Forum Replies Created
Keymasterfixed; tx!
Keymasterfixed, tx!
Keymasterfixed; tx!
Keymasterfixed. Tx!
KeymasterThe event submit form is in the admin backend, no changes can be made there (except if you start changing the php code or the translation files).
But if you talk about the event subscribe form, then you can change the button in the admin interface of EME.
KeymasterI guessed so much 🙂
PHP 4 is out of date and no longer supported (not even by php self) …
KeymasterJust starting to use wordpress and already want to change things? Then I suggest you read up on the wordpress documentation for template functions and then read the post mentioned above again.
KeymasterThis seems like there’s another problem going on. Which version of php are you using? And I’m starting to believe there’s a database issue since you upgraded to WP 3.0.3. So for now I can’t do anything else from here, unless you provide me with WP admin and ssh root access to your server so I can debug things.
KeymasterSee here for a howto on a search form for events, it can be used in a identical manner for you:
KeymasterI’m sorry, but I don’t understand your request.
KeymasterIt can be implemented, but not via media gallery browsing (for now). I need to do more testing for that.
KeymasterBelow the part you consider as an excerpt of your event. But the tag is
, the doc added a space where there shouldn’t be any (corrected at, and you had the exclamation mark at the wrong place.Franky
KeymasterNot really … can you try the trunk version, I changed it so it tells us the database problem if any. Get it here:
Also: did you try the method described here anyway (even if Events Manager was never installed):
KeymasterHmmm … this is weird then. Did you update the plugin? Try deactivate/activate EME again. As I recall, you upgraded wordpress to 3.0.3 before, so maybe the problem lies somewhere else.
Did you try it on a fresh install? Have you checked the webserver logfiles?
Also: consider mailing me admin access, so I can see for myself: liedekef [at]
KeymasterDid you try “Events Manager” before “Events Manager Extended”? If so, see this:
If not: try disabling all other plugins and try again, then reactivate one plugin at the time until you find the problem plugin. Report that plugin here then, so I can try it as well.
KeymasterBut you can change the description per event, so you can add the info to specific events. So I don’t believe this to be an issue.
KeymasterOk, I added in the next/previous links for scope=this_week, this_month and today.
Paging will work if you have limit=0 and paging=1 set as well in the [events_list]
Also: paging only works ok if you have only one [events_list] shortcode on your page.
KeymasterBut a small thing: the date will only show up if events happen on that day, so for the combo “scope=today showperiod=daily” you won’t see the date if no events happen on that day.
Wed 22 Dec 2010 at 10:33 in reply to: ul class="eme_events_list" – element added to list output #45652Franky
Keymastercorrect, but I was a bit wrong: if you use “format” in the shortcode, the ul won’t get added as well. Also if you define your own “Default event list format header” and “Default event list format footer” in the settings, no ul as well.
KeymasterOr even better: you can just use
[events_list scope=today showperiod=daily]
KeymasterWell, *this* is the explanation you should’ve given from the beginning 🙂
But anyway, it is what it is: showperiod shows you the date as an extra, scope doesn’t. Some small php in your posts can help you here (no need for editing php), eg:
<?php echo date("Y-m-d"); ?>
before your shortcode should help you.
KeymasterBtw, you can use “format” as an option to the [events_list] shortcode, this in fact gives you what you want, so you can change the formatting per occurence of the shortcode, eg:
[events_list scope=today format="<li>#j #M #Y - #H:#i #_LINKEDNAME<br>#_TOWN </li>"]
==> Don’t do this in the visual editor, but in the html-code editor (otherwise the “<” gets translated etc)
==> if you use your own formatting, make sure to use correct beginning and endings as well in your post (eg. ul-codes before and after the shortcode in this example:
[events_list scope=today format="<li>#j #M #Y - #H:#i #_LINKEDNAME<br>#_TOWN </li>"]
</ul>Since this seems like a good workaround, I’ll close this feature request.
KeymasterTry the latest trunk version, some fixes were made for this:
KeymasterPlease send a mail to liedekef [at] with your changes (as unified diff) and a nice explanation. If the changes are useful for everybody I’ll them to the code.
About the attributes: for now this is only possible if you do your own theming, not with shortcodes. But you can enter a default text to be shown if the attribute isn’t filled in.
KeymasterWell, I won’t add this since it influences all widgets and all shortcodes and I don’t like it when my plugin changes generic behaviour. But the correct way to do it is either:
– add the following to your functions.php:
if (!is_admin()) add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode', 11);
– or use to create a small plugin that just activates this for you.
KeymasterHmmm … check your setting “Default event list format”, that’s where the date formatting is given for the list of events. But I think I see the problem: you want to use showperiod=daily, so you removed the date part from the settings and then you want to use scope, but that of course would need the date part back in the settings …
You want to use the “format” parameter for [events_list], so you can change the formatting per occurence of the shortcode, eg:
[events_list scope=today format="<li>#j #M #Y - #H:#i #_LINKEDNAME<br>#_TOWN </li>"]
==> Don’t do this in the visual editor, but in the html-code editor (otherwise the “<” gets translated etc)
==> if you use your own formatting, make sure to use correct beginning and endings as well in your post (eg. ul-codes before and after the shortcode in this example:
[events_list scope=today format="<li>#j #M #Y - #H:#i #_LINKEDNAME<br>#_TOWN </li>"]
KeymasterI’ve committed some code to svn trunk that should resolve this, as in the changelog:
“the google map javascript code will now only get loaded if/when needed at the bottom of pages, and no longer always at the top”
The diff:
KeymasterWell … it works fine here, so maybe you can give me a link to a demo page and/or admin access (liedekef [at]
KeymasterFor the formatting of the day in showperiod=daily: see your general wordpress settings, these are taken from there. Then just take this setting for your event listing.
I’ve read your mail this night (sigh … I really shouldn’t, these things have a tendancy of crawling into my sleep and solving them …) and will mail you in private.
KeymasterBtw: this_week has been added to trunk as a possible value to the scope parameter
Keymaster@medicineagency: you can always contact me in private for work to be done: liedekef [at]
I usually only do things that are beneficial for everybody though 🙂
For the “this week thingie”: I can add a “this_week” scope option (like this_month),, shouldn’t be that hard to do …
KeymasterTssss …. I’ve changed the readme.txt file to point out that I no longer support WP versions older than 3.0 🙂
Mon 20 Dec 2010 at 19:53 in reply to: is there a way to generate css for describing past vs future single events? #45620Franky
KeymasterI see … I’ll try to include a CSS to indicate past/present/future events for the next version
KeymasterIf the calendar dissapears, it means you need to check your logfiles: somewhere an error popped up … Probably another plugin is using non-conform jquery code. Disable all other plugins and try again, then reactivate one by one until you find the guilty one
KeymasterOk, I added an option “long_events” to the events_list as well (shortcode and template function, as for events_calendar) which defaults to “0”, so that should do it for everybody now.
But the limit/paging function should work just fine …
Mon 20 Dec 2010 at 19:16 in reply to: ul class="eme_events_list" – element added to list output #45650Franky
KeymasterHmm … the
gets added if you don’t provide your own format in the function eme_get_events_list, and as the doc says: only in the template tags; if you use the shortcodes the<ul>
gets added.Franky
KeymasterConfirmed as a bug: due to the new code, the day shows for every event.
Try this change:
I committed this change for 3.2.12 as well now, so new updaters won’t have the issue anymore.
KeymasterSee here:
For the moment I’m coding this up alone (EME) while I believe the EM developers are with 2. They’ve moved to 3.0 and OO but sometimes still fix old bugs because of the code legacy. I reported many bugs to them before forking.
I believe EME to be quite bugfree, check the open/closed bug reports for this.
In features: I don’t know what new features EM 3.0 has come up with, but EME has a very long feature list. I’d suggest to read the changelog for this as well: The changelog will also prove that EME is very much alive.
The upgrade path: if you have 2.2, it should upgrade without issues to EME 3.x, I can’t speak for EM here.
Keymasterjeez … I’m blind sometimes 🙂
Corrected! Thanks for noticing this.
Sun 19 Dec 2010 at 23:03 in reply to: is there a way to generate css for describing past vs future single events? #45618Franky
KeymasterYou can use your own div around
[events_list scope=past]
and another around[events_list scope=future]
, there’s no prob having both on one page.Franky
KeymasterWell … I’ll try putting the javascript in the body of the page, if that works I can load it only when needed, otherwise maybe I can add an option so you can define on which pages you want the google maps api to be loaded, I see no other way around it …
KeymasterCorrected (with two others I found), but you seem to mention only one typo?
KeymasterThe lines are not identical, the version given in the released files is better.
The problem here is that this is related to the google map service, not your own URL’s. The site at can’t be used over ssl (https), so I can’t change that fact. If you want https for google maps, you have to pay google for it:
KeymasterSee, look for “scope”
Keymasteryes??? It’s there:
define('EME_PLUGIN_URL', plugins_url('',plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/'); //PLUGIN DIRECTORY
KeymasterWell, this is in there:
define('EME_PLUGIN_URL', plugins_url('',plugin_basename(__FILE__)).'/');
and should be ok …
KeymasterThe plugin seems to work just fine here. It want to play m4v for my ogv files, but for the rest it seems ok. Btw, it’s “[video src=...]” and not “[video scr=...]“. I also tested it for mp3: works fine.
Make sure you don’t have weird characters between “[” and “]” (don’t use the rich editor, switch to html-view to check this)
KeymasterWell, try to use the latest version, the change is already in there.
Keymasternice to hear you feel better and the problem was solved 🙂
KeymasterUnfortunately, admintiger is correct here: since events aren’t regular posts, this is a bit difficult.
You can import them as events using mysql statements, but not as events.
KeymasterGlad to hear!
KeymasterWell, I tried with a category with no events and for the rest categories with events: no problem.
So 2 things here:
– you can send me a mysql dump of the wp_dbem_* tables for me to try out
– give me some admin access to try at your site
– try the latest dev version: (some things did change here …)
My email: liedekef [at] (if you choose the first/second options)
KeymasterWell, the code seems ok, but now I have something to test this weekend 🙂
KeymasterI just tried it here and it seems to work just fine. Can you check in the non-rich html editor wether or not the content of your page contains weird characters between “[” and “]”?
KeymasterWell, just for short-term fix: go in eme_events.php, around line 1704 and remove the text
for the lines defining the input field localised-date and localised-end-date
It will get overwritten in every future version of course, but it’s always the same change.
KeymasterSeems like a small bug in eme_people.php
Change the line saying
(around line 297) and it should be ok (it changed ok, but showed the wrong value)
KeymasterEt voila: implemented in trunk: if present in your theme CSS dir, eme.css is being included. The use of myown.css is being discouraged.
KeymasterI was already thinking about this and will implement this!
KeymasterThe problem is more that we have the rich editor on the same page: the thickbox thingie (from the media gallery) can only “insert into post” either in the rich editor or in a seperate page.
I’ve found this page that might be of interest:
but I need to play around with it. Of course: any help is welcome.
Edit: btw, the image-widget plugin seems to adopt many of the things mentioned in this article, but it wouldn’t help me here …
KeymasterTry this if Events Manager is the problem:
go into the settings of EME and check the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling?”.
Then deactivate and reactivate EME.
This setting will delete all old tables and settings concerning EME, so also those corrupted by Events Manager, so you’ll start with a empty events manager then.
But apparently there might be a problem with a fresh install of EME (a bit weird), so please do come back with any problems.
KeymasterHmm … can you try this change:
and then deactivate/activate again?
Also: did you install another plugin called “Events Manager”? It messes around with the database structure …
KeymasterWell, it’s not that simple, but using javascript with some jquery handling the date changing can do what you require. It won’t be easy though and my jquery knowledge is still limited …
KeymasterCorrect, fixed in trunk. I also fixed the other label (it says “width” where it should be “height” in the long description of the field)
KeymasterThanks for noticing this. The function was unused, so I removed it in the trunk version.
KeymasterWell, it will take a week or so (I do have a daily job …), but still the attributes solution can be used for this as well, as a workaround: .
KeymasterConcerning the images in calendar view: you can use the alternative solution I provided in (using attributes). But I will add a new placeholder (#_EVENTIMAGE) together with the possibility to upload one specific image for the event, so you can use that placeholder anywhere needed then (of course you can still use more images in the event description). The idea behind is the same as for the extra location image.
Keymasterok, fixed in trunk 🙂
KeymasterI’ll try to change/correct that this weekend (this really isn’t a 2-lines fix …)
KeymasterThe showperiod tag uses the event start date (for now), so no solution yet.
KeymasterRead the doc: , search for “#@”
And if possible, why don’t you use the shortcodes instead? See
KeymasterIt’s of course possible to show both calendar and list on the same page. You’ll want to use the shortcodes [events_list] and [events_calendar] with their possible options on one page. See
For the images: see
You can put in the “single event format” the placeholder #_ADDBOOKINGFORM, and just link to the event from the event list as usual.
KeymasterNice to hear!
KeymasterHmm … can you try this change:
and then deactivate/activate again?
I really need to rework the whole DB structure thing in the future …
Keymaster– About the events listed on a location page: you can change any formatting to your liking …
– About the events spanning multiple days: look at the option “long_events”
KeymasterTo answer it officially: when the next version comes out 🙂
Mostly this takes one or 2 weeks, depending on the number of bugs fixed or feature requests implemented.
KeymasterIt’s not possible yet, but easy to add. I added in trunk the following parameters to the shortcode “events_rss_link” (with their default value):
‘scope’ => ‘future’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
‘category’ => ”,
‘author’ => ”,
‘limit’ => 5
This (the limit parameter) removes the option I added before (eme_rss_number_events_shown) in the settings page.
KeymasterChange the format, either for the event list or for the single event in the Settings page (or per event). See
KeymasterThis is a wordpress issue: in 3.1 there’s a new filter (get_media_item_args) where I can control the appearance of this button, but for now you need to live with it
KeymasterWell, I’m guessing you don’t have anything special filled in for “Default single event format” in the settings. You need to play with the placeholders:
KeymasterThanks for the input, I’ll add this!
KeymasterCheck the documentation page on shortcodes and placeholders for how to format your events and such:
Also check your settings in general. The automatically created events page should not be shown in the menu, only your own pages (see the shortcodes, and formatted with placeholders).
KeymasterBoth implemented in the trunk version.
KeymasterLook for “Remove leading zeros from minutes”
Keymasterupdate the module and check the Settings page for EME.
Keymasterglad to hear it isn’t a bug 🙂
KeymasterHmmm … I thought you were talking about the location image. But for the images in the event description, the standard wordpress editor is used. I don’t change anything in that field. Do be careful: you can’t just “move” a page a level down, the generated info (like image url’s) in that page will indeed no longer be correct. Maybe that’s what has happened?
KeymasterConfirmed as a bug, I’ll look into it.
KeymasterWhen using php mail, you need to have php correctly configured. For smtp: you need to check your logs … btw, standard smtp port is 25.
KeymasterThis has been implemented in the trunk version
KeymasterThis page will be used to just be able to delete people info. There’s another feature request for this, so I’ll close this one.
KeymasterThis has been implemented in trunk
KeymasterThis has now been implemented in trunk
KeymasterBtw, did you read ?
It’s not exactly what you want, but using attributes you can achieve this just fine.
KeymasterFor the image: see post (for now, I’ll add the possibility to add a event image later on).
I don’t understand the second question at all, maybe try asking me in French? I’ll respond in English but I can understand French just fine.
KeymasterThis has been implemented in the trunk version
KeymasterImplemented in trunk:
added an option to remove leading zeros from minutes: 09 becomes 9, 00 becomes empty
KeymasterAs I suspected: mysql2date from wordpress uses “G” for something else. I replaced all calls to mysql2date to “date_i18n” and “strtotime”, now it works as expected.
KeymasterHmmm … I’ll check on the #G, might be an incompatibility between mysql2date() from wordpress and date() from php.
For the backslashes: it’s a wordpress editor thing, nothing to do with EME on itself. If you use the visual editor that *might* work better (haven’t tested it though)
KeymasterWell, it is possible, but you’ll need to write your own templates for this.
KeymasterThe full calendar is a calendar, I will not put in duplicate info there. The year/month is mentioned at the top and for now the day is not changeable. Also just the day can’t be changed, it’s the background of the complete cell (do a view source). You can add an additional stylesheet to the info you give back in the calendar if you want, and there you can change again what you want.
KeymasterSorry, not possible for now.
KeymasterOk, I’ll add an option to remove leading zero’s from minutes (using the php function ltrim will do the job nicely). For the hour: use #G
KeymasterThanks for the kind words. However I do can use any help, so if you want to develop this: please do go ahead, I can review patches if that’s ok for you. Otherwise I will do this myself later on … so many feature requests, so little time … 🙂
KeymasterNot possible yet, but a good feature request!
Tue 30 Nov 2010 at 19:36 in reply to: #_LOCATION and #_LOCATIONPAGEURL on same single event display kills the pageURL #45468Franky
KeymasterThis is indeed a bug, and it’s just because NO preg_replace is used that this is a problem 🙂
I fixed this in trunk, please check out the corrected version here:
KeymasterI’m not quite sure I understand. So if the minutes are “00”, you don’t want to show them but in other cases you do?
Can I ask what time formatting string you’re using?
KeymasterFor now no, I’ll try to add pagination in the front for the next version. However you do have the possibility to create a link with next months events, but that’s not what you want I guess.
KeymasterI’m wondering why you don’t use the wordpress way of doing this:
KeymasterNot possible yet, but a good addition! I’ll look into it.
KeymasterThis is not possible. The admin needs to assign at least the “Contributor” right for a user to be able to add an event. I’m not to keen on letting the public create anything without checks at all.
Search for “Access rights” on the doc page:
KeymasterThis should not happen anymore, unless you use a very odd theme. But even then, the solution here should work:
– make the “Events” page hidden again (or whatever you choose to be the Events page, see the Settings in Events), as a result it won’t show up in the menu anymore
– create a new events page (with wathever title in it) and use the shortcode [events_list] to show the events (for the parameters to this shortcode, see
– add that new page to your custom menu
KeymasterGoog suggestion! I’ll file this under feature requests!
KeymasterThe way events are shown using the shortcodes is not conditional, so that’s not going to help you.
You could use the function “eme_get_events” in your templates, it has about the same options as “eme_get_events_list” but it doesn’t return a html-list, but just an array of events and all the info, eg:
$resulting_events=eme_get_events(10, "future", "ASC");
will return an array of 10 events in the future, ordered ASC, in the variable $resulting_events.
After this, you can loop through the array and print what you like yourself. Use the php-function print_r to see what it looks like and use any info wanted.
and looping through it:
foreach ($resulting_events as $event) {
print $event['event_name'];
KeymasterCorrect! Nice find! I updated svn with the correct fix.
KeymasterIf you let wordpress do the upgrade, it deletes all old files for a plugin first. But if you have updates to a language file that you consider interesting for everybody, mail them so I can include them in the next version: liedekef [at]
Fri 26 Nov 2010 at 08:46 in reply to: Events Not Appearing Even Though it Says "New event successfully inserted!" #45434Franky
KeymasterOk, you had EM 3.x installed before EME. See this post:
I did this for you, everything is working now.
Btw: please update to 3.2.9 when you get the chance.
KeymasterI just released a version that has an option in the dropdown menu so you can choose an “empty” location, that should solve all these issues.
KeymasterI’m sorry, but no. But what you can do: create a new page (to display the events calendar) and use as content
[events_calendar full=1]
(see for more options).
And on that page you can use your own template/layout to your liking.
KeymasterErrr … I can create events just fine without any location info, so I’m not really sure what popup you’re talking about. I’m guessing you have the EME setting “Use dropdown for locations” activated, which of course needs a location then (I’ll try to add a “none” location as well). Deactivate this option (unless you have qtranslate activated, then you have no option untill I put the “none” thingie in the code) and try again.
Thu 25 Nov 2010 at 19:34 in reply to: Events Not Appearing Even Though it Says "New event successfully inserted!" #45432Franky
KeymasterThese are all good versions. The log is just an access entry, no meaning here.
I would need admin access to your site to check this out. You can mail it to me if you want: liedekef [at]
Thu 25 Nov 2010 at 13:59 in reply to: Events Not Appearing Even Though it Says "New event successfully inserted!" #45430Franky
KeymasterHmm … ok, did you take any look at the Settings page? EME needs a specially created Events page, and if you delete it, it won’t work. Also: what’s the version of EME/WP/PHP you’re running on? And do you see any errors in your webserver logfiles?
Thu 25 Nov 2010 at 08:25 in reply to: Events Not Appearing Even Though it Says "New event successfully inserted!" #45428Franky
KeymasterTypical behaviour if you did a plugin update and not deactivate/reactivate it.
KeymasterBtw: there are some small fixes coming up this week again, so don’t forget to look out for the upgrade!
KeymasterGlad to be of help!
KeymasterOk, since that’s a good way to handle thhings, I’ll close this. I’m not going to do the link part since I would need to take all the possible parameters into account (scope, limit, category, author, …)
KeymasterWell, I could add it of course. Does this mean that people could use all the shortcodes outside pages, in widgets? An implementation example would be nice 🙂
Keymasterok, ok, I’ll add this to the feature request list again 🙂
KeymasterI think your php version is out of date, check if you’re on php 5.
KeymasterJust leave the content for the location empty, done. And edit the “single event format” for that event so you don’t try to show a google map or so.
Tue 23 Nov 2010 at 21:18 in reply to: Event on current date in subsequent months does not appear #45380Franky
KeymasterHmmm … now I can reproduce it … I made an update so I didn’t had the prob anymore, but forgot to include it in the release. Can you try this replacement for eme_calendar.php:
Tue 23 Nov 2010 at 21:06 in reply to: Event on current date in subsequent months does not appear #45379Franky
KeymasterWell yes, somebody mailed something similar to me, but I can’t reproduce it …
Tue 23 Nov 2010 at 07:10 in reply to: Google maps not showing on eventsinglepage with german translation #45412Franky
KeymasterOk, confirmed as a bug. Could you try this change and see if it works for you:
KeymasterOk, the next_month scope is in:
KeymasterI think the next_month scope should be easy to add … I’ll cook that one up now
KeymasterHmmm … I would say you want [events_list showperiod=daily]
The doc was wrong (it said “weekly”, but that doesn’t exist).
KeymasterNot possible for now, but I’ll add this to the feature requests.
Mon 22 Nov 2010 at 16:16 in reply to: Fatal Error: function get_current_user_id() – please help! #45384Franky
KeymasterYes, the function get_current_user_id() is from WP 3.x, not 2.x …
KeymasterNot yet, this is on my todo list. But this list interferes with nothing else, so it shouldn’t be a blocking issue.
KeymasterDon’t use PHP 4 anymore, it’s no longer supported. Even the website of PHP recommends an upgrade to PHP 5 …
Thu 18 Nov 2010 at 19:08 in reply to: Event on current date in subsequent months does not appear #45376Franky
KeymasterOk, better and more correct fix:
(or update to the latest trunk version, which incorporates other fixes as well)
Thu 18 Nov 2010 at 18:45 in reply to: Event on current date in subsequent months does not appear #45375Franky
KeymasterHi, indeed it is niot showing this, but the fix is a bit different. Replace at around 398 in eme_calendar.php the line:
$calendar=str_replace("<td class='eventless-today'>".$cell['day']."</td>","<td class='eventful-today event-day-".$cell['day']."'>".$cell['cell']."</td>",$calendar);
$calendar=str_replace("<td class='eventless'>".$cell['day']."</td>","<td class='eventful-today event-day-".$cell['day']."'>".$cell['cell']."</td>",$calendar);
KeymasterI’m guessing this is something else (maybe a rights problem on my side or so).
Can you give me admin access + a problem author access to your site so I can check this out?
KeymasterAs said: “In future versions I hope to make this more configurable”.
For now, if you don’t want it to be mandatory, you need to edit the code.
KeymasterWhich version are you using, which file are you editing and which editor are you using?
KeymasterBtw: it’s not the server timezone that’s being taken into account, but the one configured in the wordpress general settings.
KeymasterSure, you can mail any translation to: liedekef [at]
Are you interested in the latest .pot file for this?
KeymasterApparently the timezone was indeed not taken into account for the calendar, should be fixed in the devel version:
KeymasterThis should be done in your database administration tool. If you don’t know what to do here: I created a new option in the next release that helps you here:
– Deactivate EME
– Download the latest devel version and put that one in place:
– Activate EME
– Go to the settings and say “yes” for the option “Delete all EME data when uninstalling”
– Now deactivate and activate EME
Because of this setting, all database tables will be removed when deactivating, so also those causing troubles.
KeymasterApparently it’s a weird thing with the way jquery works in google chrome. Please undo my previous suggestion and try this: in eme_calendar.php, change lines 443-446 from:
month_n = tableDiv.children('div.month_n').html();
year_n = tableDiv.children('div.year_n').html();
cat_chosen = tableDiv.children('div.cat_chosen').html();
author_chosen = tableDiv.children('div.author_chosen').html();to
month_n = tableDiv.children('div.month_n').text();
year_n = tableDiv.children('div.year_n').text();
cat_chosen = tableDiv.children('div.cat_chosen').text();
author_chosen = tableDiv.children('div.author_chosen').text();and the same for lines 462-465. Would be great if you could test it in any browser/OS combo at your disposal. I tried firefox and chrome on linux and it seems to work fine.