Forum Replies Created
KeymasterTry to not use quotes, see what that gives
KeymasterSee , the default limit to show for rss feeds is 5 (it was wrongly described as being 10 by default in the doc, I corrected that)
KeymasterSorry, but I’m doing some major house renovating right now, so I will be adding stuff as usual, but for sure no delivery dates.
KeymasterThese are the correct rewrite rules …
KeymasterLocations have different placeholders than events. See
KeymasterThat would result in a mail to all people …
Keymasterfixed in trunk
KeymasterThe best is indeed to create your own page, where you can use all the shortcodes and the options to your liking.
KeymasterEither it’s wordpress doing this or your webserver (or another plugin). So:
– for wordpress: go in “Permalink Settings” and press Save (even if you don’t change anything)
– for webserver: see the .htaccess files (if it is a apache server)
– for another plugin: disable all other plugins and see if it works then, then re-enable one by one
KeymasterWell, sorry, but I’m guessing that the php session causes this (the captcha works with a php session).
KeymasterTry changing in eme_rsvp.php:
$msg = response_check_captcha(“captcha_check”,1);
$msg = response_check_captcha(“captcha_check”,0);
and see if that solves it
Keymasterthat’s a browser thing I believe: hitting “back” sometimes bring back the previous values for a form, sometimes it doesn’t.
KeymasterSeems like a qtranslate issue to me …
KeymasterThat’s already a feature request:
And, read this:
KeymasterThe location shortcode can not use those placeholders. See
KeymasterLook at the settings for “Default event list format”, “Single event page title format” and “Default single event format”, EME uses that to format the ical results.
KeymasterAlready a feature request, see
KeymasterThis is not an EME issue, but a wordpress issue. You probably uploaded via ftp, and then you czn’t edit the files via the wordpress editor.
KeymasterSure, just use:
[events_if tag='#ESC_ADDBOOKINGFORM']the heading[/events_if]
KeymasterYes there is: #_RESERVEDSPACES (or #_BOOKEDSEATS) , see Apparently I forgot to document it (which I corrected now), but it is indicated in the EME settings page as well.
Keymasternope, the function sanitize_title_with_dashes (in wp-includes/formatting.php) used to call remove_accents (iirc) but it no longer does. I found this ticket+changeset:
Tue 12 Apr 2011 at 17:39 in reply to: How to get the date right depending on the period of the event ? #46454Franky
KeymasterThese are already on the documentation pages as examples:
KeymasterYou did not specify the site, but I figuredd it out from the logs, I see no issues there. Eg.
works just fine.
The problem with the permalinks is because the slug “events” gets translated, but in 3.1 the accents are not removed (difference in 3.0 and 3.1 in a function of wp). I corrected this in the development version, but I will also add the possibility to define a permalink manually per event.
KeymasterNot enough info by far … describe in detail the problems here.
Keymasterdon’t use the special events page (‘Events eme’ in your case) in your menu and you’ll be fine.
KeymasterThen it might be a conflict with either your theme or another plugin. Try the default theme and see if it works then. If not, try disabling all other plugins and re-enable one by one until you find the incompatible one. Please report the results here.
KeymasterProbably javascript errors or theme errors. Look in the error console of your browser for tips.
Keymaster@linkshark: can you create a feature request for this? Seems like the “long_events” option for the calendar shortcode should be present also for the events_list shortcode.
KeymasterI’ll check the meta tag question later on, but search engines index based on meta tags (in the past) *and* content. Also, when displaying a search result, regular search engines a la google never show meta tags as a result, they show the excerpt of the html based on the text you searched for.
Keymasteryes (it is unused code after all), but I changed ‘$this_hour’ into ‘$this_time’ (same result) at line 1181
KeymasterThat has already been added to trunk (not yet released)
KeymasterEvery click on an events link gets redirected by the webserver to , so you might want to check your redirect configs and logs.
Keymaster2 changesets:
followed by (I forgot to commit in one go):
Keymasterhas been added in trunk: the attendees list format can now also use #_USER_RESERVEDSPACES
KeymasterPlease complain to the author of that plugin: it’s replacing all jquery data (the map javascript gets it’s info via ajax jquery) by a mailto-link. It should not be doing this at all …
KeymasterLanguage files need to be compiled after editing (using eg. poedit), creating a .mo file. That’s the file being used.
Keymasteryour version of the file eme_events.php is not the one provided by me for version 3.3.4. Correct that file please (and maybe others)
KeymasterNo problem either way, I’m always glad when someone lends a hand 🙂
KeymasterUse also “scope=future” to the [events_list] shortcode
KeymasterFor the moment it’s based on the date only. But if you want this, edit eme_events.php and change line 1244 and next from:
//$conditions [] = " ((event_start_date = '$today' AND event_start_time >= '$this_time') OR (event_start_date > '$today') OR (event_end_date > '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL) OR (event_end_date = '$today' AND event_end_time >= '$this_time'))";
// not taking the hour into account until we can enter timezone info as well
$conditions [] = " (event_start_date >= '$today' OR (event_end_date >= '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))";to
$conditions [] = " ((event_start_date = '$today' AND event_start_time >= '$this_time') OR (event_start_date > '$today') OR (event_end_date > '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL) OR (event_end_date = '$today' AND event_end_time >= '$this_time'))";
// not taking the hour into account until we can enter timezone info as well
//$conditions [] = " (event_start_date >= '$today' OR (event_end_date >= '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))";As you can see: the code is already there …
KeymasterThat’s just what I meant: you can’t. It’s a calendar, it’s supposed to show events for months and you can go back and forth. If you want this scope functionality: file a feature request.
KeymasterRead this thread:
KeymasterDid you read ?
KeymasterI agree that it would be better to put in the source, but I can offer any help needed.
Keymasteralready a feature request
KeymasterIf this is the case, something has been changed incorrectly in either the language files or in either eme_events.php or eme_rsvp.php. Mail me an admin account and I’ll take a look, but it is 99% sure a change gone bad on your side.
KeymasterSee you need to use “ASC” or “DESC” (with capital letters)
Keymastergit is easy 🙂
Btw: I was planning on beginning integration of the version malo.conny put up this week, but I realized it would need small enhancements concerning recurrent events and location management (the drop-down option for locations should be honoured). But I can always integrate your changes in the main plugin, or assist in any way for a addon plugin.
KeymasterFor the moment not possible, no. You need to export the attendee list to CSV and start your mailing from there.
KeymasterSure, very interested!
Keymastera bit overkill with the array 🙂 But accepted into trunk, thanks for the patch!
KeymasterThe link posted above contains references to wordpress explanations for how action hooks work.
Keymasteryou have javascript issues preventing the calendar popup to work correctly. Either another plugin or your theme is the cause of the problem here.
KeymasterThere’s an action hook available after an event has been created, see:
Just do something when the state is draft then …
KeymasterThe pot-file does contain the word “Categories”, but not “Cleanup”, therefore I updated the version in trunk. You can get it here:
KeymasterWhere exactly did you get the “orderby” part from? A calendar always shows … a calendar, no ordering here, and also no choosing between future/past and such.
See here what you can use as options for the events_calendar shortcode:
KeymasterI tried this here and could not reproduce this: I can change the date-format in the admin->settings->general without problems while EME is active. Are you sure Events Manager Extended is the cause here?
KeymasterPut a space between the end-tag “[/events_if]” and the next “[events_if]“. WordPress is kind of sensitive there (not a bug in EME).
Also, you need to put the li-tags at the beginning and end, not #_LINKEDNAME and #_CATEGORIES out of it:
#j #M #Y [events_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{j M Y}"] au #@_{j M Y} [/events_if] [events_if tag="#H:#i" notvalue="00:00"]- #H:#i [/events_if] [events_if tag="#H:#i" notvalue="#@H:#@i"] Ã #@H:#@i [/events_if]<i>#_LOCATION#_ADDRESS #_TOWN</i>
Type : #_CATEGORIES</li>Franky
Keymastermore info please: what do you put in the [events_if] code? And where?
KeymasterThanks for the translation. Did you base yourself on the template file eme.pot? That file should contain all strings and can also be loaded in translation programs like poedit.
KeymasterSorry, but I have so much other feature requests to complete, so this one is low on the scale for now.
KeymasterI suspect it is either a settings problem or another plugin conflicting. But the map wasn’t working before, and now it isn’t working again? Not really “wordpress website is down” to me.
More info please. Start with website address, and maybe the relevant settings that you changed. Also disable all other plugins and see if that resolves the issue. If all else fails: send me a mail with admin account/pwd at:
KeymasterI do it via ajax just to avoid full page refresh … if you want that, you could try to change the jquery and also force a refresh on the ad (personally I don’t like ads 🙂 ) Search for “j_eme_calendar.get” in eme_calendar.php for this.
I’ll consider the Previous/Next suggestion 🙂
KeymasterThe reason I don’t do it by name is because it takes up too much space in the standard twenty ten theme. There’s no hook or filter to change this for now …
KeymasterDid you try this:
KeymasterOk, you can now use calmonth and calyear as url parameters to the page you came from, so adding this might now help for a “back link” (put it in the setting for single event format):
<a href="{Y}&calmonth=#_{m}">Back</a>
For this to work, you need to apply the following changeset:
Keymastercforms works just fine here. Can you explain what’s wrong?
KeymasterI have found the issue: you’re hitting a border case where (according to me) your server is so fast it generates the same microtime 2 times. Upon reloading you sometimes get the correct output as well. This should fix it (once WP fixes the permission issue again):
KeymasterIn your theme, the call to “the_title();” happens outside the loop in one-page.php. Don’t do this. See this (info in twentyten theme):
That’s the reason why in this page: the title still shows as “Podujatia v PieÅ¡Å¥anoch”
KeymasterHmmm … then I would like to ask if I can have a temporary admin account to check things out:
Keymasterthanks for the code! I’ll take a look at it and make a shortcode out of it as well
Mon 28 Mar 2011 at 11:15 in reply to: Nice looking output (loosely based on and hCalendar microformat #46542Franky
KeymasterProbably your theme doesn’t show the title, or the CSS is hiding it …
KeymasterI just found out that WP changed behaviour in 3.1 … I used the function “sanitize_title_with_dashes” to create the permalink, but it no longer replaces the accents correctly in 3.1 … sigh …
I fixed it in trunk now:
Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 08:44 in reply to: Not really a bug, just an extra coming from #_DIRECTIONS #47325Franky
KeymasterChanged the filter name to “eme_directions_form_filter”, seems better:
Sun 27 Mar 2011 at 08:42 in reply to: Not really a bug, just an extra coming from #_DIRECTIONS #47324Franky
KeymasterI created a new filter for this, so you can change the form to your liking (WP filter “eme_directions_filter”). See this changeset:
KeymasterAnd why an action? The eme_event_form function just shows the form for edit/creation of an event, it doesn’t do anything.
KeymasterYou need an events page, even if it’s hidden in the menu, you need it. It’s the page that’s being used to render the event info. I’ve looked around on your site, and I believe this is the case. Create a page called ‘Events’ (or whatever), don’t show it in the menu. Then go into EME settings and use that page in the setting “Events page”
KeymasterIs the setting “Events page” in the EME settings page correct?
Otherwise: it might be another plugin doing url control or so (some SEO plugins do this), so try disabling all other plugins and see if it works then.
Keymasterindeed a bug, caused by me forgetting to add single quotes where it is needed. Can you try this changeset:
KeymasterIn fact, everything after the ID-number is ignored, so this both works:
There’s already a feature request for custom permalink field per event, so it will happen (I hope to include this for the next version)
KeymasterMore than half of this won’t be happening any time soon unfortunately 🙂
But The first part of #1 and also #7 are for sure things that should be feasible to do for the next version.
KeymasterFor the moment you can’t, but I’ll add it for the next version (it needs a new parameter)
KeymasterYou add it once in the settings and it is available in all events, with a possible default. See
Thu 24 Mar 2011 at 19:28 in reply to: Feature Request: hierarchical categories (multi-levels) #47301Franky
Keymaster@wputler: the filter already can do multiple selections (unless it’s a bug and it doesn’t work) by using “multiple” as an option to “[events_filterform]“.
KeymasterWell … yes 🙂 I forgot about the attributes this time.
Keymasterhmm … is the eme_locations.php fix ok so the location map shows? If the problem now exists only for the calendar I can search for it, otherwise I need to check using 1.5.2, but that’s currently not even supported by WP itself …
KeymasterRead the last entry of the FAQ and see if it helps you:
Keymasteryou can’t
KeymasterNo, it uses the same as in normal posts, because it’s the theme doing this.
KeymasterIf you look at the source, you’ll that the title is surrounded by a H1-tag with CSS entry-title (in the twentyten-theme), so you can change that to your liking. In your theme it might be different, but the layout is done by the theme for the title.
Keymastersorry, no idea. It depends on my free time …
KeymasterOk, I updated it in trunk (and backported the fix), but php 4.x is no longer supported (and for security reasons it’s advised to upgrade asap). See the php website for this.
Keymasterok, this does not happen on my setup. Quotes are correctly escaped and shown. See here as an example:
KeymasterGood to know! Telling me that it has something to do with single quotes gave me the needed hint already 🙂 I’ll debug asap
KeymasterOk, confirmed bug and fixed in trunk, backported to 3.3.4 (so other people won’t have that problem).
For the fix:
Keymaster#_EVENTLINK is not a valid shortcode. See
KeymasterHmmm … I activated it on a 3.0.5 site, on a 3.1 site (simple and multisite) and did not get this error. So it’s probably php version thing. Can you do 2 things:
– send the version of php
– change the line 99 to remove the word “array” so it becomes:
function fputcsv2 ($fh, $fields, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $mysql_null = false) {
KeymasterI see now. Did you check the setting “Default event list format header”?
KeymasterYou’re using the special Events page directly. This is the title of that page you’re seeing. I advise against using that, and creating your own pages with the shortcodes (like [events_list], [events_calendar], etc …)
KeymasterDid you edit this file using the WP plugins editor?
KeymasterProbably your location can’t be resolved in a unique way, try to be more specific (use street, town, state, country, etc …)
KeymasterSorry, this doesn’t seem to be possible according to me. I would suggest 2 different categories and use a different calendar widget on each page of your applications, using just that calendar in the widget settings. Then copy the event for the 2 categories and override in 1 category the layout for the individual event.
KeymasterChange the lines:
define(‘MIN_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit own events
define(‘AUTHOR_CAPABILITY’, ‘publish_posts’); // Minimum user level to put an event in public/private state
define(‘EDIT_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_others_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit any event
define(‘SETTING_CAPABILITY’, ‘activate_plugins’); // Minimum user level to edit settings
to be:
define(‘MIN_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_others_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit own events
define(‘AUTHOR_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_others_posts’); // Minimum user level to put an event in public/private state
define(‘EDIT_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_others_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit any event
define(‘SETTING_CAPABILITY’, ‘activate_plugins’); // Minimum user level to edit settings
Keymasterworks fine here, make sure you have the Dutch translation of WP (file wp-includes/languages/
KeymasterCheck your settings in wp-config.php, the setting should be
define (‘WPLANG’, ‘nl_NL’);
and then you’ll see the correct names
Sun 20 Mar 2011 at 10:29 in reply to: Possible to exclude categories from [events_list] & [events_filterform]? #46862Franky
KeymasterI just thought about this: you can use a filter for that:
In your case: eme_event_list_filter. But don’t do paging then, it might give weird results.
Sun 20 Mar 2011 at 09:11 in reply to: A comparison chart for events-manager and events-manager-extended would help us #46574Franky
KeymasterSorry, I don’t look at the competition any more … I have my hands full on implementing my own list of feature requests. If you have something you’d like to see implemented, submit it as a feature request here.
KeymasterIt’s a WP update issue that indeed caused this. I fixed this in trunk and it will be in the next version (any day now)
KeymasterEME doesn’t use the roles you create, but uses the capabilities. So this must mean they still have this cpability somewhere. I don’t know the “Members WordPress Plugin”, but I’ll try this later on myself
Keymasteryes, that’s the case
KeymasterThe checks performed by EME for roles/rights are only for EME activities, nothing else. Try “edit_others_posts”
KeymasterSee here for the different roles you can use:
KeymasterLook at the lines below that one:
define(‘MIN_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit own events
define(‘AUTHOR_CAPABILITY’, ‘publish_posts’); // Minimum user level to put an event in public/private state
define(‘EDIT_CAPABILITY’, ‘edit_others_posts’); // Minimum user level to edit any event
define(‘SETTING_CAPABILITY’, ‘activate_plugins’); // Minimum user level to edit settings
KeymasterYou can use a more “generic” mail address for that, that mails 2 people (done via your mailserver settings, not wordpress). You can also change the contact person per event.
KeymasterNot possible without using the filters:
Use the eme_event_list_filter filter and count the number of elements in the array, that’s the number of events shown.
KeymasterLook for the line
define('MIN_CAPABILITY', 'edit_posts'); // Minimum user level to edit own events
in events-manager.php and change it to your needs. I’ll try to make this configurable in the future.
KeymasterBoth of these placeholders do not belong to EME and are not created by it as well (maybe you installed the other plugin “Events Manager” before?). See here for a list of valid placeholders for e.g. events:
If you installed “Events Manager” before, read the last FAQ entry here:
KeymasterGreat! Can you also upload an .mo file, so I can include both in the next version?
KeymasterHmm … apparently I didn’t generalize the locations JS yet. Can you try if this changeset fixes it for you:
Keymasterimplemented in trunk:
#_PAST_FUTURE_CLASS also generates a new class for ongoing events (class ’eme-ongoing-event’)
KeymasterOld SEO plugin issue, mail sent to user. Not a EME bug
Keymasterok, got the mail
KeymasterBtw: you can use paging with the [events_list] shortcode
KeymasterSorry, still no mail received … to which address did you send it?
KeymasterThis is not possible: which event is the previous/next one? There’s no way to know on which base you arrived at that page (by direct link, via filtering, via the calendar, etc …). So this will not be possible.
KeymasterSorry, no mail received here.
But could you try upgrading to trunk? It has some SEO fixes, that might be of use to you. Get it here:
KeymasterEscape the quotes
KeymasterI don’t support manual changes to the code (is a hell to keep for updates), but eme_ical.php is indeed the place to change this. But be careful changing that file (don’t use the wordpress plugin editor, use your own)
Tue 15 Mar 2011 at 22:03 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45093Franky
KeymasterThis is a per-event thingie
KeymasterWould you mind mailing me a temp admin account so I can check things out? My mail: liedekef [at]
Keymasterthat, or your theme 🙂 Try the default theme and see if it works. Read also this post:
Otherwise try with the EME setting “Always include JS in header?”
Mon 14 Mar 2011 at 08:43 in reply to: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your #47206Franky
KeymasterDownload the development version here: (link at the bottom), but it is development: it *might* contain other bugs (but I consider it safe)
KeymasterCSV export implemented in trunk
Sun 13 Mar 2011 at 23:00 in reply to: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your #47204Franky
KeymasterI can confirm that your issue has already been solved in trunk. You can update to trunk if you want, or wait for the next release
Keymasterthe sorting is implemented in trunk.
KeymasterTo be most honest: just make a donation for the work already done. I have this on my todo list …
Sun 13 Mar 2011 at 21:52 in reply to: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your #47202Franky
KeymasterWell, those changes are in the latest trunk. So if you encountered something similar, I would like to ask for an admin account so I can see what’s going on. You can mail it to me: liedekef [at]
Sun 13 Mar 2011 at 15:47 in reply to: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your #47200Franky
KeymasterWhat other post are you refering to?
Keymasterswitching to custom types is another feature request, but would cost me a great amount of time and work …
KeymasterThe All In One Pack SEO plugin probably hooks into posts/pages creation/display. This won’t work for events, because indeed they are not posts. Many other plugins (like star rating) and plain comments suffer the same problem. I can’t add all this functionality into one plugin though, so unless I switch to custom post types, this won’t happen any time soon (and those have other problems then: what about recurrent events, for example).
Sun 13 Mar 2011 at 08:56 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'event_name' in 'field list'] #46961Franky
KeymasterIf you have installed “Events Manager” before this, this might happen. If this is the case:
go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?”.
Then deactivate and reactivate EME.
This setting will delete all old tables and settings concerning EME, so also those corrupted by Events Manager, so you’ll start with a empty events manager then.
Sun 13 Mar 2011 at 08:53 in reply to: Display A full textual representation of a month while [events_calendar full=1] #47192Franky
KeymasterAh, I see what you mean now. Try this changeset (is in trunk also):
KeymasterYou seem to have a plugin that loads a very old version of jquery, thus causing trouble:
Fri 11 Mar 2011 at 16:14 in reply to: Display A full textual representation of a month while [events_calendar full=1] #47190Franky
KeymasterYou can change anything you want in the calendar format settings. If you want a list per month, use [events_list] with the scope parameter
KeymasterIt might be a cache thing. The next version will force no-cache headers.
Keymasterfixed in trunk