working to change the month on next and prev links.. #47754Franky
KeymasterYour website is showing errors in the javascript console, fix these first. These prevent other javascript (like the calendar jquery) from functioning). Probably your theme is the issue here.
Thu 19 May 2011 at 15:29 in reply to: How can I copy or export all the events from one WP site to another? #47753Franky
KeymasterIf you don’t find the data, then it’s not in there. Do a mysql dump of the eme tables (database tabmes starting with wp_dbem_* or so) and import these.
KeymasterThis was a problem with events crossing midnight, does yours?
KeymasterUse an extra attribute and conditional tags to check for that attribute then, then you can choose to show the link or not based on the value of the attribute. Search this forum for examples (and the doc)
KeymasterIn the format where you use #_EXCERPT, create your own link using #_EVENTPAGEURL and the word “more” or so, e.g.:
<a href=#_EVENTPAGEURL>More</a>
Keymaster“localhost” as hostname will always fail … everybody’s pc is “localhost”, so I can’t check this.
Tue 17 May 2011 at 22:01 in reply to: How can I copy or export all the events from one WP site to another? #47749Franky
KeymasterThe export all content should do it.
KeymasterFor the moment this requires own coding: call the api function:
and play with the result.
KeymasterNot a bug at all … don’t do “localhost” http in the first place, but for the rest: it’s your IIS that’s blocking the request, so look in those logfiles and figure out why.
Mon 16 May 2011 at 21:32 in reply to: Manage reservations confirmation by wordpress user status: author #47740Franky
KeymasterIt is in the pipeline to configure this, but for now: change events-manager.php, around line 126 to the level you want/need:
define(‘MIN_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit own events
define(‘AUTHOR_CAPABILITY’, ‘publish_posts’); // Minimum user level to put an event in public/private state
define(‘EDIT_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_others_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit any event
define(‘SETTING_CAPABILITY’, ‘activate_plugins’); // Minimum user level to edit settings
in your case, the “EDIT_CAPABILITY” would need to change (probably to ‘publish_posts’).
KeymasterNow that it works: can you explain (when you wake up) why this is advantageous to you?
KeymasterSorry, not possible. You can have a ical or RSS feed though …
Or if you want a page with just the calendar in it: just create a wordpress page with a very clean layout theme, then enter “[events_calendar]” as it’s contents.
KeymasterAttributes are for events, not locations (not yet anyway). Locations already can have a separate image …
KeymasterUse the available filters for this:
KeymasterHmmm … I didn’t change anything in perticular concerning this, but any change might provoke an undesired effect of course. Maybe try this: at around line 1262 in events-manager.php, below the condition
if ($field == "event_excerpt") {
remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
But maybe it’s better to use the available filters for this? For the filters you can use:
KeymasterWhere did you add this (in which setting)?
KeymasterI still need to test it a bit though, so if you have time to test the trunk version, please do and let me know the results.
KeymasterImplemented in trunk:
* Feature: you can now specify the default number of events to show in a list if no specific limit is specified (used in the shortcode events_list, RSS feed, the placeholders #_NEXTEVENTS and #_PASTEVENTS, …)
KeymasterOk, implemented in trunk:
* Feature: you can now specify the default number of events to show in a list if no specific limit is specified (used in the shortcode events_list, RSS feed, the placeholders #_NEXTEVENTS and #_PASTEVENTS, …)
KeymasterI’ll be adding this one next 🙂 And then release …
KeymasterThe “day” does not take hours into account (because of possible timezone issues). If you want to show an event only on the starting day, use “long_events=0” as an option to the events_list shortcode (which is the default), the same goes for the calendar.
KeymasterNo green screen of death here …
KeymasterNice to hear it works now 🙂
Keymasterpoint me to the feature request for that again?
KeymasterIt seems something is messing up the permalinks. For starters: disable these in the EME settings and try again. Then re-enable them and try again 🙂
In your case I click on an event with link “” and I get redirected to “”, which *might* indicate a permalink issue here.
KeymasterUnified diff would be great! Plus the explanation per diff of course 🙂
KeymasterDoes the event crosses midnight?
KeymasterWell, normally when clicking on an event, you go to the single event. So maybe for starters the website demonstrating the problem?
KeymasterMake sure that the “Events page” setting points to a valid page.
KeymasterI can’t tell for sure. It seems like a bug, but I can’t reproduce it here. Are these events crossing midnight?
And this line is a bit misleading (old faq entry). It means that you can change the regular settings in EME for the layout, or change the WP page template (for the post you want) and use EME API calls (which are also documented and just a fancy word for EME function calls, albeit not all)
KeymasterHi Adam,
sorry, no repo. Well, in fact there is: the wordpress repo. But I can’t give that account info 🙂
But do mail me anything you want (or post it here), and if I can understand the extra code (and it’s useful to the world) I’ll be happy to include it in the trunk version.
Btw, the trunk version:
KeymasterI see, for this I believe you want to use the option “long_events=0” for the [events_list] shortcode
KeymasterMake sure you edit the recurrence, and not one of the individual events from the recurrence.
KeymasterProbably your setting “Events page” is not correct, check that one out.
KeymasterYou should just change the formatting setting for the Event list, that’s all. No code needs to be changed, every layout is possible via the settings.
Tue 10 May 2011 at 17:45 in reply to: calendar dates not clickable and prev next load whole front page in calendar #47592Franky
KeymasterNo, the link is ok, it’s jquery that’s doing it’s work, so nothing wrong there.
Would you mind mailing me an admin account, so I can check things out: liedekef [at]
KeymasterA teacher? Not really, but I see your point 🙂
KeymasterLike others: see my example and place the “if (!$found_event)” statement correctly.
Mon 9 May 2011 at 19:36 in reply to: calendar dates not clickable and prev next load whole front page in calendar #47589Franky
KeymasterIt seems to me the clicking works, but you need to do something about your event listing format.
I would suggest: start all over with the event settings and data, by selecting “Delete all EME data when uninstalling” in the EME settings window, then deactivate and reactivate the plugin. Then all settings are back to their defaults and you can go from there.
KeymasterChange the line
print "<h2><a href='".get_bloginfo('url')."/events/?event_id=".$row['event_id']."'>".$row['event_name']."</a> ".$row['event_start_date']."</h2>";
print eme_event_url($row);
KeymasterThen use an attribute to indicate you want an external link and use a conditional tag to test for the value of it.
If you change the code, upgrades are going to be more difficult later on …
KeymasterDon’t do that, just use the #_EVENTPAGEURL placeholder and build your own link with it, eg. in the event format setting:
<a href=#_EVENTPAGEURL target=_new>#_NAME</a>
KeymasterSee the option “showperiod” for “[events_list]” at
KeymasterI have two small bugs to trace and I’ll release, but it’s not a major release due to other work …
KeymasterJust change the formatting for those events to not show the times (when showing individual events), or otherwise for all events. You can also use an attribute and check it with a conditional tag as well, and leave out the time info when a certain condition is met. Search for events_if in this forum for examples, and read the docs on attributes and conditional tags.
KeymasterWhy don’t you just check for the start and end date, and if they differ: show the end date. This is explained in an example on
KeymasterThen I advice you to use a filter for the event list and only use that filter for a specific page or so …
The available filters:
KeymasterThis means that there’s a location/event in category 18 with some description in the balloon that’s not ok. Shouldn’t happen though, so probably a bug there. Are you using anything special (weird characters, etc …) in the location balloon there?
Thu 5 May 2011 at 19:27 in reply to: display "please check your spam folder" in the Booking form #47572Franky
KeymasterThanks for input James, much appreciated!
Wed 4 May 2011 at 21:54 in reply to: Registration option not available when event is "clicked" #47654Franky
KeymasterYou have to change the settings so the registration form becomes available. In your case you want to change the setting “Default single event format” and use at least the placeholder “#_ADDBOOKINGFORM” in there (you can use plain html as well). See this page for other possible placeholders for events:
KeymasterSorry, no idea as of now for the rss feed. This might be a bug, needs to be checked.
For the jquery: problably the slideshow plugin loads a jquery different from the one used by wordpress, preventing certain functionality.
KeymasterNot possible for now, I’ll move this to feature requests
KeymasterIn the widget settings you can change the format of the list being shown by using any of the shortcodes mentioned on this page:
Tue 3 May 2011 at 17:57 in reply to: Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host #47638Franky
KeymasterOk, the format issue is a bit weird. I’m moving this to bugs so I don’t forget to look at it.
For reference to myself: the problem seems to be with encapsulated shortcodes (which I don’t know if wordpress supports fully). The page content:
<ul>[events_list scope=past order=DESC limit=0 format="<li>#M #j #Y - #_LINKEDNAME #_ATT{SPEAKER}[events_if tag='#ESC_ATT{SPEAKER}'] [events_if2 tag='#ESC_ATT{TOPIC}'] on <em>#_ATT{TOPIC}</em> [/events_if2] [/events_if] </li>"] </ul>
KeymasterMail arrived ok. The widget works fine: when selecting past events, make sure you select the correct category (or none) to show: you only have 2 past events and they have no category.
Is that enough?
KeymasterFor the second page, create a template, use the shortcode [display_single_event] and use the filter “eme_event_filter”, see You should be able to change the layout of the event then.
I know it’s a event-per-event thing using this shortcode, but for now …
Or another option: put that event in a special category and use the [events_list] shortcode with the option “category”. Also use the “format” option, so you can just show what you want for that event …
You can also play with conditional tags here.
Much to try out, hope it helps!
Mon 2 May 2011 at 21:08 in reply to: Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host #47636Franky
KeymasterFrom what I can tell, your php version is not correctly set up/compiled for SSL
KeymasterWell sure, mail me an account: liedekef [at]
But I can’t promise you anything before tomorrow evening though (probably Wednesday, construction works are starting here …)
KeymasterConcerning the quotes: I can’t tell from here. I would need to see/experiment for myself with your settings.
The widget: no idea. Again I would need to test on your system myself, and maybe get a dump of your db.
KeymasterMy previous post stands: the special events page you set in the settings is needed and used to render events.
Events are not posts and thus need a page to render onto.
KeymasterWell … for example the string “LOCATIONTOWN” is nowhere in my code. Maybe you’re using “Events manager” and not “Events manager extended”?
KeymasterThe list of attendees is available via the #_ATTENDEES placeholder, see
#_ATTENDEES will return a html-list of names attending the event (formatted via the setting “Attendees list format”)
KeymasterFormatting should always work, but you need to be careful with quotes there.
The widget works just fine for past events, see my example on
You can also use a filter, see
KeymasterIf you have installed “Events Manager” before this, this might happen. If this is the case:
go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?”.
Then deactivate and reactivate EME.
This setting will delete all old tables and settings concerning EME, so also those corrupted by Events Manager, so you’ll start with a empty events manager then.
KeymasterEither install the trunk version or wait for the next released version.
If wp ignores the back to back brackets, just put a space in between them.
KeymasterThe special events page you set in the settings is needed and used to render events. As mentioned in the EME settings: “The content of this page (including shortcodes of any kind) will be ignored completely and dynamically replaced by events data.”
So create another page, add the shortcode and it will be ok.
KeymasterThe reason is simple: for now you can’t compare to an empty value, the if-structure I wrote ignores it and falls to the default, which is to check if the tag value is not empty.
I added the possibility to specify “is_empty=1” as condition part in trunk, so your code becomes:
[events_if tag='#ESC_ATT{SPEAKER}'][events_if2 tag='#ESC_ATT{TOPIC}' is_empty=1]
[/events_if2][/events_if](also, be carefull: wordpress sometimes doesn’t like “[” and “]” right next to each other and might ignore it …)
KeymasterWhich plugin is it?
Keymasterread this thread
Sat 30 Apr 2011 at 13:04 in reply to: time: 12 h time shows 0 before hour for single digit early morning (i.e. 1 -9) #47616Franky
KeymasterYou can use other formatting for time, see the doc:
Keymasterdon’t change the code. Use the shortcodes as I told you before. You *always* need a default event page (I never said you didn’t), it should best be a page not shown in the menu itself.
KeymasterMake sure you don’t have any extra html characters inside these shortcodes, wordpress is very picky about that. And in which setting did you enter this?
Keymastersorry, but no: rss feeds are a one-on-one relation to your events. Maybe later on I’ll add a feature to only show an event starting from date x to date y or so, but not just yet.
KeymasterDid you look at the examples at the bottom of the page? You should really try to play with conditional tags, it adds a lot of freedom.
KeymasterSure you can, but I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon. It’s after all an events calendar, not a tool subscribing to other calendars. If you want that you should use another software that can subscribe to multiple calendars using ical or rss feeds.
KeymasterDon’t change files. This is perfectly possible using the standard configuration options:
– start your table in “Default event list format header”
– end your table in “Default event list format footer”
– for each table row, enter the html in “Default event list format”, using the placeholders available for events and time:, eg:
or, if the link is also an attribute:
Understanding the use of attributes is explained here:
KeymasterYes, using attributes this can be achieved. If you search the forum, you’ll see other people having integrated eme with a shopping cart. For attributes, see:
Thu 28 Apr 2011 at 18:37 in reply to: calendar dates not clickable and prev next load whole front page in calendar #47587Franky
KeymasterSet your “Events page” setting to some hidden page. Then disable/re-enable the plugin to force the rewriting rules to refresh.
Thu 28 Apr 2011 at 18:36 in reply to: Nice looking output (loosely based on and hCalendar microformat #46547Franky
KeymasterNo css change gets overwritten at all. See
KeymasterAnother plugin or your theme is probably interfering with the jquery. Try using the default theme and try again. If that doesn’t work: try disabling all other plugins to see if that solves it, and then re-enable one by one.
KeymasterDon’t change the special events page, create your own page with shortcodes and add the ical-shortcode there as well.
KeymasterBy default only 10 are shown, change this using the shortcodes and the limit option, see:
KeymasterThese are not valid placeholders. See for all placeholders (for events, locations, etc …)
Keymaster@webby2: I don’t believe that google doesn’t index the events, if I search for “” in google, I find some references to events. So google indexing works.
Again: if you think google should index your site but it doesn’t: contact google and discuss it with them.
KeymasterI don’t know that plugin, but I’m guessing it only indexes posts and pages. Events are not posts, so …
Tue 26 Apr 2011 at 21:43 in reply to: display "please check your spam folder" in the Booking form #47569Franky
KeymasterWell … depending on what you want: yes
Tue 26 Apr 2011 at 21:10 in reply to: Calendar shows index of WordPress directory when advancing to next month #47562Franky
Keymaster2 things you need to do:
“WordPress address (URL)” should be (ending with a slash)
And you need to configure your webserver to use “index.php” by default for directory indexes, otherwise you need as “WordPress address (URL)” (and I don’t know if that works for wordpress in general).
KeymasterIn fact it is not a bug in eme: by removing/changing the setting “EME events page” you changed the EME behaviour, but in wordpress the permalinks stay until:
– you deactivate/activate the pluging that configures the permalink (eme in this case)
– you visit the permalinks setting and just press “save” again (not even need to change anything)
I can do the permalink thing on every page load of course, but that wouldn’t be correct …
KeymasterEver thought about asking google first?
Tue 26 Apr 2011 at 17:36 in reply to: Calendar shows index of WordPress directory when advancing to next month #47560Franky
KeymasterCheck your settings “WordPress address (URL)” and “Site address (URL)”. I’m guessing you moved your dir … the url requested by advancing on the link has as base url “” where it should be “”, but since your wordpress settings give this info …
KeymasterThat setting (“Events Page) needs to point to an existing page (best one not used in your menu).
KeymasterAh yes, I forgot: already fixed in the latest trunk 🙂
Get it here:
KeymasterWell, there’s the option to remove all data+settings when deactivating the plugin: go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling”, then deactivate/reactivate the plugin and all EME options should be cleared. The rewrite rules seem to be another issue, but it’s worth a try.
KeymasterWhich version of EME are you using? Also the settings you used please: the shortcode+options and the relevant format settings.
KeymasterI will, no worries 🙂
Keymaster@marijke: nice work!
@halles: I’m always open for improvements for the time picker (in fact I don’t like it now, so maybe I should switch over to the one used by malo.conny 🙂 )
For the location processing: I am still planning on adding a status field there as well, so locations can be in draft also, and have an owner and such, but that’s for the future. The easiest way to implement locations would be just showing the location dropdown, but if you need any help, I can download your code and take a look at it.
KeymasterSee the documentation for conditional tags, it has examples (see at the bottom) that do what you want:
KeymasterConcerning the events_if: read the doc with plenty of examples here:
KeymasterThis has been fixed in trunk:
Apparently your webserver still has magic_quotes_gpc set to “on” in php.ini, please do deactivate it (deprecated feature of php)
KeymasterYou’re using “#l #j #F” which just shows the start date info, also use the end date then:
KeymasterFixed in trunk:
KeymasterUse the eme function eme_get_bookings_for to get just the emails for the event:
$bookings = eme_get_bookings_for($event_id);
foreach ($bookings as $booking) {
$email = $booking['person_email'];
}For the rest: email list is a feature request.
KeymasterRead this:
Keymasterchange the wordpress general settings and it should be ok
KeymasterThe event links to the event, what you show inside the event is completely configurable in the settings via placeholders (see
Keymasterno response, closing