Forum Replies Created
KeymasterCorrected (with spaces):
we have imported data sets via phpmyadmin where umlauts like ä, ö, ü and & are enclosed.
For example the sign ‘&’ is masked in HTML with ‘& amp;’.
The script masks also the first ‘&’ of ‘& amp;’ (HTML: ‘& amp;amp;’). So the output is ‘& amp;’.
Is there a possibility to avoid this masking in the output?
Thanks for helping!
KeymasterOk, this makes no sense 🙂
Mail your original question please, so I can correct this post: liedekef [at]
KeymasterThis is not a bug, you forgot to add “eventful=1” (or true) to your shortcode:
[locations_map width=200 eventful=1 category=5]
I’ve clarified the doc a bit on this, but it never changed logic:
Sat 29 Jan 2011 at 09:55 in reply to: past events are showing even if using scope=future on updated WP and eme version #46512Franky
KeymasterComplete shortcode please? And events are never deleted, just not shown anymore. And a temp admin account would help …
KeymasterThe code was a bit rough on the edges … try again with latest trunk.
About the conditional statements: make sure the “[” is present. And a empty tag won’t help you as well …
Keymasterdone, the word none is used. In trunk:
you can indicate “none” as a category as well for the events_list, to find events without categories: [events_list category=none] or [events_list category=2,none]
KeymasterUse [events_list] with scope=this_month, limit=0 and paging=1 if you want people to view events per month
Otherwise: the widget code currently does not support this.
KeymasterI took a look at the code and it’s a bit more complicated than I thought.
What you can already do is use the eme_insert_event_action hook and add your own mailing functionality … I’ll talk to the developer of subscribe2, maybe he wants to add this functionality.
KeymasterSubscribe2 would need to be modified for this …
I’ll test it out, but I can’t change another person’s plugin. Maybe I can take a peak at the code though …
Fri 28 Jan 2011 at 19:24 in reply to: A comparison chart for events-manager and events-manager-extended would help us #46572Franky
KeymasterWhile I don’t maintain the difference list anymore, here is what I had in the past:
Fri 28 Jan 2011 at 19:21 in reply to: A comparison chart for events-manager and events-manager-extended would help us #46571Franky
KeymasterThat’s not something I can do: I don’t look at the progress of Events Manager, but I welcome anyone doing this!
Keymasterok, moving to implemented (well, it’s not implemented, but not going to happen …)
KeymasterThis has been implemented in trunk
KeymasterNot showing the widget is not the same as not being able to access the event data. If you want an event to be private, just indicate the event like that (private events exist).
Concerning the technical part of your solution: use the wordpress function “is_logged_in”
Keymaster@pbarron: not the same topic, create another feature request for this
@wassim: I’ve put this in the trunk (not tested yet):
* Feature: for the filter form, you can now use #_EVENTFUL_FILTER_CATS, #_EVENTFUL_FILTER_LOCS and #_EVENTFUL_FILTER_TOWNS to just show those that have events
Fri 28 Jan 2011 at 16:40 in reply to: past events are showing even if using scope=future on updated WP and eme version #46510Franky
Keymasterno response, closing.
KeymasterThanks for the post! Great info!
KeymasterUse the “Default location event list format” setting, which follows normal event formatting (see So you can enter #_LINKEDNAME to get a link, etc …
KeymasterIn your case, probably changing line 935 in events-manager.php
$replacement = $event[$field];
$replacement = do_shortcode($event[$field]);
should do it, no? I don’t see the harm of adding this for everybody …
KeymasterCorrected in trunk, tx for noticing!
KeymasterConcerning the problem jasonvincik was having: a typo (copy/paste) bug in eme_calendar.php
Has been fixed in trunk, see
Thu 27 Jan 2011 at 19:11 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45091Franky
KeymasterIn trunk, I’ve added a #URL prefix similar to #ESC, so try this:
<a target=”_blank” href=”
(#URL works for the dateformatting also, but not needed there). You should now be able to add #URL_NOTES and #URL_EXCERPT as well.
Thu 27 Jan 2011 at 19:09 in reply to: Nice looking output (loosely based on and hCalendar microformat #46537Franky
KeymasterIn trunk, I’ve added a #URL prefix similar to #ESC, so try this:
<a target=”_blank” href=”
(#URL works for the dateformatting also, but not needed there). You should now be able to add #URL_NOTES and #URL_EXCERPT as well.
KeymasterO, I see what you mean: the more-tag of a regular post and some kind of shortcode to get the content of a post in a page … sjeez, never done that before. Why don’t you use the event notes to give the information? Anyway, you can leave out the event link in your formatting …
KeymasterI don’t put p-tags in the balloon format.
can only be in the event notes, nowhere else. And the event notes is a text field where you should type in normal info.Franky
KeymasterAn admin account please? liedekef [at]
Thu 27 Jan 2011 at 16:41 in reply to: Nice looking output (loosely based on and hCalendar microformat #46535Franky
Keymasteryeah, the whole thing needs to be url-ized. I need to create something for that later on
Thu 27 Jan 2011 at 09:36 in reply to: How to get the date right depending on the period of the event ? #46448Franky
KeymasterPlease do tell me why you think it would work? If you don’t upgrade, don’t use functionality of newer releases. And if you do upgrade: your usage of [events_if] is even wrong, see
Thu 27 Jan 2011 at 09:12 in reply to: Nice looking output (loosely based on and hCalendar microformat #46530Franky
KeymasterA question: would strip_tags be enough on #_DETAILS? I’m guessing the r and n need to be translated to url-standards?
Thu 27 Jan 2011 at 08:35 in reply to: Nice looking output (loosely based on and hCalendar microformat #46529Franky
KeymasterI created a feature request for these.
Btw, a demo showing the result of these would be nice as well 🙂
Thanks already for this tip!
Thu 27 Jan 2011 at 08:31 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45089Franky
KeymasterI added it to the faq 🙂
Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 23:38 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45087Franky
KeymasterThe change is in trunk.
And I found the minutes problem as well:
Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 23:15 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45085Franky
KeymasterOk, got that one: when using curly brackets and the end date equals the start date, the end date is replace by an empty string. This is old behaviour and causes trouble. Now that we have conditional tags, people can use those if they want.
So just replace these lines in events-manager.php (starting around line 1115):
if( $date == "event_end_date" && $event[$date] == $event['event_start_date'] ) {
$replacement = '';
} else {
$replacement = date_i18n(substr($result, $offset, (strlen($result)-($offset+1)) ), strtotime($event[$date]));
}by just
$replacement = date_i18n(substr($result, $offset, (strlen($result)-($offset+1)) ), strtotime($event[$date]));
Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 23:01 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45083Franky
KeymasterWell, I never tested ESC in url’s before 🙂
But if you have an example of where #@_{Ymd} returns empty where it shouldn’t …
KeymasterThe end date never shows, unless you tell it to. What formatting rule do you use?
Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 22:41 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45081Franky
KeymasterMaybe even better (use the #ESC notation to escape (remove the n and r and escape all quotes) the values:
<a target="_blank" href="
Google</a>;Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 22:20 in reply to: Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to localhost:25 (Co #46526Franky
Keymasterhehe, I thought it would be something like that 🙂
Glad it works!
Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 22:18 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45079Franky
KeymasterTry replacing the “<“,”>” tags by their html alternatives: “
& lt;
” and “& gt;
” (without the spaces)Franky
KeymasterAn event happens at a location, so #_DIRECTIONS applies to the location of the event.
Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 09:42 in reply to: How can I get an unformated version of #_DETAILS, or #_NOTES #46520Franky
KeymasterI’ve movedd the thread concerning the “insert into google calendar” into feature requests, so I can implement it properly 🙂
Wed 26 Jan 2011 at 08:33 in reply to: Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to localhost:25 (Co #46524Franky
KeymasterAsk your provider to check on the mail logs then
KeymasterUse php5, and please use the search function, this has been answered before.
Tue 25 Jan 2011 at 23:41 in reply to: How can I get an unformated version of #_DETAILS, or #_NOTES #46518Franky
KeymasterNo, that’s why I created ICALLINK
If you want, see the function eme_ical_single_event
KeymasterIt’s part of the location info.
And please post in the right section of the forum.
Tue 25 Jan 2011 at 23:01 in reply to: How to get the date right depending on the period of the event ? #46446Tue 25 Jan 2011 at 22:59 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45076Franky
KeymasterYou can of course use the #_ICALLINK and add that to your google calendar …
KeymasterI’ll do a small version update at the end of the week, but for now get replace the file events-manager.php with this one:
Tue 25 Jan 2011 at 22:56 in reply to: past events are showing even if using scope=future on updated WP and eme version #46509Franky
Keymasternot reproducable. Check your past event: is it still going on now?
Tue 25 Jan 2011 at 22:44 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45073Franky
Keymasterread the section “Time placeholders” at
use php date formatting (also for hour/min/sec)
Keymasterconfirmed as a bug, fixed in trunk and backported to 3.3.0
Tue 25 Jan 2011 at 22:33 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45071Franky
KeymasterTry this for the dates line:
==> read the section “Time placeholders” at
KeymasterThese are not the widget settings, but the EME settings. When you use the calendar widget, there are some parameters you can enter. I need those.
KeymasterThat should not be the case, but I advise you to look at the CSS. And does it work ok in the number of events shown now?
Keymaster@firefusion: I can click fine on those days, maybe an IE issue?
@jasonvincik: which version are you using, and what are your widget settings? This might be a bug 🙂
KeymasterThen first update to 3.3.0 (take a mysql backup of course) and update WP to 3.0.4 🙂
KeymasterThen put this shortcode in a text widget: [locations_map] (with any and all available options this shortcode supports) and activate the option “Enable shortcodes in widgets”
Keymasterno feedback … closing
Keymasterglad to hear it works finally, I can’t keep up with all the bad plugins/themes out there 🙂
The google calendar plugin leaves out the jquery include needed for wordpress, very unfortunate they do it in an incompatible way …
Keymastersorry, not possible …
KeymasterEdit: not needed: confirmed as a bug, fixed in trunk and I backported the fix to 3.3.0 as well.
Just replace the file events-manager.php with this one:
KeymasterUnless you activated the setting “Delete all EME data when uninstalling”, your events should remain in the DB. But I’ve emailed you for admin account info.
KeymasterCan you mail a link and/or an admin account so I can see what’s going on? My mail:
liedekef [at]
Keymaster[events_calendar full=1]
KeymasterYou have a javascript error in your theme, which halts all further jquery stuff:
Error: AC_FL_RunContent is not defined
Source File:
Line: 60
KeymasterI added this to the faq as well:
KeymasterAnother example of a crappy theme: it probably doesn’t call wp_footer in the footer.php file. Add it (see the twenty ten theme, file footer.php) and you should be fine.
I’ve updated the 3.3.0 release to extend the option “Always include JS in header” for this. If you want the update: redownload the 3.3.0 release or manually get and replace the following 3 files:
But still I recommend you fix the theme’s footer.php file.
KeymasterNot possible for now … if you find the wordpress filter I can hook into, I’ll gladly code it up.
KeymasterWhich version are you using? And could I have some admin access to a test site of yours where you can reproduce it, so I can fix the problem (I’ve never experienced this myself)? My email: liedekef [at]
Mon 24 Jan 2011 at 15:36 in reply to: How to get the date right depending on the period of the event ? #46444Franky
KeymasterThe next version has conditional tags support, so you can compare the start and end dates and only display the part that you want. See
KeymasterNo, the current released version of Twenty Ten works just fine.
KeymasterYes there is: see the placeholder #_LOCATION
KeymasterThis last post will be deleted: for a new question, post in a new thread please.
KeymasterTx for the IE testing, admintiger! I really should get something with IE as well, but I don’t like windows …
KeymasterCalendar widget works fine for your site here …
KeymasterThe next version will have a select possibility, and the search can be implemented via the method described here:
(but I hope to make it easier than that later on)
KeymasterI don’t know that function, must be something in your theme.
KeymasterIf it disappears, then there’s a problem getting the data from your server using jquery. What’s the url?
KeymasterFor reference, this was a bug that was triggered “hide RSVP full events” was activated and no RSVP was made yet. It triggered a mysql statement that returned NULL where it should’ve been 0. I corrected
this in trunk. The change:
KeymasterFor the [events_list] shortcode: see the option “long_events”: it disables the effect of showing an event spanning several days several times.
For the widget: you can use text widgets, so add a widget with the shortcode of your choice.
But: I added it as an option for the events_list widget in trunk, so you can now use showperiod there.
KeymasterI’ve also implemented an option in the upcoming release which allows you to put the google maps API javascript back in the header (but then in the header of every WP page), effectively bypassing these kind of problems. But the correct way remains: fix the theme!
KeymasterYour theme has a javascript error, effectively stopping all javascripts that happen after the error:
Error: rot is undefined
Source File:
Line: 156
And since the google map api now loads in the footer, this is thus not executed.
See here btw:
Ask your theme provider for an update/fix.
KeymasterFor reference: I added an option that allows this to to be set in the settings page (shortcodes in widgets)
KeymasterAin’t going to happen any time soon … it generates html code for that specific view, so if you want it yourself via api calls: either call eme_get_events (with which you can do just about everything) or use the filtering provided with the next release.
Or if you’re talking about the widget: next release probably 😉
KeymasterAnd: you can use the shortcodes in a widget as well, if you install another plugin:
Maybe I’ll add it to my plugin as an option as well … I’ll code it up this weekend 🙂
Keymasternope, just the shortcode. In the next version you can however use a wordpress filter to customize the list of events to your liking … and more.
KeymasterAlready implemented in the current released version (from 3.1.3 onwards), see the showperiod option for the [events_list] shortcode (, eg:
[events_list showperiod=monthly]
[events_list showperiod=daily]
KeymasterYou don’t 🙂 Just mail me the resulting po+mo files for French: liedekef [at]
KeymasterHave you tried this:
The placeholders (like [events_list]) are to be used in a page/post of choice, but just not the events page. Like it says in the Events settings for “Events page”: “The content of this pagea (including shortcodes of any kind) will be ignored completely and dynamically replaced by events data”.
If in doubt: email me a temp admin account/password to: liedekef [at]
so I can see what’s going on.
KeymasterSure. You can use the existing translation and the most recent pot file from here:
Keymaster– answer to first and second: did you deactivate/activate the plugin?
– answer to first:
– answer to third: I don’t have chrome, but the shadow is something I don’t care about 🙂 As long as it displays correctly it’s ok, it’s almost impossible to get it right for every browser (it might be a chrome bug, it might be a bug in the google maps api v3, it might be just some CSS tuning)
And update to WP 3.0.4 please, security wise.
KeymasterThat’s why we have the [events_rss_link] shortcode 🙂
The simplest rss link is “/?eme_rss=main”
KeymasterShould be in trunk now.
For the translations: I’m still looking for people willing to aid in the translation …
KeymasterWell, I thought about this again and it is in fact not that difficult to add, so I’ll add an option to the settings page to allow 0 seats.
Keymasterworks again in latest trunk, thanks for noticing!
KeymasterSorry, but this is not possible. It’s an event thing, not a meeting calendar.
You can get a printed layout of those persons present, so that can help you along. Also: you can of course create your own function for this …
Thu 20 Jan 2011 at 14:53 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46247Franky
KeymasterBest to always use it 🙂
KeymasterShould be ok in trunk now, I forgot to do shortcode recursion …
KeymasterClick on the “Reschedule” link at the right of your screen, it’s there for each event but edits the recurrence.
KeymasterAs said before: send me a mail, and I’ll send you a header.php that works, but that’s the last I’ll do for this theme: liedekef [at]
KeymasterTry this function for templating: eme_get_event_ids_by_booker_id($person_id)
But for the events_list function: sure, send a diff (but I advise you to wait until next week, big changes coming up)
Wed 19 Jan 2011 at 23:18 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46245Franky
KeymasterOk, should be fixed in trunk
KeymasterUse the eme_get_events function. In the latest trunk, these are the parameters:
function eme_get_events($o_limit = 10, $scope = “future”, $order = “ASC”, $o_offset = 0, $location_id = “”, $category = ”, $author = ”, $contact_person = ”)
Wed 19 Jan 2011 at 19:01 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46243Franky
KeymasterSee 3 posts up and the fact that the placeholder gets replaced before the [events_if] shortcode is interpreted …
Give me an example of a placeholder thing that breaks, so I can fix it.
Wed 19 Jan 2011 at 15:52 in reply to: Calendar Current Date Shading Based on Client Clock Date #46395Franky
KeymasterHmmm … let me think about this … I see what you mean, so I need to think about possible drawbacks …
KeymasterJudging by what I get when clicking on the details link for an event, your page “kalendar” is in fact associated with EME. Without admin access I’m not sure of course, but check the setting “Events page” in EME.
Keymasterthis is already the case ….
KeymasterSolved: user was deleted. Case has been solved in trunk by detecting if user still exists and otherwise use default contact person.
Wed 19 Jan 2011 at 10:19 in reply to: Calendar Current Date Shading Based on Client Clock Date #46393Franky
KeymasterI understand your point of view, but will not happen any time soon. This will need major redesigning, since for now everything is stored using the WP timezone (without TZ indication in fact) …
KeymasterUse firebug, and look in events_manager.css
KeymasterI never said anywhere something about using “!” and “&&” and stuff like that.
This is what you can use (values are examples):
[events_if tag='#ESC_BLABLA'] (checks if not empty)
[events_if tag='#ESC_BLABLA' value='1'] (compares with value 1)
[events_if tag='#ESC_BLABLA' notvalue='1'] (must be different than value 1)
[events_if tag='#ESC_BLABLA' lt='1' ] (must be smaller than 1)
[events_if tag='#ESC_BLABLA' gt='1'] (must be bigger than 1)
For multiple levels of shortcodes, use [events_if2] and [events_if3] (see, wordpress doesn’t like a shortcode with the same name enclosed in another one):
[events_if] ...
[events_if2] ...
KeymasterWordPress should do that for you, not the plugin. It means your wordpress can’t reach the internet directly or so
KeymasterSigh … EME needs a special page for rendering all detailed info, see the setting “Events page”.
As I can see it, you assigned that page to EME. See what it says in the setting: “The content of this page (including shortcodes of any kind) will be ignored completely and dynamically replaced by events data.”
So create another page with your shortcode on it
KeymasterThis you call minimal luck? It seems to me the conditional tags do what they’re supposed to do …
You do realize that you can override any *event* format also per event?
KeymasterNo answer … moving to generic.
KeymasterMake sure you’re not doing this on the special page created by EME. Do this on a new page for starters.
KeymasterIn the next release you have conditional tags that can be used to make decisions based on empty/value of an attribute.
See for how it will be done.
KeymasterUpdate please, it’s from 3.2.14 onwards that this has been fixed
KeymasterNah, your trunk was behind, remember: it’s trunk and can contain bugs 🙂 But now the trunk should be pretty stable.
KeymasterThe calendar didn’t support attributes yet, this has been implemented for the next release.
KeymasterI didn’t even know they had a html-code for this 🙂
I changed the title of this request a bit, to reflect the question a bit better.
KeymasterThe google maps api javascript only gets included if you have #_MAP somewhere on your page (or widget formatting), or when you use the locations-shortcodes. Which version are you using?
KeymasterOn second thought: if the first mail goes out ok and the second one doesn’t, there’s no problem with your gmail connection. The problem is either the receiver’s address (bad email, maybe trailing spaces, unknown domain, etc …) or the format of the mail sent to him.
Can you give your setting for “Contact person email format” and the email address of the contact person? Or mail me some admin access so I can see for myself: liedekef [at]
Tue 18 Jan 2011 at 15:07 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46241Franky
Keymastersome people want some data to be shown just on the admin itf, so there it is 🙂
KeymasterWell, I just tried it yesterday and had no issues at all. Try leaving the “Notification sender name” and “Notification sender address” empty …
Tue 18 Jan 2011 at 14:59 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46239Franky
KeymasterTip: you can use any normal placeholder in the [events_if] shortcode, but if it contains any quotes, carriage returns, etc … it will fail. That’s why I invented the #ESC method here (it escapes the whole lot)
KeymasterAs said: the theme is broken. Why do you think the default twentyten theme works and this doesn’t?
It’s not logical to specify 2 versions of jquery in one html page, also both versions are older than the one given by wordpress. Also the wp_footer call is missing (and in the last version, I put the jquery thingies in the footer to be able to load it just on the right pages).
Thirdly: they use different (obsolete/wrong) methods of jquery calls, that are no longer accepted using the default jquery version in WP (jquery became more strict since version 1.4 I think).
I tried the theme (default even, without changing and without being on an events manager page) and got loads of javascript errors. Conclusion: bad theme.
Keymasterout now 🙂
KeymasterUsing conditional tags in the next version, this can be achieved. See for examples here on the way it works:
Also, I implemented WP filters on the locations info (for a single location and for the list of locations) so it’s all possible now 🙂
KeymasterThere’s no such thing as a default sender. The contact person also *receives* a mail. The sending info is filled in in the settings (Notification sender name, Notification sender address). The setting “Default notification receiver address” has always been ignored and removed from the settings page in the next version (use contact person for this)
KeymasterI’m going to close this one. Other facebook plugins exist that can be used to log onto a wp site.
KeymasterThere was some redundant CSS being loaded when in the admin area and not on the EME pages. I removed these calls. But no google maps api call on every page …
Tue 18 Jan 2011 at 09:56 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46234Franky
KeymasterBtw: do keep me posted on the testing! I want to make sure I squashed all the current known bugs before releasing.
KeymasterOk, added in trunk 🙂
Btw: I added one thing:
#content table.fullcalendar td {
border:1px solid #000;
}so the top border of the full calendar is also the same border as the rest
Keymasterdone in trunk 🙂
KeymasterIf I’m not mistaken, that should already be the case? Or is it in the admin area you’re talking about?
KeymasterPlease don’t forget to post a little how-to when it works 🙂
KeymasterSo closing this: conditional tags will be in the next version
KeymasterI’ve implemented conditional tags in the next version, so you can do stuff like this from within the format properties now. See
In your case: I’ve extended the function to include the common parameters:
eme_are_events_available($scope = “future”,$order = “ASC”, $location_id = “”, $category = ”, $author = ”, $contact_person = ”)
KeymasterI did most of it already, would appreciate it if you doublechecked it …
Keymasterno response, closing
KeymasterWell, given the CSS in trunk, a small changed one would be much appreciated 🙂
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 22:52 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46282Franky
Keymasteryup 🙂
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 22:52 in reply to: deleting one selected event deletes all recurring events #46370Franky
KeymasterNot a bug, feature. If you want to delete an instance of a recurrence, you first have to edit just that instance and then delete it.
KeymasterIt’s a crappy theme made by people with no understanding of jquery …
Send me a mail, and I’ll send you a header.php that works, but that’s the last I’ll do for this theme: liedekef [at]
KeymasterI have the same google chrome version, and the “collspan 7” part with previous/next link in it, causes the prev/next links to come first and then the rest. Which proves that the corresponding CSS you mailed now proves usefull 🙂
Added in trunk, although I’m not too fond of the gray background (I prefer white) and the month title is a bit too bold/big to my liking. But people can change the CSS 🙂
So: implemented