Forum Replies Created
Sun 9 Jan 2011 at 09:38 in reply to: Conflicting problem on the sub-sites of Multisite installation #45745
KeymasterTests worked out ok: the plugin can now be network activated (code is in trunk and will be in the next version)
Sat 8 Jan 2011 at 17:41 in reply to: Conflicting problem on the sub-sites of Multisite installation #45744Franky
KeymasterFound it: the plugin needs to do something for network activation, see:
I’ll include something like this in trunk and test it on the sites of asshu once I’ve been given the admin rights needed for it 🙂
Sat 8 Jan 2011 at 17:21 in reply to: Conflicting problem on the sub-sites of Multisite installation #45743Franky
KeymasterI see. I seem to have found the problem:
– the special page EME needs to show events on is not being created in subsites, creating it and pointing the EME “Events page” to the newly created page solves this.
– the settings for EME are not being created in subsites. Manual adding is needed.
– the database tables for the plugin don’t exist either.
I need to search WP docs on how to make sure that commands are being set ok. For now using the plugin called “YD Network-wide Options” ( might handle things.
Also, probably: per subsite activation of the plugin will handle things as well …
KeymasterOk, I made some changes to trunk: the attributes should now be supported just fine for the calendar options “Small calendar title” and “Full calendar events format”
KeymasterOk, I made some changes to trunk: the attributes should now be supported just fine for the calendar options “Small calendar title” and “Full calendar events format”
KeymasterFor the moment this is not possible without indeed modifying the code. I’ll move this to feature requests.
KeymasterMake sure you’re not modifying the special events page used by EME to render all data.
If not: please mail me some admin account so I can take a look at it: liedekef [at]
KeymasterSorry, I didn’t see that feature request before … I’ll take a look at it
Keymasterdone in trunk
Keymastergreat, I’ll add it to the trunk version then!
Fri 7 Jan 2011 at 22:13 in reply to: Bookings no longer allowed on this date – timezone change #46019Franky
KeymasterWeird that it would work in 3.2.15 then, I don’t remember changing anything in that area …
KeymasterUntested, but try this: in eme_attributes.php, add the following line at the top for the “$formats” parameter:
Let me know if this works …
Keymasterchanged in trunk
KeymasterAdd this javascript somewhere (remark: untested yet, you might need to play with the jquery):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$ ('ul.eme_events_list li:even').addClass ('even');
$ ('ul.eme_events_list li:odd').addClass ('odd');
</script>Then the “even/odd classes are added to the elements of the list. I’ll try to add this to the code later on.
Fri 7 Jan 2011 at 10:15 in reply to: once i am on the event page how can i make a link back to the location #45977Franky
Keymasterit is recent, but it should work. Just make a backup of the original eme_location_map.js, so you can revert in 1 minute if it doesn’t work. And it’s only the javascript file, so it doesn’t change anything at all, if it doesn’t work the only thing that happens will be that the map doesn’t show then.
KeymasterRead the doc:
In your case an example would be: [events_list limit=20]
KeymasterI probably got it: deactivate/activate and then check (new) setting called “Number of events to show per page in admin interface”
KeymasterYou don’t need a empty a-tag for that, anchors work with id’s as well 🙂
Try this in your current page:
<a href="#eme_locations_list">View List</a>
Then view the page et voila …
So: already implemented.
Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 23:29 in reply to: once i am on the event page how can i make a link back to the location #45975Franky
Keymasterah, yes I see … try this file as a replacement for eme_location_map.js:
Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 22:02 in reply to: once i am on the event page how can i make a link back to the location #45973Franky
KeymasterWhat do you mean with “as for the single event map”?
KeymasterGoodhope: no, you’re not reading me wrong: most of the time the modules work, or worse: most of the time people keep using old modules that are no longer validated for their newer version of WP. I had that problem several times before on this forum where people log a bug when in fact an outdated plugin was at the source (while that plugin seems to work fine on its own). WordPress should in fact prevent these modules from being activated at all, in order to prevent these things …
And admintiger (besides the long text ;-)) : indeed, many companies fall into the trap of customizing things and then get stuck with older software that nobody dares to touch anymore (customized browser for intranter, customized thunderbird for mail, etc …). If you have to make modifications: document them and keep them simple and clear (and hope for the best if an update comes along).
Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 16:55 in reply to: once i am on the event page how can i make a link back to the location #45971Franky
KeymasterI don’t recommend touching the code for the general map, since it’s all jquery. Add your searches around it in the contant of the page.
But if you want: look in eme_locations.php and eme_location_map.js
KeymasterWell, theming, modules; it’s all the same in the end: if you don’t use the new functionality, you don’t use it, but then you can’t expect everything else to go your way. WordPress has a theming functionality, but it isn’t the best in the world 🙂
Or even more simple: old themes work with old plugins on a newer wordpress, but a new plugin taking advantage of new functionality won’t necessarily work with old themes. I would say “like the wp_footer thing”, but apparently this is a very old function that every theme should use: and
Thu 6 Jan 2011 at 14:01 in reply to: once i am on the event page how can i make a link back to the location #45968Franky
KeymasterUse the placeholder #_LOCATIONPAGEURL in your single event formatting.
KeymasterFals alarm, see:
KeymasterIt’s a warning, not an error 🙂
Two things:
– disable warnings (see your php.ini for this)
– upgrade to the latest version which has this fixed
KeymasterIn a widget box? No shortcodes work in a widget box. Unless … read this:
KeymasterI found it: if you put 2 shortcodes right next to each other, only the first gets rendered:
“[events_calendar full=1][events_list scope=today]” ==> shows me just the calendar
“[events_calendar full=1] [events_list scope=today]” ==> shows me what I wanted
Btw: this *is* wordpress behaviour 🙂
KeymasterHmmm … now I can no longer reproduce it here … it seems wordpress behaves a bit quircky
KeymasterWell … it seems to be nothing with 3.2.14/3.2.15 but more if you have [events_calendar] and [events_list] on the same page …
KeymasterHmmm … I see, but I’m not much into theming though 🙂
But since get_footer() includes the file footer.php, I’m guessing that one needs to call wp_footer(), and according to what I know, there’s no way around it … they might just have forgotten it.
KeymasterDid you deactivate/activate the plugin?
If that doesn’t solve it: mail me some admin account, so I can see for myself: liedekef [at]
KeymasterLaid off just before Thanksgiving? That’s not good … I’m glad I could help you then 🙂
Anyway, I don’t exactly understand your question here, but if your theme doesn’t call wp_footer(), you need to include it … but I see on your site it works now, nice!
KeymasterYeah … everybody want everything in a variable, but sometimes that’s just too much of a good thing 🙂
For the translation: take the files langs/eme-fr_FR.po and langs/eme.pot (the .pot file is the template file) and use poedit to update the .po file. See
For the .pot-file, you might want to use the one from trunk:
KeymasterIt is your theme: the function get_footer calls footer.php from your theme, which in turn *NEEDS* to call wp_footer() …
So smack those you bought it from, make a donation to me 😉 and add this in your theme’s footer.php just before the closing
tag (taken from twentyten theme):<?php
/* Always have wp_footer() just before the closing </body>
* tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins, which
* generally use this hook to reference JavaScript files.
?>Now it might be that this breaks other jquery stuff if your theme includes that on its own (the wp_footer() call includes the jquery frm wp and other footer-javascripts from plugins), so testing is advised …
KeymasterNope, editor won’t cut it, I need admin to check the settings.
But I think it’s related to your theme. Your theme needs to call get_footer() and probably that doesn’t happen anywhere. See the twentyten theme for this.
Wed 5 Jan 2011 at 21:05 in reply to: Suggested "eme_events.php" Mod to Prevent Page Number Centering Change #45960Franky
Keymasterdone in trunk
KeymasterWell … I can see that the javascript needed is not being loaded (I don’t see it in the footer of your page anyway). So maybe you can give me some admin access so I can see things for myself? My mail: liedekef [at]
Wed 5 Jan 2011 at 20:24 in reply to: Suggested "eme_events.php" Mod to Prevent Page Number Centering Change #45958Franky
KeymasterBetter (otherwise you have pagination when it’s not needed):
if ($paging==1 && $limit>0) {
$prev_text=__('Previous page','eme');
$next_text=__('Next page','eme');
$page_number = floor($offset/$limit) + 1;
if (stristr($this_page_url, "?"))
$joiner = "&";
$joiner = "?";
if ($events_count > $limit) {
$forward = $offset + $limit;
$backward = $offset - $limit;
if ($backward < 0)
$pagination_top.= "<a class='eme_nav_left' $left_nav_hidden_class href='" . $this_page_url.$joiner."eme_offset=$backward'><< $prev_text</a>";
$pagination_top.= "<span class='eme_nav_center'>".__('Page ','eme').$page_number."</span>";
$pagination_top.= "<a class='eme_nav_right' $right_nav_hidden_class href='" . $this_page_url.$joiner."eme_offset=$forward'>$next_text >></a>";
if ($events_count <= $limit && $offset>0) {
$backward = $offset - $limit;
if ($backward < 0)
$pagination_top.= "<a class='eme_nav_left' $left_nav_hidden_class href='" . $this_page_url.$joiner."eme_offset=$backward'><< $prev_text</a>";
$pagination_top.= "<span class='eme_nav_center'>".__('Page ','eme').$page_number."</span>";
$pagination_top.= "<a class='eme_nav_right' $right_nav_hidden_class href='" . $this_page_url.$joiner."eme_offset=$forward'>$next_text >></a>";
}Wed 5 Jan 2011 at 20:21 in reply to: Suggested "eme_events.php" Mod to Prevent Page Number Centering Change #45957Franky
KeymasterI see what you mean, but wouldn’t this be better then:
if ($paging==1 && $limit>0) {
$prev_text=__('Previous page','eme');
$next_text=__('Next page','eme');
$page_number = floor($offset/$limit) + 1;
if (stristr($this_page_url, "?"))
$joiner = "&";
$joiner = "?";
if ($events_count > $limit) {
$forward = $offset + $limit;
$backward = $offset - $limit;
if ($backward < 0)
if ($events_count <= $limit && $offset>0) {
$backward = $offset - $limit;
if ($backward < 0)
$pagination_top.= "<a class='eme_nav_left' $left_nav_hidden_class href='" . $this_page_url.$joiner."eme_offset=$backward'><< $prev_text</a>";
$pagination_top.= "<span class='eme_nav_center'>".__('Page ','eme').$page_number."</span>";
$pagination_top.= "<a class='eme_nav_right' $right_nav_hidden_class href='" . $this_page_url.$joiner."eme_offset=$forward'>$next_text >></a>";
KeymasterFor forms and the lot: you need to configure the format for the event list and for the single event to your liking. See
For your problem concerning the arrows: check the EME setting “Events page” and see that it points to a valid page. Normally EME creates this page and you should not use it, touch it, delete it in any way.
See the remarks for this field and also the faq “How does Events Manager Extended work” on
Keymasternot for location-pagination-top? The other one is in trunk now.
Keymasterconfirmed and fixed in trunk. That’s again 2 small bugs fixed … just proves I need to do even more testing 🙂
I will release asap a fixed version, but for now replace events-manager.php by this one:
KeymasterIt needs to be localised yet … if you want to update the french language file, I can give you instructions.
KeymasterIt’s not disabling, but the jquery of your theme conflicts with WP … but anyway, if you have a workaround 🙂
KeymasterCa you try if this fixes it? Replace eme_calendar.php by this one:
It probably happens because you use the templating functions, and not the shortcodes. Is this possible?
KeymasterLook at your theme and disable any custom jquery library requests (not the jquery scripts themselves, just the calls to e.g. jquery.js). Most of the time, these begin with “…”
Since WP includes these itself, this is the source of your problem.
KeymasterI just released 3.2.14 for this. The fix: in eme_events.php on line 732, change:
function eme_get_events_list($limit = 10, $scope = "future", $order = "ASC", $format = '', $echo = 1, $category = '',$showperiod = '', $long_events = 0, $author = '', $contact_person, $paging=0) {
function eme_get_events_list($limit = 10, $scope = "future", $order = "ASC", $format = '', $echo = 1, $category = '',$showperiod = '', $long_events = 0, $author = '', $contact_person='', $paging=0) {
KeymasterYou need to change the “Default single event format” setting to your liking (idem for location format). For all possible things you can fill in there:
KeymasterVery weird … I can’t reproduce this at all, but I can see why it occurs. Can you update to the just released version and try again?
KeymasterGreat to hear it works! And thanks for testing so much!! It makes me more confident to relase 3.2.13 today or tomorrow 🙂
Tue 4 Jan 2011 at 21:48 in reply to: Get a dragable, zoomable Google Map. CAPTCHA not displaying. #45881Franky
KeymasterSorry, for the trunk: yes, just replace the files, then deactivate/activate the plugin and you should be good to go again (no data will be lost).
For the captcha: did you install the gd extension for php? That’s needed for the text to be rendered.
Keymasternope, and since it’s not out, it’s beta.
There are some interesting changes in 3.1, see e.g.
KeymasterIf no other plugin is the problem, it’s probably a theme thing. Use the default theme for admin and front end and see if it works ok then.
Writing the date manually won’t do it: the value you see is not the value transmitted to the backend (the datepicker jquery also fills in a hidden field). But if you want to try it: just remove
in eme_events.php (it’s present in 2 lines)
Keymaster[events_list] has an option to only show a specific category as well. See
KeymasterAs I said: create your own page, don’t touch the special page EME uses internally for itself.
KeymasterCreate your own page and put it in there. Works just as well.
KeymasterTry eg. this in a post:
[events_list limit=20]
For more options:
KeymasterWhat’s the problem with using the shortcodes like I mentioned?
Tue 4 Jan 2011 at 08:52 in reply to: Get a dragable, zoomable Google Map. CAPTCHA not displaying. #45879Franky
KeymasterDid you activate the captcha in the settings of eme?
For the calendar: eme_calendar.php (function eme_get_calendar), for the signup form: eme_rsvp.php (functions eme_add_booking_form, eme_delete_booking_form)
Mon 3 Jan 2011 at 22:29 in reply to: Get a dragable, zoomable Google Map. CAPTCHA not displaying. #45877Franky
KeymasterThe map is draggable and zoomable, but judging by the screenshot you seem to have javascript issues. Check the error console of your browser.
Also: try the latest trunk version to see if it helps you:
KeymasterAnd I hope to release a new version this week, so stay tuned!
Keymasternope, that’s not what I said
KeymasterAnd indeed it was, try now please (changed file: eme_events.php, line 819):
$page_number = floor($offset/$limit) + 1;
Keymasterand indeed it was, try now please (only file changed: eme_events.php, line 819:
$page_number = $offset % $limit +1;
$page_number = floor($offset/$limit) + $offset % $limit +1;
KeymasterI don’t like printing stuff, so this one is very low on my to-do list 🙂
KeymasterImplemented in trunk:
new shortcode [display_single_location], accepts ‘id’ as parameter with value the location ID you want to show
KeymasterTry trunk 🙂
KeymasterThere’s ICAL and RSS available, should be enough, no?
Keymasteradded in trunk
KeymasterAre you talking about the admin interface? Because in the frontend the name of the displayed period should be there (if I dodn’t make an error, but not tested so far)
Edit: never mind, you’re talking about “normal” pagination now 🙂
Mon 3 Jan 2011 at 12:30 in reply to: how to grant permission for contributor to add and meke public events #45852Franky
KeymasterThis is beyond the scope of the plugin itself, you need a tool that compiles the po file into a mo file. E.g. poedit. See .
Btw: if you find anything to be incorrect in a po file, you can always mail it to me, so it can be included in the next version.
Mon 3 Jan 2011 at 10:15 in reply to: how to grant permission for contributor to add and meke public events #45850Franky
KeymasterLook in events-manager.php for the line
define('STATUS_DRAFT', 5);
and change it to
define('STATUS_DRAFT', 1);
so events will be public, not draft anymore
For the translations: see the langs subdir, the template file is called “eme.pot”
KeymasterYou need to change the “Default single event format” setting to your liking. For all possible things you can fill in there:
KeymasterA bit weird that it needs that, I don’t see the CSS dependency … but you’re right, if not the first element in the list is off. So, added to the general css file in trunk.
KeymasterIt’s in fact not a php thing, but a javascript thing. It might be that some javascript interpreters have issues with this. The comma shouldn’t be in there anyway, so removed in trunk.
KeymasterDone in trunk, please check it out 🙂
KeymasterThe css in trunk had a small error, this is what should be in there:
#locations-pagination-top,#locations-pagination-bottom,#events-pagination-top,#events-pagination-bottom {
text-align: center;
#locations-pagination-top a,#locations-pagination-bottom a,#events-pagination-top a,#events-pagination-bottom a {
margin: 0 20px 0 20px;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 3px 0;
.eme_nav_left {
float: left;
.eme_nav_right {
float: right;
}And the “spaces after the comma” thing: check your eme setting “Monthly period date format” (it lacked a space, added in trunk).
Still, I believe my previous comment stands: the current period should be displayed, not the previous/next ones. So I’ll change that in te code later on.
KeymasterThe dates of the month indicate the previous/next month (idem for week/day), not the current one being displayed. Have you updated your event_manager.css file as well? Well, maybe it would be better to indicate what’s being displayed now, something like:
<< previous month     Jan, 2011     next month >>
<< previous week     January 2, 2011 -- January 8, 2011     next week >>
<< previous day     Jan 2, 2011     next day >>
I can’t take the calendar into account: not everybody has a calendar on their page.
Keymastersorry, but this doesn’t seem like a very useful feature for the world …
KeymasterIt is ready for online payments but just not implemented yet …
But “any shopping cart system” is a totally different story … what you can do there:
– let the users register for the event and activate the event option “Require approval for registration” so new registrations will be “waiting for approval”
– upon registration, send them a mail (also possible in EME) that sends a link to the correct part in your shopping cart system.
– After payment: create a small script of your own that logs in into the admin side and approves the correct pending registration.
KeymasterFrom trunk changelog:
“the calendar jquery javascript code will now only get loaded if/when needed at the bottom of pages, and no longer always at the top”
That should do it for you 🙂
Keymasterimplemented (not tested yet) in trunk. E.g. [events_list contact_person=franky]
Sat 1 Jan 2011 at 21:19 in reply to: Basic CSS question… How do I change the font size in the main Events list? #45813Franky
KeymasterOk, implemented something like this in trunk (and corrected the weekly period paging thing). Do try it out (for day format: general settings taken into account, for month format: EME option taken into account, for week format: scope shown)
Keymasterfor the record: it was a theme issue where some jquery was being loaded that should not be.
KeymasterIn lists? As in [events_list]? Nope. Either the start time/end time is shown, or it is not.
I could add some logic to detect a start/end date of “00:00”, but if you add your own seperators between start/end time, it would still show on the event list.
What you can do: use a custom attribute for this, that defaults to the time format. E.g. use this in the default event list format:
#_ATT{allday}{#H:#i – #@H:#@i}
Now for every event, you’ll have the attribute “allday” at your disposal when editing the event: if you fill something in (e.g. “All day event”) that text will be shown, otherwise the default (in this case: “#H:#i – #@H:#@i”
I hope this is clear somehow.
Sat 1 Jan 2011 at 19:30 in reply to: Hide the menu items "People, Pending Approvals and Change Registration"… #45803Franky
Keymasterimplemented in trunk
KeymasterNot contact person, but author. E.g.: [events_list author=admin45]
Keymasterpersonally not that important to me, so 1 it is.
KeymasterUse “scope” as an option for [events_list], and for the next version scope is possible for the full calendar as well, so you’ll be able to specify a specific period (as mentioned in the examples for [events_list] here: )
Keymasterignored 🙂
Keymaster[events_list scope=today] , see
KeymasterIt is mentioned that you can use all of the options mentioned before. Also: it will be on by default for new installations in 3.2.13 🙂
KeymasterIs a map.fitbounds side effect. I forced min/max zoomlevels in the global map now. Changed files in trunk: eme_location_map.js
KeymasterHave you verified that the older dates are correctly entered in the database?
KeymasterNormally [events_list scope=future] should work just fine. Have you tried that?
For the php code to change: search in eme_events.php for
eme_events_table ( $events, 20, "Future events", "future", $offset );
and change it to
eme_events_table ( $events, 20, __ ( 'All events', 'eme' ), "all", $offset );
(the string “Future events” wasn’t localized yet, corrected in the trunk version, so in the future the code will be:
eme_events_table ( $events, 20, __ ( 'Future events', 'eme' ), "future", $offset );
KeymasterThis I would need to see for myself first. Can you mail me some admin access: liedekef [at]
Also: do both WP installations have the same plugins activated? It might be that another plugin is causing some kind of conflict …
Keymasteris now in trunk btw 🙂
KeymasterCheck the “Contact person” setting for the event, the mail will be sent to that person’s email.
KeymasterFix (will be in trunk):
// the year/month should be based on the first of the month, so if we are the 13th, we substract 12 days to get to day 1
$year=date('Y', strtotime("+$scope_offset month")-$day_offset*86400);
$month=date('m', strtotime("+$scope_offset month")-$day_offset*86400);
$limit_start = "$year-$month-01";
$limit_end = "$year-$month-$number_of_days_month";
$scope = "$limit_start--$limit_end";Franky
KeymasterNo, it’s logical 🙂
Working on a fix now (and need to fix other code as well, since this brought to light a new bug)
KeymasterIf you don’t know that: have somebody else do it for you. I’m very sorry, but this is outside the scope of wordpress or this plugin. If your site is hosted by a hosting provider, you can ask them about this.
Otherwise: try not using gmail, probably “localhost” as smtp server will do just fine (and not using smtp auth).
KeymasterThese are my settings which work fine (just tested it):
SMTP host:
Mail sending port:
Use SMTP authentication:
SMTP username:
SMTP password:
but, don’t forget: it’s the webserver that’s doing the sending, so it might be that port 465 is being blocked by a firewall
KeymasterOk, complicated but should probably work 🙂
But then again, I already got this code to calculate next month’s scope, so this is more readable:
$year=date('Y', strtotime("+$scope_offset month"));
$month=date('m', strtotime("+$scope_offset month"));
$limit_start = "$year-$month-01";
$limit_end = "$year-$month-$number_of_days_month";
$scope = "$limit_start--$limit_end";Try this 🙂
KeymasterHave you used #_NOTES in the single event format? See
KeymasterYeah … php issues are here to stay 🙂 Can you try:
$scope = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("first day of this month $scope_offset months"))."--".date('Y-m-d',strtotime("first day of next month $scope_offset months")-86400);
And if that (first day of next month) doesn’t work:
$scope = date('Y-m-d',strtotime("first day of this month $scope_offset months"))."--".date('Y-m-d',strtotime("first day of this month $next_offset months")-86400);Franky
Keymasterjust overwrite all existing files via ftp. Remove is ok as well.
Keymasterok, you have 2 issues here: apparently you include (somewhere else) the phpmailer class from wordpres, so the one from EME (subdir phpmailer) is not used. In this class of wordpress, an include is done of class-smtp.php, but this only exists in the wp-includes dir of wordpress (but it doesn’t seem to be using that as an include path for you). In EME, subdir phpmailer, I used class.smtp.php.
So what I did: change the code a bit, to be able to work with the wordpress phpmailer bug.
I’d suggest to try out the latest code:
KeymasterSoory, I’ve never used cufon (it seems to be a js to generate fonts).
I would suggest to see in your javascript debugger and look for the error. And maybe post a url to a testsite so I can see for myself.
Also, the latest devel version of EME moved the javascript to the bottom of the page, maybe that helps as well. If you want to try that one out:
KeymasterSeems to work just fine for me … but you need at least php 5.3 for this to work correctly.
Do a “print $scope;” after this line, and see what it returns. In my case: “2010-12-01–2010-12-31” (without clicking the arrows that is)
KeymasterThe default filter in the admin backend is future and is not changeable unless you change the php code.
The thing is: if you have hundreds of events (in the past) these would come up first with “All events”, while most of the time people are only interested in editing future events.
Keymastersorry, but this is not possible. You can however use the template functions and do this yourself, see
Keymasterthat’s quite a change … certainly not like the calendar, but like the newly added code for paging in the shortcode [events_list]. But I added it 🙂
See trunk, but use paging only on a page with one shortcode (otherwise eg. the events_list shortcode might get confused as well)
KeymasterNo, I just found it: you meant the #_MAP for the single location format, I was testing #_MAP for the single event format. The reason is the same as mentioned before, and just now fixed in trunk.
KeymasterI just tested this here (since I didn’t change anything in that part of the code) and it seems to work just fine. Did you update all files? The best way to get all files from trunk is to download the zip file provided by wordpress:
KeymasterNew version in trunk for this: shortcode [locations_map] can now use the same values for scope and category as the shortcode [events_list], these are only honoured if the parameter eventful=true
KeymasterOk, new code in trunk: since I moved the javascript to the footer and only include it when needed, I needed to indicate for the locations_map shortcode that we need the javascript as well.
For the code:
Edit: tested also and it works 🙂
KeymasterThat might be related to something else. I’ll try here (sometimes I’m just too lazy 🙂 )
KeymasterBtw, did you check/text if 1/0 and true/false now both work?
Tue 28 Dec 2010 at 10:32 in reply to: Conflicting problem on the sub-sites of Multisite installation #45741Franky
KeymasterThat would be great, but for testing/debugging I would also need ssh access to the server (possible via openvpn or so). If you can provide me with that, and an exact description of how it should go (ahum …) for multisite: liedekef [at]
Tue 28 Dec 2010 at 09:59 in reply to: Conflicting problem on the sub-sites of Multisite installation #45739Franky
KeymasterWell, then I need to do a multisite myself, but I’m still new to that so it can take some time.
Mon 27 Dec 2010 at 23:21 in reply to: Conflicting problem on the sub-sites of Multisite installation #45737Franky
Keymasterdid you read and try ?
KeymasterThis is the access log, not the error log. But try with the default theme as well please. Also: consider giving me admin access to check the problem: liedekef [at]
KeymasterI just read up on some stuff, and found that using the Marker Manager might be the way to go:
or to keep things simple: the same marker for every event, and then add/code the ability to add a custom marker for an event
KeymasterThis discussion should be in a seperate post, but anyway: I build the images for the location markers with these letters:
var letter = letters;
customIcon = “” + letter + “.png”;
and replacing this by a number doesn’t work. These are the ones given by google:
So if I want to display more than 26 icons, this requires custom icons then.
Also: the limit is in fact from the old version, I bumped it to 26 (A-Z) for now in trunk.
Keymasternoted, not a bug 🙂
Sun 26 Dec 2010 at 22:37 in reply to: "eme_location_map.js_with_infobox" Lines 644 through 647 #45728Franky
Keymasterdisregarded 🙂
Keymasterok, disregarded 🙂
Keymasterok, disregarded 🙂
Keymasteradded to trunk
Keymasterwell, my js debugger never complained about it, but it shouldn’t harm to add it, so done.
Keymastero my god … all fixed! I would like to credit you for this, can I use a specific name in the readme changelog?
Keymasteragreed, added to trunk
KeymasterI mean the logfiles of your webserver/website. On linux: typically in /var/log/httpd/
I think you changed your theme to add some stuff, so maybe there lies the problem?
Keymasterfixed, tx!
KeymasterA blank page usually indicates a php error. Can you check your webserver logfiles for this?
Keymasterfixed in trunk
Fri 24 Dec 2010 at 23:20 in reply to: is there a way to generate css for describing past vs future single events? #45621Franky
KeymasterThis has been implemented in trunk as a new placeholder: #_PAST_FUTURE_CLASS
You can use this in any formatting setting to indicate past or future events (or use it as a css class indicator), eg in the default event list format:
<li class="#_PAST_FUTURE_CLASS">#j #M #Y - #H:#i<br/> #_LINKEDNAME<br/>#_TOWN </li>
I first started out adding a extra
<div class=...>
around each list element, but a div can’t be used as a child tag of<ul>
, and since we don’t know the formatting configured by the user, I let him add it if wantedFranky
KeymasterFixed in trunk so it should now support true/false (next to 1/0), please do verify.
But in fact I’m a bit unsure what the best solution is: true/false or 1/0 …
KeymasterNormally there’s a jquery going on when typing in a location that suggests an already existing location upon typing location info.
And you can change the locations to “dropdown” also, so as to only select previous locations.
So this feature is already implemented 🙂
Keymasterfixed, tx!
Keymasterfixed; tx!
Keymasterfixed; tx!