Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHmmm … weird. Can you mail me an admin account? My mail: liedekef [at]
Also: what version of php and WP are you using?
KeymasterI’m guessing you didn’t replace all files … it runs just fine here
And of course: deactivate/activate is needed, and also check the setting “Events page”
Tue 22 Feb 2011 at 10:38 in reply to: how to show only 10 next events in balloon info or in location details #46867Franky
Keymasternot possible using NEXTEVENTS, use the [events_list] shortcode for that
Tue 22 Feb 2011 at 09:15 in reply to: Possible to exclude categories from [events_list] & [events_filterform]? #46858Franky
Keymasternot possible yet. I’ll move this to feature request.
KeymasterWell … the bug is fixed …
You might want to try out the latest trunk already, the code is stable:
If you do: please report back with your results!
KeymasterSorry, but I’m not going to do all the paypal coding here. Some tips:
– read up on wordpress action hooks (see link above)
– for the “…”: you need to read up on how to integrate paypal via php. The general idea is:
* set the event so that bookings need approval
* redirect to a URL from paypal so people can do their payment
* upon successful payment, go back to wordpress and:
- either create a php script that automatically approves the booking and let the booker know
- or just send a mail that the booking can be approved (manually) and let the booker knowMon 21 Feb 2011 at 19:20 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46846Franky
KeymasterHas been fixed in trunk. The method is indeed GET now, but it required a few more changes.
Although GET is not very ideal, it works for now. Later I need to change this to jquery stuff, so the URL stays clean.
Keymasternice try 🙂
There’s one small open bug report. When I finish that one, I’ll release.
KeymasterIt’s in the trunk version, not in the released one
Mon 21 Feb 2011 at 08:27 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46845Franky
KeymasterThis needs further testing on my side as well …
KeymasterYou can format the whole filter form, see the settings page for this, look for “Default event list filtering format”
Sun 20 Feb 2011 at 23:13 in reply to: filterform with categories does't work with events list pagination #46843Franky
KeymasterOk, for this to work: change in eme_filter.php online 9:
KeymasterNo, not possible. Read again the warning in the admin page: “The content of this page (including shortcodes of any kind) will be ignored completely and dynamically replaced by events data”
and also when editing the page: “This page corresponds to Events Manager Extended events page. Its content will be overriden by Events Manager Extended. If you want to display your content, you can can assign another page to Events Manager Extended in the the Settings.”
Best thing to do is not let this page appear in the menu (setting “Show events page in lists” to “no”) and if you have a custom menu, just remove that page from it.
KeymasterFor now you’re stuck with this … please open a feature request for this.
For the rest: try to use li for now, and use some clever CSS-ing.
KeymasterUse firebug to debug your CSS issues, that will help you determine where to change what.
KeymasterThis is part of the encryption for the paypal donation button, nothing to worry about 🙂
Sun 20 Feb 2011 at 14:36 in reply to: Multiple dates (not on a regular pattern) for same event? #46837Franky
KeymasterIn the list of events, the info of the created/copied events is always shown (not dependant on wether it’s a copy or not). The external page has nothing to do with that, but if you plan to use an external page then that page has no reference to the event pointing to it.
If you want that, you’ll need to use the possibilities given by EME itself: use placeholders inside the single event formatting, and put the description inside the notes window (it’s a rich html editor window). Upon copying an event, all this gets copied as well, so no worries there.
Sun 20 Feb 2011 at 13:08 in reply to: Multiple dates (not on a regular pattern) for same event? #46834Franky
KeymasterBest: one event, and you copy it (there’s a “+” sign in the admin event list that allows you to copy the event), just editing the date/time of the event would be enough)
In the trunk version you can refer to an external page for an event as well (but you still need to create the several events)
KeymasterFirst: don’t change the special events page, read the warning when doing so. Create your own page and put the shortcodes there
Second: configure the fields to be shown for the filtering in the EME settings page.
Read this:
Keymasterscroll-wheel can be disabled now (merge of your and my code).
Sat 19 Feb 2011 at 12:39 in reply to: Suggestion for a small clarification of "Start day" in the monthly reoccurence #46527Franky
KeymasterI agree that it was a bit unclear. I removed the “month day of”, as per your suggestion.
Fri 18 Feb 2011 at 23:41 in reply to: Calendar of events – limiting a single Day page to one Category #46822Franky
KeymasterHmmm … indeed, when clicking on a date, the extra limitations are not taken into account … sigh, another thing to fix 🙂
But, you can use the [events_list] shortcode, limited to category=1 and use daily/weekly/monthly paging. See
And more: you can use the [events_filterform] shortcode, to show a filter form (based on eg. location or town), see and
KeymasterA new release is around the corner, I just want to integrate some small things.
For the monthly grouping: see : showperiod=monthly will help you there (the yearly option isn’t documented yet, because not yet released).
KeymasterBtw: this is the version that’s going to be released, so your utf-8 issues are a good bugfix-part 🙂
KeymasterUse firebug to debug your CSS issues. In this case: change the css for “.eme-location-map” to include “float: right;”
For correct css changes:
KeymasterOk, if I post the diffs, I expect you to use just those, not selectively get some full files from trunk and some not (this caused your issue with a function not found). Please update to the latest trunk (in a whole) and you should be good to go:
Keymasterno response, closing
Keymasterno response, closing
KeymasterAccording to the testing: It was the slide show plug-in from iThemes that was acting weird.
Problem solved
KeymasterFor the download:
For the changes:
and best also:
But if you don’t want to do it manually, download the latest trunk (development version, but stable for now):
KeymasterYearly showperiod wasn’t possible until now, has been implemented in trunk
KeymasterOk, maybe this works as well: in eme_calendar.php, function eme_filter_calendar_ajax(), add the following line:
header('Content-Type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'));
just before the call to “eme_get_calendar”:
header('Content-Type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'));
KeymasterNot a bug, it seems your webserver is at fault: it returns iso-8859-1 by default.
If you can change this in the httpd.conf file, it should help:
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
(and reload/restart apache)
I’m going to look for a way to force utf-8 in the ajax request as well though! So I’m leaving this open for now.
KeymasterWell, it’s indeed a bug. Never thought about testing this 🙂
I will analyse it and come up with a solution asap.
KeymasterThey should be in date order. Can you show this on a site?
KeymasterIf you have installed “Events Manager” before this, this might happen. If this is the case:
go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?”.
Then deactivate and reactivate EME.
This setting will delete all old tables and settings concerning EME, so also those corrupted by Events Manager, so you’ll start with a empty events manager then.
KeymasterMake sure you don’t copy over the slanted quotes from me, but use standard double quotes. For the rest, it should work just fine.
Edit: I removed the slanted quotes from my examples, and just regular quotes now 🙂
Tue 15 Feb 2011 at 20:26 in reply to: WordPress Author (or other role) to submit event from form on website? #46773Franky
KeymasterIt’s on the list, but if you want to develop it, be my guest. I’ll gladly integrate it if it works ok.
Keymaster@admintiger: if it can be easily implemented, I’ll consider it. Mail me the changes if you please.
Keymasterare you sure it uses php5? Did you put the phpinfo script in the wordpress dir and call it via your browser there? If, please do mail me the url for that at: liedekef [at]
KeymasterCould I have a temp admin account on your system to try out? Mail me at: liedekef [at]
KeymasterThis I can’t seem to reproduce. Could I have an admin account on your system to check this out? You can mail it to me at: liedekef [at]
KeymasterThe following has been added in trunk: “trailing slash to avoid redirection and speed up browsing”
However, in my own defense, I would like to stipulate some things here: it took me about a whole Sunday afternoon just to get the permalinks working ok (not taken into account my many reading about that as well, WP is poorly documented). I’ve already shown my willingness to implement many features, and this one is not even released. So please try to keep an open mind here and keep the discussion friendly and alive, so everybody benefits from it.
KeymasterThis has been implemented in trunk: no more paging after the period if no events exist that are older/newer.
KeymasterThe trailing slash will not result in double search engine results: without the trailing slash it’s your webserver that redirects you (or not) to the same page with trailing slash. A redirection doesn’t get indexed by search engines. And I intend to stick a bit to the WP standards here, where no slash is added by default as well in the mentioned examples. Also: in my tests, I don’t get redirected (I saw it in the past though, but not with the current rewriting rules).
Also, the addition of “.html” is not something I like very much. I will not add it, but in a future version I hope to provide a way to customize the rewriting pattern. But even then: I worked with google search engines before and never saw a difference between static/dynamic page content. A search engine can’t detect that it’s a dynamic page anyway, because there’s no indication of that in the url.
KeymasterCan’t you use a placeholder for that? #_EVENTPAGEURL gives you the url for the single event
Keymasterdifferent possibilities: jquery issues with your theme, problems accessing google, …
KeymasterI’ve implemented a feature request that might help you here: you can specify a link to an external url (wp page or whatever) as the link for single event details. This can help you here: you just create the event and specify date/time/location (and whatever you want to show in the list of events) and url to the external event page. Then you can copy this event and just alter the date/time to your needs. The event details is an external page and will thus never need to be changed.
Keymasternope …
Keymasterlocations permalinks are in now, as well as spaces and lowercase, and WP seems to provide a nice function to convert accents:
It’s all in trunk now
KeymasterYes, I forgot to generate the location seo url’s 🙂 The code is there, just … forgotten. I thought about it at 3am though 🙂
Spaces and lower case: consider it done. But is there a function somewhere to “convert” characters to their ascii equivalent?
KeymasterWell … I corrected the doc 🙂
It should be months, not years … for the moment no “year” selection is possible. If this is really needed, you can make a feature request of course.
Keymasterwell, it’s in trunk so if you test it out, let me know the results …
Don’t forget to deactivate/activate the plugin and *maybe* you need to visit the permalinks setting page and press “save” there (although that shouldn’t be needed any more, I flish the rewrite rules upon activation/deactivation)
KeymasterHmmm … I see the problem here. But while I understand the issue, I can’t agree with the solution: sometimes people will want to “look ahead” years in the future (for example birthdays or so), past events are another thing.
The best thing to do would be to stop search bots to follow links to past/future events.
But while I think that’s the best solution, it’s very difficult to implement: the only place would be the robots.txt file, but manipulating this from within a php thing (like wordpress) doesn’t seem right to me … so I must agree on your solution here: stop access to future/past events after x months.
So: not a bug, but a feature request 🙂
Keymasterok, basic single event and location permalinks work ok now
KeymasterSee my answer here:
Keymastergood news: I managed to get basic SEO urls to work as expected, so now it’s just trying to tie everything together and making it work.
I plan to have:
(and similar for locations). For now it works ok without the ID, adding the name is in fact irrelevant to the functionality and should be easy to do.
KeymasterDone, has been implemented in trunk 🙂
KeymasterNo, not in the RSS feed. There I need to know the link to the event because rss expects it separately: it wants “title”, “link” and “description” (as an example).
But I plan to add an extra field per event to link to an external page, so clicking on the event for details will then go to that page. And that’s a link I can take into account for RSS as well.
KeymasterSure, use an attribute for that: per event you can then enter an url and use the value of that attribute to link to whatever you want. E.g. in the event list format (in the settings page) you put
<a href="#_ATT{EXTERNAL_LINK}">#_NAME</a>
and then, when editing/creating an event, you’ll see the custom attribute “EXTERNAL_LINK” which you can then give a value per event.
KeymasterIn trunk:
* Feature: new placeholder for events: #_USER_RESERVEDSPACES (or #_USER_BOOKEDSEATS), gives the number of seats a users has registered for an event
* Feature: new parameter for [events_list]: “user_registered_only”. If value=1, it will only give a list of events the user has registered for
KeymasterSorry, I too was talking about eme_events.php. But still this is a line no longer needed, unless you call this function directly of course … not supported 🙂
KeymasterMost people think they run php 5, but some providers still use php4. Just create a small php file with contents:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
browse to it via your site and see what it returns
For the prove that it is in standard php:
and here they mention even in the top that it is php 5 only:
and google mentions it a lot as well …
KeymasterIf you’re using the shortcodes, you might want to put them just in your WP created pages, not in your theme 🙂
The 2 widgets are there to help you as well.
KeymasterI just tried this, and the characters turn out very small (being quoting characters), so for now I’m going for the two less-than/greater-than signs
KeymasterI’ll add a shortcode so the logged in user can get a list of future events he registered for with a mentioning of how many spaces he booked and a link to the event in question)
KeymasterI’m guessing this can easily be implemented now using the [events_filter] shortcode … so closing, unless you have other issues with this
Keymasterimplemented in trunk, using the [events_filter] shortcode, and added a new parameter “fields” for it: can contain a comma separated list of fields that should be shown (the filter format is general, and using this, you can hide certain fields in certain forms) ==> in this case you can use:
[events_filter fields=months] (and make sure the “filter form format” contains #_FILTER_MONTHS somewhere)
Keymasterno response, closing
Fri 11 Feb 2011 at 21:07 in reply to: WordPress Author (or other role) to submit event from form on website? #46771Franky
KeymasterWell, that is on the feature request list. However: authors can already submit events in the WP backend.
KeymasterGreat to hear it works!
KeymasterYou’re talking about eme_events.php. This line is not needed any more, why do you think you would need to uncomment it?
KeymasterThis is an ical standard, not an event standard. Two totally different things. Show me one event manager where you can do this …
Fri 11 Feb 2011 at 08:36 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'event_name' in 'field list'] #46716Franky
Keymasterno response, closing
KeymasterYou can use all shortcodes on any normal page, see
KeymasterAnd what about using an attribute for a link to the whole explanation?
Or maybe (something I remember from some time ago) I could add an extra option so you can link the event to a seperate page, so the event details are in that page then …
KeymasterErrr … maybe try the default options for that theme and go from there?
Or it might be another plugin doing a bad thing. Try disabling all other plugins and see if it works then, then re-enable one by one until you find the guilty party.
Keymasternot broken here, Ijust tried that theme with the default options
KeymasterErrr … variable duration and variable date/time? Sounds like not being recurrent to me, but just the same event happening at different dates/times.
What about just creating the event once, and then use the “+” sign to copy it to a new event?
Keymasterwell, put something like this in the single event format:
Thu 10 Feb 2011 at 18:42 in reply to: Can't use comments & GD star rating, shows same comment & rating for all events #45309Franky
Keymastersorry, not yet …
Thu 10 Feb 2011 at 11:16 in reply to: add #contactphone and #contactemail in location details #46748Franky
KeymasterRead what the shortcode means: , it just gives a list of the next events. Using [events_list] gives you all power of the event listing.
KeymasterDid you apply the changes?
KeymasterOk, this is probably about location filtering, not category filtering. But I believe this to be a bug, fixed in this changeset:
Wed 9 Feb 2011 at 20:52 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'event_name' in 'field list'] #46715Franky
Keymaster@wassim: different error, open a new bug report for this, this will be deleted tomorrow
KeymasterEvents and locations are two seperate things here … I can’t show event contact details in location info, because you can have more than one event happening (with different contact info) at the same location.
But what you can do: show the location list, and use [events_list] in the location details (with option “location_id=this_location”), and then you have the location with the list of events happening there, and people first see the info of the location. Has been discussed here:
KeymasterI agree that the shortcode isn’t there, but what’s preventing you from entering the location contact details in the location details (richt html editor)?
KeymasterIf you have problems inserting the dates (which is done via a jquery popup), this means some other plugin is messing with the wordpress jquery lib.
Members/registered users can do this already, see: (“Access rights”), front-end submission by non-members is not possible yet (is already a feature request).
My email: liedekef [at] , but make sure the problem is not due to another plugin playing around with jquery libraries …
KeymasterI don’t know the plugin you use for the share button, but if it puts this button on every page by default, then there’s nothing I can do.
If you can use a shortcode for the button, then you can put this shortcode in the EME settings for single event format.
KeymasterIf you show this button in the events list, then it’s logical … but I see the button for each individual event as well, so what’s wrong?
Wed 9 Feb 2011 at 08:23 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'event_name' in 'field list'] #46713Franky
Keymasterevent_name is a column that is present since the first release, well even before I took over the project. So if this column is missing, something else is going on. Can you do a mysql command on the database:
“desc wp_dbem_events;”
(change “wp” by your desired prefix, if you have another).
Also: did you install the other plugin called “events manager”? From which version did you upgrade?
Tue 8 Feb 2011 at 21:00 in reply to: WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'event_name' in 'field list'] #46711Franky
KeymasterDid you deactivate/activate? Also: event_name is a column that *must* be present. Is there something that happened to your database?
Keymasterin both versions this part of the code is exactly the same …
KeymasterWell, if I can help in any way …
I was thinking in 2 directions:
– either a list of fields defined in general (not per event), and people can click on the ones they want to use for their RSVP form per event (and wether or not it is required)
– or some kind of RSVP template form, so you define a number of fields per template
And then also: multiple choice, dropdown, plain textbox as possibilities per extra question.
Maybe the extra questions should also be in a new (seperate) mysql table.
KeymasterThere’s a placeholder that you can use so people can cancel their booking (#_REMOVEBOOKINGFORM)
Also you can allow people to reserve “0” places, so you can use that as an indication that they are not coming.
KeymasterSorry, no idea yet …
KeymasterExtra fields are on the todo-list. The file to change would be eme_rsvp.php (and also events-manager.php) but I don’t recommend changing the source code, it would mess up with updates afterwards.
KeymasterRight now this is not possible without experimenting and coding … if you want this, create a feature request and hope that I implement it …
KeymasterThanks for testing this! So it’s not a bug
KeymasterThen either I should never add site_url (which seems odd) or your wp settings are off. Have you read ?
KeymasterI agree, commit reverted
KeymasterSorry, typo:
#_{j M Y} [events_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{j M Y}"] #@_{- j M Y} [/events_if]
KeymasterTry this fix:
KeymasterIt used the site url (search for “eme_ajaxCalendar” in eme_calendar.php). So if that’s not having the desired effect, check your settings abd rewrite rules (if you’re using pretty permalinks).
For the rest admintiger’s comments are correct.
KeymasterFirst of all, it’s not possible to crash wordpress … it would mean it crashes apache/iis, which would be a bug in php.
The image button doesn’t appear because wordpress doesn’t allow it to appear, read my last post here:
The deactivation/reactivation issue: I never delete events unless you activated the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling” (see above). I clarified that option a bit more in the trunk version and adapted the warning for deactivation so you can still check this setting.
Btw: please open a seperate post in the bug section to report bugs.
KeymasterThe thing is that the end date of the event is not past yet (in fact the event of Feb 5th ends on Feb 6th, 1AM). This is a bug of course, in the way the sql query is made … something to fix tomorrow 🙂
Btw: this has been the case in every release up to now: the hour is not taken into account for “past” or “future”
KeymasterWell, the month dropdown should be able to work together with the [events_calendar] shortcode …
Keymasterfixed in trunk
KeymasterYour conditional formatting is wrong: you’re printing start and end date, and then you compare them and if they are equal, you print the start date again.
Try this:
#_{j M Y} [events_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC_@{j M Y}"] #@_{- j M Y} [/events_if]
KeymasterJust thought about it: I could already implement simple seo:
For single events and locations, this should be doable …
KeymasterAlready implemented, see
KeymasterThe thing is that everybody will want other types of url’s. And in a number of cases, I still attach parameters to it (which still need to be tested if using some kind of seo for events). But as with all the other feature requests: on my to-do list …
Thu 3 Feb 2011 at 23:21 in reply to: Author & Contributor Event Location Entry and Editing Rights #46635Franky
KeymasterThe select is an old thing from Events Manager, and some people want it. So it stays (until I find a better way of representing it).
But: when you type in a location name, there’s a jquery that shows all corresponding locations.
Regarding qtranslate compatibility: it’s more than that. If you enter a new location name (assuming qtranslate is installed and there’s no dropdown for locations) when creating an event, the location will get created. But upon editing the location info, the location name gets translated as well, thus in fact changing the location name. And then, when editing the original event will again create a new location, because the old name is no longer found … It took me considerable amount of effort to get EME to be qtranslate compatible, so I’m not going to break it now. But I will however look into the rights concerning location editing (started already).
Keymasterglad to hear it wasn’t a bug 🙂
KeymasterWell, the parameter is set in the Settings page (called “Delete all EME data when uninstalling”). The corresponding WP option name is “eme_uninstall_drop_data”.
I check for this in events_manager.php (see function _eme_uninstall())
and I explicitely set this parameter to “0” upon activation:
update_option(’eme_uninstall_drop_data’, 0);
so it’s puzzling …
Check in the wp options table if this parameter has anything else but “0” in it after activation. What WP version are you using?
If you want: I can debug this, but I need ssh/ftp and WP admin access for this … my mail: liedekef [at]
KeymasterAnd what if you have more than one event for today?
Just configure your events list format until you like the layout. Any placeholder in the single format can also be used in the list format
KeymasterPlease check the setting “Number of events to show per page in admin interface” in the EME settings page.
Edit: I changed this option in trunk to be minimal 5 and max 200.
KeymasterWell, but I can’t reproduce this and I tried several updates …
So I need other people telling me they can reproduce this
Keymasterok, changed in trunk 🙂
Tx for the input!
KeymasterDid you have the setting “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?” activated prior to the deactivation?
I always unset this parameter upon activation, so unless this was activated no data is deleted. And no other persons have mentioned this as well.
Edit: can you reproduce this? I mean: if you deinstall 3.3.1 + all eme tables (set the option mentioned above before deactivating then), reinstall 3.3.0, add some events and then update again, are the events still there?
Keymasteryes, since it isn’t used anyway, I disabled the attribute detection in those formats
KeymasterAs mentioned here:
attributes don’t work for location (and thus balloon) settings.
KeymasterThis still seems to work just fine here. Can you mail me a temporary admin account so I can check this out? liedekef [at]
KeymasterWell, I would need ssh/ftp access and WP admin rights to such a setup to make some tests … if somebody can provide one of these: liedekef [at]
Thu 3 Feb 2011 at 09:08 in reply to: couple text strings missing 'eme' – translations wont work #46643Franky
Keymastertx for noticing, all fixed in trunk!
KeymasterLook at the scope option for [events_list]: you can specify “today”:
[events_list scope=today]
Wed 2 Feb 2011 at 23:12 in reply to: Author & Contributor Event Location Entry and Editing Rights #46632Franky
Keymasterbtw: I am integrating the first bits of this already 🙂
Wed 2 Feb 2011 at 22:52 in reply to: Author & Contributor Event Location Entry and Editing Rights #46631Franky
KeymasterWell, not a bug, but by design: a location can be added by adding a new event (even by authors and contributors) but since a location can be used by more than one event, you need Editor rights to edit them.
Locations also have no concept of the person creating them (like author of an event) …
I can of course add this as an option, but this requires quite some code changing.
KeymasterYeah, ain’t going to happen that way 🙂
Creating a button on your own, placing it carefully where it should be using CSS and giving it the look-n-feel of google map buttons is not the way to go I believe. I don’t want to have to consider all possibilities of other CSS codes, of other sizing of maps etc … and if you have more than one map on your page it also needs adjusting.
For now I will leave this as it is: I don’t find a satisfying solution for this and I like the scrolling using the mouse wheel.
KeymasterSearch for the word “green” in the php files 🙂
But I’ll try to remove this from the source and let it be whatever it needs to be.
KeymasterWell, I know about the scrolling wheel thingie, I activated it 🙂
There’s no easy way for now to do a “reset map”, the google api doesn’t provide it …
Keymasternope, already a feature request (and a very difficult one …)
KeymasterProbably WP update won’t do it, but it’s an old version, never wise to keep it around.
And you can turn off the visible php warnings (in php.ini)
KeymasterHmmm … some things here:
– update WP
– update PHP
Now then: I can’t reproduce the *warning* you see (not an error, it should not be visible in your browser, but anyway), so I assume it is that version of PHP on windows that is complaining. So I changed the code so that shouldn’t happen again (but still: update please).
KeymasterWhich version are you using? I just did a test and all date calculations happen in the timezone set in your WP preferences. Of course you must have the right to execute the php function “date_default_timezone_set();” (executed in events-manager.php)
KeymasterWell, I don’t like the layout (but that’s a personal opinion), but if EME’s CSS is to blame: you can go ahead and fix anything you don’t like. See
KeymasterWell, the previous fix wasn’t complete. See here for the new fix:
KeymasterI’ll be adding an option “location_id=this_location” to [events_list], so when used within a location, you can then show just that locations events, without having to look for the location ID
KeymasterSo in fact, you’re using the [events_list] shortcode inside the [locations] shortcode …
Wasn’t supported until now 🙂
See this fix:
KeymasterI indicated that already: paging should be used for 1 shortcode per page only
Describe the shortcode(s) used on your page, so I can test and see what’s going on.
KeymasterYou have to set it in the wordpress preferences.
KeymasterThe placeholders are to be used in the EME settings page (in the admin interface), not on normal pages.
Mon 31 Jan 2011 at 22:20 in reply to: can we get events_filterform to apply to events_calendar #46603Franky
KeymasterHehe 🙂
Anyway, if you want to apply the change manually:
Disclaimer: not tested yet, but it should work (but not for scope filtering, not in yet)
KeymasterThis forum is reasonably active, for sure not 5 months without new posts.
The front-end submission for is something planned for future release, although (since I don’t know gravity forms and it is not free) without gravity forms.
Mon 31 Jan 2011 at 21:09 in reply to: can we get events_filterform to apply to events_calendar #46601Franky
KeymasterIt means it will be in the next released version.
Mon 31 Jan 2011 at 19:29 in reply to: can we get events_filterform to apply to events_calendar #46599Franky
KeymasterDone in trunk
KeymasterNow this is a bug 🙂
Fixed in trunk, if you want you can apply the fix to your own code (one line in eme_events.php):
KeymasterThe event_name column should not contain any html, all description should go in the column event_notes
KeymasterThere’s no solution here: the only place where html is allowed is in the description of the event (the database column “event_notes”. In which table does this masking occur? And did you verify that the database table contains the correct content?