Forum Replies Created
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 21:38 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46280
KeymasterNope …
KeymasterFor the booker info: the person_id is returned in the booking array, so you can use this in your function to get all the info:
$person = eme_get_person($person_id);
For the inusion product ID: create an attribute for the event (see and since the event_id is also part of the booking array, get all the event info using:
$event = eme_get_event($event_id);
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 18:39 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46233Franky
KeymasterAnd another placeholder added: #_IS_ADMIN_PAGE , so you can decide to show certain info only on the admin page
KeymasterThe pre-fill works if you have “require wp-membership for registration” activated, and this has become a per-event option. Also, if you require wp-membership, the phone-field is no longer required.
The “Send your booking” text can be changed in the admin interface btw. So I think you almost have everything already …
In the future, I hope to make the fields configurable, but that’s not yet 🙂
KeymasterPlease do keep me updated on any trunk testing, I’d like to release this week!
KeymasterOf course not 🙂
But you can replicate changes in one DB for a plugin to another, see this plugin:
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 17:16 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46278Franky
Keymasterput in a “print_r($event);” for starters, and go from there
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 14:37 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46276Franky
KeymasterAdded filters in trunk:
eme_location_filter (1 parameter: $location array)
eme_location_list_filter (1 parameter: array of locations)
For usage: use “add_filter” in your functions.php.
Read up on and (the add_action has better examples)
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 14:25 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46274Franky
Keymasterwell, I can add a WP filter to the locations list, so you can then code up (in your theme’s functions.php) what you want to show based on any info you want.
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 13:58 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46272Franky
KeymasterNever for a city, only for locations
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 13:35 in reply to: is it possible to define event author as default contact #46111Franky
KeymasterI hope to release this week. I’ve stopped implementing new features and just need to do some testing.
KeymasterI tested the placeholders again, and they seem to be working fine …
KeymasterGreat! Keep me posted, if it works, I can close this feature request 🙂
KeymasterEscape it, or leave a space. I’m going to change the code so only known tags get replaced and the rest isn’t touched (in trunk now).
For the shortcode issue: I’ll check, thanks for noticing!
KeymasterWell, the thing is: sometimes people want to register again afterwards, or more or so…
But I’m developing conditional tags right now, so I might sneak it in there …
Keymasterdone in trunk, should’ve been done long time ago 🙂 Thanks for noticing it!
Keymasterwell, it’s on the doc page: “CSS: change the look and feel of any element on the page”.
But maybe I need to redo the whole doc page … any volunteers?
KeymasterFor locations directions, see: #_DIRECTIONS
For “admin access only”: I have incorporated conditional tags (see, I’ll add “#_IS_ADMIN_PAGE” as well as a possibility to check then.
KeymasterDo you mean a sidebar widget with a list of locations? Or just the shortcode [locations_map] (which is there already)?
KeymasterDo you have any facebook plugin as an example so I can try it out (haven’t looked myself yet)
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 09:38 in reply to: just upgaded from EM2.2 — broken admin screen – garbage at the top #46317Franky
KeymasterThanks for confirming it works, it will be in the next trunk version!
KeymasterSee, search for “#_CONTACT”
KeymasterChange the setting “Default location event list format” to your liking
KeymasterSee the doc (, you’ll want to add the option “paging” to the shortcode [events_list]
Mon 17 Jan 2011 at 08:35 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46231Franky
KeymasterIt will be in the next version. I’m holding any new features until after the next release (hopefully this week).
EDIT: I also added #_IS_LOGGED_IN as a third extra, so you can decide what to show whether people are logged in or not.
KeymasterBoth should be removed and the wp_footer call should stay in footer.php.
Sun 16 Jan 2011 at 22:34 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46228Franky
KeymasterOk, I was checking with “empty” and the 0-value falls under that cat (you could use notvalue, I implemented these: value, notvalue, lt, gt). I changed the logic, so it should work now.
Try the latest trunk again (the “map” was because of an extra string being printed for testing, and was still in trunk)
KeymasterThere’s a placeholder for the event contact person, is that not ok?
Sun 16 Jan 2011 at 20:56 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46226Franky
Keymastertry again please, the “_” was ignored as part of a placeholder … (and I changed the check a bit as well)
KeymasterArgh … I forgot to change some things … I really am getting old …
Try again 🙂
Sun 16 Jan 2011 at 16:38 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46224Franky
KeymasterA small thing to watch out for: wordpress expects a whitespace before “[” for shortcodes, so this won’t work:
[events_if tag='#ESC_IS_SINGLE_EVENT' value='1']I'm on the single event[/events_if]
but this will:
[events_if tag='#ESC_IS_SINGLE_EVENT' value='1'] I'm on the single event [/events_if]
Sun 16 Jan 2011 at 15:50 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46222Franky
KeymasterFor conditional tags, I added 2 extra shortcodes: one to check if you’re viewing a single event details page and idem for a single location:
[events_if tag='#ESC_IS_SINGLE_EVENT' value='1'] I'm on the single event [/events_if]
@admintiger: this should help you along now 🙂
KeymasterThat will teach me to work late and not check in the correct code 🙂
Check the trunk now (only eme_locations.php has changed)
KeymasterThe code I mentioned is for EME, did you try it?
KeymasterYour theme (blackon) is broken in different ways:
– I see that it calls at least 2 versions of jquery (see the html sourcode):
and further down:
==> bad (it’s wrong in the headers.php file)
==> these 2 should go out, and see my comment further down for “add_action”
– it still doesn’t have the wp_footer-call (or maybe in the wrong place), as I don’t see the generated code from that in your html output …
– probably you have buddypress activated as well? If so, try changing this code in eme_events.php (around line 2098) from
add_action ( 'template_redirect', 'eme_enqueue_scripts' );
add_action ( 'template_redirect', 'eme_enqueue_scripts', 1 );
KeymasterIt does run off the blog settings, but then again, it might be a bug in that version. Please try what I suggested here (see
add these in events-manager.php around line 145 (just before all the includes):
$tzstring = get_option('timezone_string');
if (!empty($tzstring) ) {
@date_default_timezone_set ($tzstring);
}Sun 16 Jan 2011 at 01:29 in reply to: just upgaded from EM2.2 — broken admin screen – garbage at the top #46314Franky
KeymasterEM2.2? Which version of wordpress are you using?
Also, I would need to see what you mean, either via url or admin access, what you describe here is not enough info
Keymasterplease test the latest trunk again 🙂
Keymasteryup, upload dir patch I received was not ok, changed in trunk now
KeymasterIt seems the changed code for the location image in trunk is indeed off at some point (patch given by someone). I’ll test this further …
KeymasterHmmm … that would mean that the image upload location changed (it did change in the code, but should stay the same …)
KeymasterStill trunk, so kinda normal there’s a small bug in it 🙂 But thanks for noticing it!
Solved in trunk, see
KeymasterStill trunk, so kinda normal there’s a small bug in it 🙂 But thanks for noticing it!
Solved in trunk, see
KeymasterFeature has been added in trunk
KeymasterJust create a page within wordpress and use the shortcode [events_list] and you’ll get a list of events. The parameters you can use for this shortcode can be found on the doc site:
Sat 15 Jan 2011 at 13:27 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46221Franky
KeymasterOk, even better, you can now use all placeholders in the if-part as well, just by prepending them with “ESC”, eg:
<p>#j, #M #Y - #H:#i</p><p>#_NOTES</p>#_LOCATIONPAGEURL
[events_if tag='#ESC_ATT{color}' value='red'] color: #_ATT{color} [/events_if]
[events_if tag='#ESC_ATT{price}'] price: #_ATT{price} [/events_if]
[events_if tag='#ESC_TOWN'] the town is: #_TOWN [/events_if]Sat 15 Jan 2011 at 11:35 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46220Franky
KeymasterExample for default single event format could be (don’t mind the html, output will be ugly):
<p>#j, #M #Y - #H:#i</p><p>#_NOTES</p>#_LOCATIONPAGEURL
[events_if tag='_ATT{color}' value='red'] color: #_ATT{color} [/events_if]
[events_if tag='_ATT{price}'] price: #_ATT{price} [/events_if]
[events_if tag='_TOWN'] the town is: #_TOWN [/events_if]Franky
KeymasterLook in the “default single event format” settings (or per event is also possible), there you’ll have somthing filled in. And for the rest: use placeholders like #_NOTES etc … as placeholders to show your content in any way you want.
Sat 15 Jan 2011 at 11:28 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46219Franky
Keymasterok, major progress: it seems to be working fine 🙂
KeymasterThey should switch to using dataTables jquery 🙂
But anyway, nice find. Once 3.1 is in place, we can start using it.
KeymasterFirst do a
to see how $event is built, creating a filter doesn’t mean you can change the type of value returned ($event is an assoc. array, you return a string).Try this:
function soa_event_filter( $event ) {
if( !is_user_logged_in() && eme_is_single_event_page() ) {
$event['event_notes'] = "<h4>Become a Member so you can book this Event!</h4>";
return $event;
add_filter( 'eme_event_filter', 'soa_event_filter' );Sat 15 Jan 2011 at 09:15 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46218Franky
KeymasterBecause I don’t see anybody else offer me the code 🙂
But I found a nice workaround for conditionals, still needs to be tested more but this is the idea: in the formatting you can use other shortcodes, so I use the power of enclosing shortcodes wordpress provides to do the following:
[events_if tag='_ATT{eventsite}'] show my html stuff with #_ATT{eventsite} [/events_if]
I still need to refine it, and I’ll add the possibility to test for a value as well:
[events_if tag='_ATT{color}' value='red'] show my html stuff with #_ATT{color} [/events_if]
BUT: it will only work for placeholders you actually USE in that same format string. For the moment I can get it to work for normal placeholders, next thing up: the attribute placeholders and the time placeholders. And then also for the location placeholders of course.
So you see: it takes a lot of work
KeymasterThis I would need to see. I thought you were talking about a widget before … so I’ll test this as well
KeymasterYour comment about roles is noted 🙂
About the numbers: nope, but you can search for “http” on this forum, it will (amongst other things) return some url’s that use EME.
KeymasterI thought about doing it, but it seemed overkill at the time. And I know what you’re going to ask now: “I want people to be able to post events without being logged in” 🙂 But I can’t allow that security wise …
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 20:19 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46270Franky
KeymasterOnly the admin, but in the trunk version there’s a new shortcode that shows a list of locations and using some jquery and the shortcode [events_calendar] on the same page, people can click on a location and the calendar will only show the events for that location.
KeymasterI don’t think wordpress intended multisite to work that way …
KeymasterThe default seats booked is always 1, so just use some jquery to hide the dropdown. In the trunk version I gave an ID to the row (“seats_booking”), so something like
will do
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 19:54 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46215Franky
KeymasterSeems simple to you, a nightmare to code up …
KeymasterI thought about this, but that means a lot of extra code, most of it in javascript …
KeymasterNo prob. When in doubt, mail me. We can always search together. Also, if you get it right: mail me a howto 🙂
KeymasterAdded in trunk
KeymasterIt’s in the calendar widget options.
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 15:32 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46213Franky
KeymasterAnd maybe something to try (haven’t done so myself yet): try entering your html as one value in the attribute description. I’ll make a multiline field of it, if it works 🙂
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 15:30 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46212Franky
KeymasterKinda impossible: there’s no relation at all between the attribute and the surrounding html (and each person will do it differently …). I would suggest to use a default value then, e.g.
#_ATT{eventsite}{'No site given'}
It’s not exactly what you want but better than nothing …
KeymasterWithout coding this is not possible yet. This would mean that the setting “Require WP membership to be able to register” should be defined per event. Certainly doable, so I’ll add it to the feature requests.
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 15:16 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46267Franky
KeymasterThe API key was needed for google maps API v2, not v3. So it wasn’t needed anymore.
In the next version you can specify location ID’s as a paramter to filter when using the [events_list] shortcode
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 14:33 in reply to: add feature that centers the map on the location of visitors (using their IP) #46265Franky
KeymasterThis needs an API key to be implemented, and I just got rid of the API key some time ago, so this won’t happen for now.
Keymasterimplemented in trunk (should of course be tested against IE/firefox,… I only have firefox …)
KeymasterNo need to open a bug report: it is not one, the attribute is given correctly for every day of the event, just make sure you select the option “Show long events”
KeymasterI created a wordpress filter that you can use:
eme_event_filter (1 parameter: $event)
==> See , e.g. in your functions.php:
function do_my_filtering($event) {
return $event;
KeymasterI added an action hook that can be executed after the rsvp info is entered in the DB. So you can take that info and post it into any system of your liking using add_action in your theme’s functions.php, e.g.:
function do_my_stuff($booking) {
KeymasterI added an action hook that can be executed after the rsvp info is entered in the DB. So you can take that info and post it into any e-commerce system of your liking using add_action in your theme’s functions.php, e.g.:
function do_my_stuff($booking) {
KeymasterCouldn’t harm according to me (quick view), but I would need to test it. But since it works after you disabled it, maybe the plugin does some other stuff besides creating a .htaccess file as well …
KeymasterI don’t know that plugin, but if you want to continue to use it, you’ll probably need to configure it a bit more 🙂
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 10:04 in reply to: Conditional "#_LOCATIONPAGEURL" links in "Default location balloon format" #46210Franky
KeymasterThe problem is the rest of the string: I could test for it and replace #_LOCATIONPAGEURL by an empty string, but it would still leave you with the “Location Details” part …
Maybe I need to add a new possibility: #_LOCATIONPAGEURL{“Location details”} that would generate the whole link part …
KeymasterStill doesn’t work. When you click on the prev/next month, you get requests like:
But in your case this redirects me to the test page. If I just remove the last part it works:
so are you blocking anything in your rewrite rules? Just adding any other parameter redirects me to the test-page as well??
KeymasterI stand corrected: attributes don’t work in the balloon format, nor in the location pages. This is because we enter attribute data for an event, not a location. And since more than one event can be linked to the same location, I can’t go get the event info for a location …
I’ll add a feature request for attributes for location info.
Fri 14 Jan 2011 at 08:26 in reply to: "The format of the events the list inserted in the location page … " #46253Franky
Keymasterdone in trunk
KeymasterDo you see the custom attribute when creating the event (at the bottom of the event window)?
KeymasterThen the time on your server might be wrong …
KeymasterThere’s no such placeholder called “#_LOCATIONTOWN”, see for a list of the placeholders you can use.
KeymasterPlease open a bug report for this last one. It’s confusing to continue in a feature request thread with a possible bug.
KeymasterI will add an action hook on successful rsvp, then you’re free to do what you want in your functions.php 🙂
Keymasterresponse mailed
KeymasterI’m guessing you have jquery issues, maybe your theme uses other another jquery lib next to the one from wordpress?
KeymasterI received it today 🙂 But very busy as well 🙂
I already did a diff to see the differences but still need to check things out.
KeymasterI have tried, but it appears you don’t realize that you need to change the formatting to your liking (using the placeholders) for event list, single event, location, balloon, etc …
If you want, mail me an admin account and I’ll change some things as an example on your end:
liedekef [at]
KeymasterWell, if you give me an url where the widget is loaded (not admin), I can already see if that’s the problem or not …
KeymasterYou appear to be mixing up location formatting and event formatting. For location formatting, as in the doc:
Locations format
Locations format works in the same way as events, but the parameters are different.
* #_NAME indicates the location name (weird, huh?)
* Other general parameters are #_ADDRESS, #_TOWN, #_DESCRIPTION, #_MAP and #_IMAGE. The #_IMAGE placeholder is used in the location balloon for the event.
* Three tags allow the display of events taking place in the given location. Use #_NEXTEVENTS to insert a list of the upcoming events, #_PASTEVENTS for a list of past events, #_ALLEVENTS for a comprehensive list of all events.
* #_LOCATIONID returns the location IDFranky
KeymasterSure: liedekef [at]
KeymasterAnother possibility: conflicting versions of jquery being loaded (a version of jquery is being loaded by wordpress and maybe another one by your theme, minified or not)
KeymasterOk, the code for that is now in trunk.
KeymasterYou should leave the
in, as the events are expected to be in a list (for now). I’ll change the widget code so you can enter a header/footer part yourself, instead of hardcoding it. That should solve it for you then 🙂Franky
KeymasterCheck if wp_footer is in the file footer.php of your theme; see
If not, the javascript needed is not going to be loaded and the navigation won’t work.
KeymasterDon’t forget: you need to change the setting concerning the balloon format first in order to be able to use it in an event afterwards. Also: make sure you have activated the use of custom attributes in the settings page.
KeymasterNo, I’m referring to the not-yet-released version. But try with basic 3.2.15 first, otherwise:
KeymasterAha, I see what you mean. I suggest to use custom attributes then. E.g. in the balloon format (in the settings page) you put
<a href="#_ATT{EXTERNAL_LINK}">My link text</a>
and then, when editing/creating an event, you’ll see the custom attribute “EXTERNAL_LINK” which you can then give a value per event (but I believe you need the trunk version to be able to recognize attributes in balloons, just test it first).
For custom attributes:
KeymasterHi, a link to an external url just needs to be put in the format like html code, e.g.:
<a href=>My site</a>
KeymasterYour theme is the problem: it includes 2 versions of jquery:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
and further down:
<<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
The first one is added by wordpress, the second one by your theme. So fix your theme 🙂
KeymasterIf you want to use actions, read up on the wordpress doc: , you’ll want this in your theme’s function.php
KeymasterIs your theme using wp_footer()? This is a needed parameter, but some themes apparently leave it out, see
KeymasterAs explained on the doc page: the #_EXCERPT tag shows the event description up to the more-tag. #_MAP and #_ADDBOOKINGFORM are other placeholders and they will get rendered because you sepcified them.
If you don’t want that, don’t specify them in the format of the event.
KeymasterSorry, but I would need admin access on your site to verify some things. If you want, mail the info to me: liedekef [at]
Wed 12 Jan 2011 at 23:12 in reply to: is it possible to define event author as default contact #46109Franky
KeymasterThe setting for “default contact person” was being ignored and has been corrected. Also I specified that the default contact person is the event author from now on. This is now in trunk
Keymaster , look for “#_EXCERPT”
KeymasterYes. It’s on my to do list …
KeymasterIf your php version doesn’t know array_walk_recursive, you’re not running php5 … create a php script and call “phpinfo();” in it, call it via a web browser and see what version is returned then.
KeymasterHow are you using this? Are you using a widget, shortcode or a template function?
Keymasterno response and no other reports of the same, so closing for now.
Wed 12 Jan 2011 at 19:35 in reply to: Bookings no longer allowed on this date – timezone change #46025Franky
KeymasterNice to hear! It has been added to trunk.
KeymasterCheck the setting “Default single event format” and change it to your liking using placeholders. See
KeymasterFor the pagination: go into eme_events.php and change the line mentioning (around line 946):
// now add the pagination
$output = $pagination_top . $output . $pagination_bottom;to
// now add the pagination if needed
if ($paging==1)
$output = $pagination_top . $output . $pagination_bottom;Btw: both changes are applied to the trunk version
KeymasterFor the widget title, change in eme_widgets.php the code:
$title = apply_filters('widget_title', empty( $instance['title'] ) ? __( 'Events','eme' ) : $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
$title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
KeymasterIn the widget, these divs shouldn’t be there … also I agree that the empty title should be possible as well. I’ll look into both
KeymasterNo no, you need to add these lines:
global $eme_need_calendar_js;
$eme_need_calendar_js=1;at lines 22,23 (at the beginning of the function eme_get_calendar)
KeymasterI believe this is fixed in trunk already, try this change for eme_calendar.php:
Keymastereme_event_list_filter allows you to play with the result of e.g. [events_list], so you can add/remove events/info etc…
Btw: did you test the action hooks?
Tue 11 Jan 2011 at 22:00 in reply to: Update to 3.2.15 – Admin panel shows under "Edit" only one event #45768Franky
KeymasterFirst: try deactivate/activate and check the setting called “Number of events to show per page in admin interface”
Tue 11 Jan 2011 at 20:27 in reply to: Bookings no longer allowed on this date – timezone change #46023Franky
KeymasterI didn’t have any feedback on this, so I assume this works ok?
KeymasterThanks for the offer, juriga! Unfortunately there’s no Finnish translation yet, I believe the “sv” translation is Swedish …
But if you’re still up to the task, the template file can be found here:
Using poedit can make the task easier, see:
KeymasterFirst: you need to make the change in the code as suggested if you want to use excerpts and have it formatted correctly (is in the next version).
Second: as the doc states: “#_EXCERPT shows an excerpt of the event (this is the content of #_NOTES until you place a
marker”, which means that if you don’t specify the more-marker in your event, it will show everything.Franky
KeymasterWell, maybe it’s better to add an action hook before/after the RSVP action, so you can hook into anything then, no?
KeymasterI added an action after inserting or updating an event in the db:
eme_insert_event_action (1 parameter: $event)
eme_update_event_action (1 parameter: $event)
I also added a filter for the events list:
eme_event_list_filter (1 parameter: array of events)
Update to the trunk version ( and let me know the result 🙂
KeymasterYou need to change the language of wordpress for this (your profile).
KeymasterNo hooks yet. But I’ll try to add some later on.
KeymasterWell, I could add an extra field to define the POST to, so when a user hits the button for subscribe, it actually goes to another place … I’ll look into this
Mon 10 Jan 2011 at 23:06 in reply to: Bookings no longer allowed on this date – timezone change #46022Franky
KeymasterCould you try by not doing that fix, but instead add these in events-manager.php around line 145 (just before all the includes):
$tzstring = get_option('timezone_string');
if (!empty($tzstring) ) {
@date_default_timezone_set ($tzstring);
}If that doesn’t work, use the same code in eme_rsvp.php, at the top of the functions eme_add_booking_form and eme_delete_booking_form, e.g. for eme_add_booking_form:
function eme_add_booking_form($event_id) {
global $form_add_message, $current_user;
$tzstring = get_option('timezone_string');
if (!empty($tzstring) ) {
@date_default_timezone_set ($tzstring);
KeymasterIn 3.6.6, the “width:70%” or “width:100%” doesn’t change anything at all …
For the “table-layout: fixed” thingie: nice find, see also
KeymasterNot possible, you’ll need to use the API then, get the events list yourself and only show those you want:
KeymasterDeactivate/reactivate the plugin. If that doesn’t work: did you install the other plugin called “Events Manager” first? If so, you need to deactivate it that one (best uninstall it) and then:
– Go to the settings of EME and say “yes” for the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling”
– Now deactivate and activate EME
Because of this setting, all database tables will be removed when deactivating, so also those causing troubles (the ones conflicting with Events Manager).
KeymasterNice trick! But then of course you can only assign one category 🙂
KeymasterI added 14% and 70% to trunk (14%*5=70%), but I just tested it with an event for each day and using twentyten theme: the table overflows the rest of the page …
Keymasterclosed 🙂
KeymasterCan you tell me which version has this problem? I just tried using the latest version (3.2.15) and it seems to work just fine … maybe a CSS issue? Can you check that the javascript needed is included at the bottom if using 3.2.15 (it is here)?
Keymasteris this still an issue with the other browser fixes in place?
Keymasterconsidering solved …
Keymasteragreed 🙂
Mon 10 Jan 2011 at 08:33 in reply to: Location Map "Next Period >>" Position Fix for IE 6 & 7 #46054Franky
Keymasterdone in trunk, also applied for eme_events.php
KeymasterThe more tag is for using the #_EXCERPT placeholder, not for “more” as content.
See and also the doc:
KeymasterThe calendar wiidget displays the calendar; nothing more, nothing less. Use the events list widget for a list of events, and format your widget in your theme to appear as one if you like that …
KeymasterI added it to trunk, but shouldn’t the submit button be part of the div as well?
Btw: thanks for investigating this! Very much appreciated!
Keymasterwell, IE6 can be discarded as google maps api doesn’t support it anymore (and it’s way outdated, although still in use at some companies). I don’t know the use of IE7 in the world though …
Keymasterok, done in trunk. But it should be tested in multiple browsers (IE7/8/9, firefox, safari …)
Keymasteryou can, it’s just not mentioned in the info in the admin interface. Fixed in trunk.
KeymasterAn excerpt shows just that part that you want people to see as an excerpt, seperated from the whole content by the
tag. This has nothing to do with being logged in or not.But: it should show the content just as it does for NOTES. Try to change this in events_manager.php at around line 854 (in the latest version):
$field_value = apply_filters('eme_notes_excerpt', $field_value);
$field_value = apply_filters('eme_notes', $field_value);
KeymasterJust for completeness: the trunk version can now be network activated.