Forum Replies Created
KeymasterLook at your widget settings, maybe you specified a category there or so.
KeymasterYou have “format:=”, should be “format=”. The “:” in the doc was part of the rest of the sentence and has been removed to solve the confusion. Also the whole thing needs to be quoted, otherwise the spaces will cause trouble (and watch out for quotes inside quotes …)
KeymasterTry adding “eventful=1” as option to “[locations_map]“, it seems to work then. I need to check this …
Edit on this: this was a bug on my side that has been fixed in trunk
KeymasterI changed it like that (it is what I intended)
KeymasterTry this change:
KeymasterAnd what about this:
if ($endstring<$startstring) {
}==> don’t check for smaller than or equal for dates, it’s the endstring/startstring that matters.
KeymasterWell, in fact it’s a bug that should be reported to that plugin’s developer.
KeymasterOk, I figured it out: the “dynamic content gallery” plugin uses mootools by default, which seems incompatible with the jquery of wordpress (which EME loads). The solution is simple: in the settings of the “dynamic content gallery” plugin, tab “Javascript options”, choose “jquery” as framework and not “mootools”, and everything will work again 🙂
Keymasterdone in trunk
KeymasterSend me a mail with the logon details: liedekef [at]
If you agree to “miss” the photo gallery for 1 minute, I can see what’s going on. Otherwise I would suggest to look at other plugins for your purpose, eg:
I’ve activated “Favorite Notification” in your profile on this forum, so if you add this topic to your favorites, you’ll get mail.
KeymasterI’ve played around a bit, but maybe it’s easier if I can get a temporary admin account on your site? Than I can activate the plugin, see the (probably javascript) errors and deactivate it again …
KeymasterChanged in trunk:
KeymasterYup, I’m the developer 🙂
I’ll take a look at the youtube video.
KeymasterIf you give me a quick howto on how to use that plugin, so I can reproduce it? I see that events work on your site, but I don’t see black boxes …
KeymasterThe reason is that events aren’t posts. There’s one “special” post page which contents are always overwritten with events data.
About the facebook button, admintiger has some experience with the “share this” plugin (which also uses facebook):
But I hope to implement local comments in the future … it’s just that sometimes wordpress is very hard to figure out …
KeymasterCan you explain what doesn’t work? I don’t know that plugin, but I just installed it and all events still work just fine.
Wed 9 Mar 2011 at 18:20 in reply to: Sort Category and Town alphabetically in events_filterform #47154Franky
KeymasterI mean it’s not coded up for now. But I’ve taken a look at it, and it seems simple to do. Try this change for the file eme_filters.php:
KeymasterGlad to hear it works!
Wed 9 Mar 2011 at 13:58 in reply to: Sort Category and Town alphabetically in events_filterform #47152Franky
Keymasternot possible for now (not in the code)
Btw: please do post in the correct forum please.
KeymasterUse your html knowledge:
<a href="#_EVENTPAGEURL" target=_blank>#_NAME</a>
Wed 9 Mar 2011 at 12:36 in reply to: Please use enqueue_style for the events_manager.css file #47146Franky
Keymasterimplemented in trunk. But the easiest is still to use eme.css in your own theme, see:
KeymasterUse the shortcode #_EVENTPAGEURL to get just the link (instead of using #_LINKEDNAME) and then you can construct your own url as you see fit. See
KeymasterThat’s a method of doing things … but implementing something like that will take time and work. I’ll put it on the ever growing feature request list (which doesn’t seem to get smaller, no matter how many features I implement …)
Mon 7 Mar 2011 at 23:24 in reply to: Recurring – changes to schedule deletes events and creates new ones #47133Franky
KeymasterEven better now: I use the 404 template of the theme.
Mon 7 Mar 2011 at 22:52 in reply to: Recurring – changes to schedule deletes events and creates new ones #47131Franky
KeymasterThis issue has been fixed and a properly 404 redirection is done now.
Keymastereverything is doable, but depends on the need of many and the time of one 🙂
Sun 6 Mar 2011 at 22:22 in reply to: Recurring – changes to schedule deletes events and creates new ones #47130Franky
KeymasterHmmm … your theme seems to be the cause of this. I tried using the standard theme and have no issues. Can you mail/post the header.php of your theme?
KeymasterSometimes I am 🙂 Sometimes I am incredibly slow 😉
Sun 6 Mar 2011 at 22:08 in reply to: Recurring – changes to schedule deletes events and creates new ones #47127Franky
Keymasterthat’s weird … it works fine here if I directly go to an event that doesn’t exist. Can you show such an url? Or where the headers are already sent?
Sun 6 Mar 2011 at 21:40 in reply to: Recurring – changes to schedule deletes events and creates new ones #47125Franky
KeymasterThe 404 happened to be another feature request I just implemented:
KeymasterDone in trunk
KeymasterThis is already a feature request.
Sun 6 Mar 2011 at 20:16 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46857Franky
Keymasternice !
KeymasterPlay around with “table.eme-calendar-table thead”, “table.eme-calendar-table tbody” and “table.eme-calendar-table td” (see events-manager.css). You need to decrease the font size, weight (in the thead) and padding (in td) and such …
Keymasterinteresting … moving to feature requests
Keymasterok, coded in trunk. Can you check this out:
KeymasterWell, it is by design, see in eme_recurrence.php, function eme_insert_events_for_recurrence:
$event = $event;
This is of course not the correct behaviour in your case, but it has been like even before I forked from the original plugin. But I got your explanation a bit wrong here, so let me code up the “+1” day if the end time is lower than the start time (I got it wrong with start/end date/time explanation)
KeymasterNot a bug, but by design. But anyway: for events in recurrence, start and end date are always the same. For the recurrence itself: you need to give the correct end date then 🙂
Sun 6 Mar 2011 at 18:38 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46855Franky
KeymasterTry trunk, should be ok
KeymasterWell … mail a login then, or a direct link to a page or so …
Sun 6 Mar 2011 at 18:21 in reply to: Recurring – changes to schedule deletes events and creates new ones #47123Franky
KeymasterWhen changing the dates, they become new events. Almost impossible to change existing events then: if you change the dates, the recurrence might change as well, so what happens with the “left over days”? And how do you know which “old” events maps to which “new” event? This one is not going to be implemented by me, way too much cases can pop up. In all cases, except for date changes, the events are kept if possible.
Sun 6 Mar 2011 at 13:03 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46853Franky
Keymasterno response, closing
KeymasterOk, apparently WP has a bug when creating rewrite rules with “pagename” as a param to index.php and the page in question is a subpage of another page. I changed this to use “page_id” as param instead, which seems to work fine. Could you try the latest trunk when you find the time?
KeymasterDemo site please?
KeymasterThe excerpt doesn’t add a “more” word. It’s not the same as the “more” for regular pages. If you want that, include a “more” link yourself after the #_EXCERPT placeholder.
KeymasterThese are not bugs, but behaviour by design. I have been thinking about these myself, but the priority is low for this. Moving to feature requests, but not urgent.
KeymasterIt’s not a bug, but a php warning that a variable doesn’t exist. I fixed this in trunk, but you can easily change your php.ini file to not show warnings/notices. See your php.ini file for that, check the setting “error_reporting” and “display_errors”. For a production site, “display_errors” should always be “off”
KeymasterFor layout changes:
and also read the “Tips” section of the forums
Fri 4 Mar 2011 at 23:31 in reply to: Some placeholders are automatically replaced in the Events Details #47090Franky
KeymasterFixed in trunk.
KeymasterFor the moment the location list is added, but it’s on my to do list to split this up.
KeymasterHmmm … I’ll try this plugin myself, but I will move this from bugs to general.
KeymasterYou put it in e.g. the “single event format” setting in the EME settings page
KeymasterThat info is not added by my plugin. You probably have some kind of breadcrumb plugin installed, or your theme is doing this.
KeymasterMy latest comment stands …
Thu 3 Mar 2011 at 20:37 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46852Franky
Keymasterlogical: you probably don’t have 3 pages of that category … a demo is always nice
KeymasterNope, this is not possible by default. But you can use a filter for that:
Or, if wordpress can support different widget settings on different pages, try that. See e.g.
Thu 3 Mar 2011 at 14:13 in reply to: Some placeholders are automatically replaced in the Events Details #47089Franky
KeymasterAh ok, then I’ll fix it 🙂
Thu 3 Mar 2011 at 13:16 in reply to: Some placeholders are automatically replaced in the Events Details #47087Franky
KeymasterI can fix this, but I see that you’re using placeholders inside the event notes. This is not supported nor advised and if I fix the issue, this will no longer work. Now it’s just “#i” that is a valid delimiter and is being replaced.
A workaround: don’t use the short notations for time (#i and such) but the (more correct) notation: e.g. #_{d/m/Y} or #_{i} and so on.
KeymasterThere is no mentioning at all of these placeholders in my code or on the site …
KeymasterDifferent sites ???
KeymasterAh, you mean you don’t see the booking form? You need to add the #_ADDBOOKINGFORM placeholder. See
KeymasterThere’s a checkbox on the right side when creating/editing an event. There you can activate the RSVP for that event. The general setting is just to activate RSVP in general.
KeymasterHave you created a recurring event?
KeymasterI’ve checked your site via the mail you sent me and can see no issues.
KeymasterNone of the mentioned placeholders exist. See
KeymasterWhat shortcode and what options did you use for the calendar? See here for all posibilities:
You probably want the option “large”
KeymasterNo, but this one does:
The page you refer to has the event description on it, but probably not #_MAP
If you want: sent me a mail with admin access so I can check it out ( but I believe you just need to play around with the placeholders.
KeymasterSeems to work fine here
KeymasterThat’s not dissapearing. It’s the default: only 10 events are shown by default. If you want more: use the “limit” option for the “[events_list]” shortcode. See
Keymasteryes, check the widget settings
KeymasterFirst of all: try switching to the default theme and try again. If it works ok then, then it’s a theme issue …
If not, try switching off permalinks and try again. And report back the test results please.
Keymastercorrect, it is indeed events_filterform. But there’s a small bug in the current version (when combining filtering and paging), which I believe to have fixed in trunk.
Tue 1 Mar 2011 at 22:38 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46850Franky
Keymasterok, please update to trunk and see if it fixes it for you
Tue 1 Mar 2011 at 21:41 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46848Franky
KeymasterYes, the GET method wasn’t working correctly as well. I need to figure out another method. It will get fixed during this week.
KeymasterWhat this means is that your tech guy probably indeed messed up. It’s impossible to assess from here what went on at your site on a DB level. If you can reproduce this problem with a clean setup, I’ll be happy to take a look at it.
Keymasteryup, that’s the reasoning behind user_trailingslashit.
KeymasterYeah, like in the link I provided: they only update once a day or so, not configurable.
But don’t overdo the developing: there’s a hook when an event gets saved, so you can plug into that:
Keymasterno response, closing
Keymasterno prob, but I still like your feedback on this one 🙂
KeymasterThis is because you’re not using the calendar widget. Use a widgetized theme and use the calendar widget and you’re good to go.
Tue 1 Mar 2011 at 14:33 in reply to: Calendar of events – limiting a single Day page to one Category #46824Franky
KeymasterDon’t hijack an old thread. Your question is a new one, so please start a new thread and post exactly what you want. Also read up on [events_list] and it’s paging options:
Keymastercorrect! And corrected 🙂
KeymasterThe click goes to another page, not the same, so I don’t quite understand this … can you demonstrate?
Keymasteradmintiger: we are talking about “user_trailingslashit”, where the trailing slash only gets added if the user has defined this in his permalink setup.
Keymasternormally, when clicking the calendar widget for a specific date, the calendar stays on that month …
KeymasterIt’s in the feature request queue 🙂
Keymasterimplemented in trunk
KeymasterI don’t understand … what exactly do you want to achieve? What filtering?
Keymasternot really a bug 🙂 But implemented in trunk now. If you want/need it:
KeymasterHmm … interesting, this I need to test. Thanks for the heads-up!
KeymasterNormally, an ical feed gets refreshed by google every few hours:
KeymasterIt seems your event page takes precedence in your permalinks, so I’m guessing the WP rewrite rules haven’t changed yet.
Try going into your permalink settings (WP settings subsection) and choose “default”, press save, choose your old setting and press save again. See if that solves it for you.
Also: did you deactivate/activate the plugin?
If that doesn’t work: go into EME settings and disable the permalink rendering (new option).
KeymasterI’m not quite sure when that (special page as home page) changed (according to me, it should’ve never worked so for). I always advise people to never directly use the special events page (in their menu, as home page, etc …)
KeymasterYou have the possibility to subscribe to an ICAL feed if wanted.
And also, read this:
Keymasterjust put in some approximate address and don’t show the address then …
KeymasterNope, it doesn’t do that for recurring events. You can try to achieve this using the provided filters:
Btw: thank for the coffee 🙂
KeymasterThe pointers are also in that link 🙂
KeymasterDon’t do that … just use the available filters for this:
KeymasterSince already discussed in another thread, closing (don’t use the special created Events page as home page, that’s it)
Keymasternope, but you can use the available filters to achieve what you want:
KeymasterMailed some stuff already: the special events page should not be used as home/front page, that’s the first of it. It seems to be working just fine now, but you need to adjust your theme so the homepage shows something sensible as well.
KeymasterOk, bug in filter form … this fixes it for you and everybody:
(I updated your plugin already, so it works now)
KeymasterVery weird … can you mail me an admin account so I can check things out? My mail: liedekef [at]
KeymasterOops … sorry, misread your post. You can’t just use the filter form on it’s own. Like johngalt said: Check out the 2nd sentence which is in bold on this page:
If that doesn’t work: give a link to that page. And maybe mail me an admin account so I can see what’s going on: liedekef [at]
KeymasterI just installed that plugin myself and have no issues with it. So it might be another plugin or your theme causing this. Can you try to disable all other plugins and see if it works then? And then reactivate one by one until you find the guilty one.
Another possibility: your theme. Try using the default theme for your site and see if that fixes things.
KeymasterI just tried this here and it seems to work just fine. Can you mail me an admin account so I can see what happens on your side? My mail: liedekef [at]
KeymasterCan you see if this fixes it for you:
Sun 27 Feb 2011 at 19:00 in reply to: using event_rsvp status in [events_if] conditional shortcode #46971Franky
Keymasterimplemented in trunk:
Feature: added #_IS_RSVP_ENABLED shortcode, returns 1 if RSVP is enabled and active for the event, 0 otherwise
Keymasterimplemented in trunk
KeymasterIt seems WP is very confusing. In the WP general settings page, you have:
WordPress address (URL)
Site address (URL)
but “Site address” corresponds to the function “home_url()” and “WordPress address (URL)” to the “site_url()” function. I was under the wrong assumption that I needed to use “site_url()”, but it needs to be “home_url()” as base for generating pretty links. Most of the time these two are the same, but not always. So I updated the code to use “home_url()” and advise those with permalink problems to update to trunk and try again:
KeymasterTry the trunk version (and disable/enable the plugin):
With SEO settings I mean the permalinks settings in WordPress itself.
KeymasterPlease try if this fixes it for you:
KeymasterThe your version is wrong, because this change is now in released 3.3.2 code (not in older versions)
Also: try disable/enable the plugin or go into the SEO settings, change SEO settings to default, press “save”, change SEO settings back and press “save” again.
KeymasterI’ll take it into consideration, but the place where you use “user_trailingslashit” is wrong, because it also might add a “/” if no seo is used. The correct thing would be:
$the_link = trailingslashit(site_url()).user_trailingslashit($name);
there’s nothing wrong with your English 🙂
The CSS part:
For the rest, these are acceptable feature requests but not possible yet, so moving to feature requests.
Sun 27 Feb 2011 at 16:59 in reply to: #_LOCATIONPAGEURL does not show the new friendly links! #46988Franky
Keymasterfixed in trunk, thanks for noticing!
KeymasterNot yet, but easy enough to add though … you just want the numbers?
KeymasterYes, if you used a version of Events Manager >2.2.2 (like any 3.x release they made), the DB is off (since we use the same tables here …)
Try this:
go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?”.
Then deactivate and reactivate EME.
This setting will delete all old tables and settings concerning EME, so also those corrupted by Events Manager, so you’ll start with a empty events manager then.
KeymasterIndeed, johngalt is right: it is either “#_EVENTPAGEURL” of “#_LINKEDNAME”. See
KeymasterI’ll check this out, but normally “0” means you can rsvp until the day/hour of the event.
Sun 27 Feb 2011 at 16:49 in reply to: using event_rsvp status in [events_if] conditional shortcode #46970Franky
KeymasterFor the moment this is not possible, but I’ll move this to feature requests (should be easy to add).
KeymasterSee [locations_map] shortcode (it adds the map though)
KeymasterUse the filters for this, see
KeymasterAlready implemented in current released versions, look for the placeholder #_ICALLINK (see
KeymasterBtw: what are your WP settings for “WordPress address (URL)” and “Site address (URL)”? And did you deactivate/activate the plugin?
KeymasterIn the *new* 3.3.2 or in the latest trunk this option is available.
Thu 24 Feb 2011 at 22:59 in reply to: Use the email address on the form as the notification sender #46962Franky
KeymasterNot possible via the current code, even some mailservers might consider this spam (mail from external domain sent via their webserver)
If you want to see the sender in the message, please use the mail format settings for this.
KeymasterPlease re-upgrade or download the latest trunk, then you can disable the permalinks in the settings of EME. It seems many sites have a weird setup where permalinks don’t work the way they should …
KeymasterI would advise not to put the special events page in the menu, and create a new page containing the shortcodes of your liking.
KeymasterCould you try this change in events-manager.php:
KeymasterHmmm … I think I know where this problem is located, I”l try to fix it asap
KeymasterIt’s probably an issue with the use of double quotes. I’ll try to reproduce this
KeymasterJust try putting the link into the title of the widget (I haven’t tried this myself though). If wordpress doesn’t allow html there, it’s another issue …
KeymasterJust about everything can be styled without touching the code. Please use firebug for your CSS issues.
KeymasterFor now I’m not adding this as a feature, but what I meant was “it’s not possible in the current code”. You’re of course free to fiddle around.
But if I was you, I’d use the event list filter hook for this, see
KeymasterThe calendar thing is in trunk, and I’ve changed the code to use the translated word for “events” and “locations”. Please test out the latest trunk for this:
Keymastersorry, not possible
KeymasterActivate the setting “Enable shortcodes in widgets” in the EME settings page.
KeymasterI’ll try to add the calendar_day thing (but without the name, because you can have more than one event on a day). But for now it’s “events” and “locations” as initial part … I’ll look into that later on.
Keymasterjust use “limit=7” then or so. I’ll try to add logic to it like this: “next x days”, “next x weeks”, “next x months” later on
And you can also use “scope=next_week” or “scope=this_week” (or both together in 2 shortcodes). See
KeymasterUnfortunately I haven’t heard back from VidJa yet, so I need to implement this myself. It will happen (but not in the next release, which is around the corner)
Wed 23 Feb 2011 at 08:41 in reply to: how to show only 10 next events in balloon info or in location details #46873Franky
KeymasterSorry, the balloon content is done via jquery, and doing shortcodes in there would get messy …
KeymasterHas been implemented in trunk, see:
KeymasterThis was already fixed in trunk 🙂
Tue 22 Feb 2011 at 22:34 in reply to: how to show only 10 next events in balloon info or in location details #46871Franky
KeymasterThis is indeed not meant to be used inside the balloon format. In the location details however, you should be fine using “[events_list]” with the limit. You should even be able to use:
[events_list location_id=this_location limit=5 paging=1] or so …
If not: what version are you using?
KeymasterUse firebug to debug your CSS issues in firefox. Probably you want an extra div around the image and telling it where to go etc …
I suggest that you first try to get this right in a regular html page (without using tables) and then apply what you learned there here. See also:
KeymasterYou have an error in your theme, blocking all other javascript from being executed:
$ is not a function
Line 33Tue 22 Feb 2011 at 16:01 in reply to: how to show only 10 next events in balloon info or in location details #46869Franky
KeymasterSee the doc: