Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHmmm … could you try the following: change in eme_calendar.php on lines 495,496 the code
(isset($_GET['calmonth'])) ? $month = eme_sanitize_request($_GET['calmonth']) : $month = '';
(isset($_GET['calyear'])) ? $year = eme_sanitize_request($_GET['calyear']) : $year = '';to
(isset($_GET['calmonth'])) ? $month = intval($_GET['calmonth']) : $month = '';
(isset($_GET['calyear'])) ? $year = intval($_GET['calyear']) : $year = '';And then try again?
KeymasterHmmm … I thought I took the timezone of the server in consideration. I’ll take a look at it.
Anyway, the server renders without timezone info of the client, so it’s always server time. I could use javascript and such, but I believe this is a shortcoming of wordpress: the user can’t enter it’s own timezone in his profile. Maybe I can add it for EME like I did the phone number, but it shouldbe a wordpress basic setting per user …
KeymasterNo prob, glad it works now!
KeymasterSee the error console on your browser: you have a serious javascript error, preventing further execution and thus not showing a dynamics google map. In your case the error is this one:
Error: GA_googleFillSlot is not defined
Source File:
Line: 262
KeymasterIf you installed EM 3.x before installing EME, then this gives troubles. Since EM upgraded to 3.x, EME is no longer backwards compatible. I’m going to try to be more aggresive in the database creation stuff, but for now: if this is the case, deactivate EM and EME, remove EM and all database tables with names wp_dbem_* and activate EME. Then it should work fine.
KeymasterReal life example code (see
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="content" class="narrowcolumn">
$table = $wpdb->prefix."dbem_events";
$s = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['s']); // The search key words
$found_event = false;
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE (event_name LIKE '%".$s."%') OR
(event_notes LIKE '%".$s."%') ORDER BY event_start_date";
$events = $wpdb->get_results ( $query, ARRAY_A );
foreach ($events as $row) {
print "<h2><a href='".get_bloginfo('url')."/events/?event_id=".$row['event_id']."'>".$row['event_name']."</a> ".$row['event_start_date']."</h2>";
print substr($row['event_notes'],0,250)."[...]";
print "<div style='clear:both;'></div>";
$found_event = true;
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<h2 class="pagetitle">Suchergebnisse</h2>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="post">
<h2 id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"><a>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanenter Link zu <?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<p class="meta">
<span class="timr"><?php the_time('F d, Y') ?></span>
<span class="user">Von: <?php the_author() ?> </span>
<span class="catr">Kategorie: <?php the_category(', ') ?></span>
<?php edit_post_link('Bearbeiten', '<span class="editr">', '</span>'); ?>
<?php the_content('<p class="serif">Lies den rest des Eintrags »</p>'); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages(array('vorige' => '<p><strong>Pages:</strong> ', 'nachfolgende' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number')); ?>
<p class="postmeta">
<span class="commr"><?php comments_popup_link('Noch keine Kommentare →', 'Kommentar (1)', 'Kommentare (%)'); ?></span>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<div class="navigation">
<div class="alignleft">
<?php next_posts_link('← Vorige Artikel') ?>
<div class="alignright">
<?php previous_posts_link('Nachfolgende Artikel →') ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php if (!$found_event) { ?>
<div class="post">
<h2>Keine Artikel gefunden. Bitte suche mit einem anderen Begriff</h2>
<p><?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>Franky
KeymasterJust a heads-up: all 3 features have been implemented in the latest devel version.
KeymasterDifferent locations and different dates? Then these are different events that happen to have the same description 🙂
Maybe in the future I can add “linked” events so you can link events and based on eg. a location for the user (like the phone) we show one event (or all, if the location doesn’t match).
For now: you’ll have to create a page where you ask the user for the location he’s interested in and then show the relevant event.
KeymasterI’ll take the suggestions into account, but the problem you had with the reservations has been fixed in 3.2.0 (apparently I forgot to put this in the appropriate changelog, but has been fixed in the trunk changelog for 3.2.0).
Btw: I suggest you upgrade to the latest version: 3.2.7
Keymaster#_DESCRIPTION is for locations, you want to use #_NOTES or #_DETAILS (or #_EXCERPT)
For the name of the event without the link: #_NAME. This is all explained in the doc:
KeymasterApparently one could only add phonenumbers to profiles other than his own, has been fixed in trunk.
KeymasterDepends on the functionality asked 🙂
Mail me in private: liedekef [at]
KeymasterApparently this has been forgotten, but I added it to the trunk version. So from next version on, you can have fifth Sunday recurrence options. If you want it now, get the trunk (devel) version here:
KeymasterThanks for the heads-up. Has been changed in the trunk version!
KeymasterThought so 🙂 Glad you got it to work!
KeymasterAnd what are your settings for the attendees format?
KeymasterWhat shortcode are you using and are your settings for the attendees format?
Sun 7 Nov 2010 at 22:12 in reply to: Can't use comments & GD star rating, shows same comment & rating for all events #45307Franky
KeymasterNope, not yet. Since we use one page to essentialy do all the event stuff, wordpress mixes all comments together as well. I’m playing around with some wordpress filters but not really successful so far. I think I can modify the code for “Five Star Rating” to work with event ID’s instead of Post ID’s, but that needs work of course …
KeymasterHere you go:
Make sure you have php 5 going on there …
KeymasterSee the code above … it’s there, before the endif.
KeymasterSee this code:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="content" class="narrowcolumn">
$table = $wpdb->prefix."dbem_events";
$s = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['s']); // The search key words
$found_event = false;
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE (event_name LIKE '%".$s."%') OR
(event_notes LIKE '%".$s."%') ORDER BY event_start_date";
$events = $wpdb->get_results ( $query, ARRAY_A );
foreach ($events as $row) {
print "<h2><a href='".get_bloginfo('url')."/events/?event_id=".$row['event_id']."'>".$row['event_name']."</a> ".$row['event_start_date']."</h2>";
print substr($row['event_notes'],0,250)."[...]";
print "<div style='clear:both;'></div>";
$found_event = true;
<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<h2 class="pagetitle">Suchergebnisse</h2>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="post">
<h2 id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"><a>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanenter Link zu <?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<p class="meta">
<span class="timr"><?php the_time('F d, Y') ?></span>
<span class="user">Von: <?php the_author() ?> </span>
<span class="catr">Kategorie: <?php the_category(', ') ?></span>
<?php edit_post_link('Bearbeiten', '<span class="editr">', '</span>'); ?>
<?php the_content('<p class="serif">Lies den rest des Eintrags »</p>'); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages(array('vorige' => '<p><strong>Pages:</strong> ', 'nachfolgende' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number')); ?>
<p class="postmeta">
<span class="commr"><?php comments_popup_link('Noch keine Kommentare →', 'Kommentar (1)', 'Kommentare (%)'); ?></span>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<div class="navigation">
<div class="alignleft">
<?php next_posts_link('← Vorige Artikel') ?>
<div class="alignright">
<?php previous_posts_link('Nachfolgende Artikel →') ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php if (!$found_event) { ?>
<div class="post">
<h2>Keine Artikel gefunden. Bitte suche mit einem anderen Begriff</h2>
<p><?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>I included the code from above your line containing “if (have_posts())” and at the bottom I added the “if (!$found_event)” before showing you don’t have any results.
KeymasterSorry, but this is not possible. The default contact is selected in the EME settings, and for each event the event creator can change this to their liking.
KeymasterI have absolutely no idea what you mean with this, but if it works then I’m happy 🙂
KeymasterCheck the WordPress settings “WordPress address (URL)” and “Site address (URL)”
Also, judging by the generated URL’s, you still have permalinks activated.
But also: check the EME setting “Events page” and see that it points to an existing (non protected) page.
KeymasterThis session issue is a php issue and should be reported to php …
But as a workaround: disable the use of the captcha, there’s a honeypot field protection also, should be sufficient in most cases.
KeymasterNo response, closing
KeymasterNo response … closing
KeymasterYeah, and another bug from pre-3.2.5 made it in 3.2.6 as well (sigh). So download this file as well:
KeymasterHi, 3.2.6 was released to fix the wp_dbem_people problem, so you should be ok
KeymasterAh, I see … I only take into account the start day, not the start hour. I fixed this in trunk and also backported it to 3.2.6. If you already downloaded 3.2.6, just get this file again:
KeymasterIn order to debug this, I would need indeed admin access to the site and also access to the mysql tables. If you want, you can mail the needed info to me: liedekef [at]
KeymasterGood to hear it worked out for you!
KeymasterErrr … this is bad. This means you’re missing a table. At least the following tables are created by the plugin:
So if one of these is missing, your install failed or you don’t have the needed mysql rights to create tables (although this table exists already a long time, even in older versions).
I would suggest: deactivate/reactivate the plugin.
Btw: if you have the older brother of this plugin installed (Events Manager), it will fail since after they started upgrading it in september, it became impossible to be backwards compatible.
So, if you have that plugin: delete it, remove all wp_dbem_tables, deactivate/reactivate the EME plugin and you should be good.
KeymasterWell, maybe it is the plugin, I indeed have no experience with multisites yet 🙂
I’ll try to read up on this and see what should be the result of this.
KeymasterYou need to change the default settings, eg. add #_NOTES, #_MAP, #_ADDBOOKINGFORM to the “single event format” setting. This and other things are explained in the doc:
Fri 5 Nov 2010 at 18:32 in reply to: Unable to add event because datepicker popup doesn't display #45275Franky
Keymastersure: liedekef [at]
KeymasterHmmm … scope=al will never work, but it defaults to “scope=future” then. That’s what probably makes it work. I’ll try it here as well.
Ahh … stupid of me to not see this: “dbem” changed to “eme” some weeks ago. So try:
<?php eme_get_events_list(“limit=3&scope=all&order=ASC”); ?>
Btw: make sure you want “all”, you’ll probably want “future”
Fri 5 Nov 2010 at 12:22 in reply to: Unable to add event because datepicker popup doesn't display #45273Franky
KeymasterYou’re talking about RSVP now, no? It’s not easy to add for now, later on I’ll try and make something where you can add fields.
Keymaster“scope=al” ? Should be “scope=all”, as has always been the case.
KeymasterOk, I found it. Small bug when displaying the person info. Replace eme_people.php by this one:
I also replaced it in the released version, so new upgraders won’t have that problem anymore.
KeymasterDoes it break registration for non WP users or does it only show not enough info?
Fri 5 Nov 2010 at 08:25 in reply to: Unable to add event because datepicker popup doesn't display #45271Franky
KeymasterProbably another plugin is using non-conform jquery code. Disable all other plugins and try again, then reactivate one by one until you find the guilty one
KeymasterWell, I took a look at the code and changed it a bit: now for users that have a wordpress ID, the name/email is always taken from the function get_userdata(ID), so the info is changed according the preferences of the user.
Keymastergood point! Added to the trunk version.
KeymasterAnd about the number of adults/children: they can specify this in the comment section, I know it’s not exactly what’s wanted, but it’s a workaround.
Btw: this week the next version will come out (it’s in fact almost there). So maybe you can get the trunk version:
KeymasterWell … euhm, no … I hope 🙂
No seriously, it shouldn’t happen again.
the first is indeed not possible here 🙂
For the second: in the latest release the “Book Now” message is gone, so you can put there anything you want. So you might want to update …
KeymasterOk, the deletebooking form deleted all bookings per person. I corrected this in trunk and it will be in the next version.
KeymasterErrr … this shouldn’t be the case. I’ll look into it.
Edit: I tested the “Change registration” in the backend, and that seems to work fine. So, you’re probably talking about the #_REMOVEBOOKINGFORM method. I’ll test this one out also.
KeymasterFor this I would refer to read the doc, in your case you’ll need to change the setting “Default single event format” to include the #_NOTES placeholder, so it shows the event details.
KeymasterSo what color would be used if you had 2 events from different categories on the same day?
The day is not dependant on the events in that day, and you only have a max. of 31 days in a month, so once you define if for 31 days, you’re done.
KeymasterThat info gets copied in, so once it’s in there and you changed the display settings afterwards, it won’t affect anything any more. Try with a new booking. For the rest, search for
in eme_rsvp.php if you want to check for yourself to see what I use.Franky
KeymasterI committed my suggested code to the trunk, so you might want to try out my second suggestion (it will be in the next release)
KeymasterDon’t use the event category for unique class css-keys, use eg. $cell:
$calendar=str_replace("<td class='eventless'>".$cell['day']."</td>","<td class='".$cell['day']." eventful'>".$cell['cell']."</td>",$calendar);
or better:
$calendar=str_replace("<td class='eventless'>".$cell['day']."</td>","<td class='eventful event-day-".$cell['day']."'>".$cell['cell']."</td>",$calendar);
That will give you class “eventful event-day-” followed by the number of the day. Maybe interesting to add in general … it won’t affect other things and so allows again more CSS freedom.
$event is not initialized again in that loop, so it won’t work.
KeymasterWell, normally the “display_name” is taken for wordpress users, see
For the phone: correct, I forgot to delete part of an if-statement. I updated this in trunk for eme_rsvp.php. You can get this version here:
KeymasterGlad to hear. Do take note of these changes, so that after an update you can re-apply them (maybe I’ll make it configurable anyway …).
You can always donate using the donate button on the doc site:
KeymasterAs I said: #_NAME, #_PHONE, #_EMAIL, #_ID
nothing else is available for a user.
You are probably talking about wordpress user info. I might be able to add that info too …
KeymasterThere’s no simple way to override this. If you really can live without translations for the locations, you can change it manually though. Just comment out the following lines in eme_events.php at around line 1272:
if (function_exists('qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage')) {
}And the same lines in eme_locations.php at around 662 if you want the autocompletion of locations to work.
KeymasterYes, since the original plugin has been updated, it is impossible to be backwards compatible any more.
So: deactivate both plugins, remove the EM plugin completely (just in case), remove the database tables starting with wp_dbem_* and reactivate EME.
KeymasterWell, you can always download the latest trunk version here to try out, it won’t be that different from the released version this week. Get the trunk version here:
Any feedback is appreciated.
KeymasterSince these are all feature requests, I’ll move this 🙂
For the reserved seats count: I’ll try to add this one to the next version, the rest I need to think about. For now, workarounds exist for this so it’s not that urgent.
Edit: the reserved seats count has been implemented in trunk
Tue 2 Nov 2010 at 23:23 in reply to: Google Maps preview of Location is not the same as the map visible for public #45249Franky
KeymasterWell, I don’t think Google would care, and it’s not even sure where exactly the error is … also, very difficult to reproduce, so it’s hard to write up a bug report for it. So for now I would say: always check your events/locations after saving them 🙂
KeymasterYes, yes, I know there’s a use for everything 🙂
But be happy: I implemented formatting for the attendees list in the trunk version. You’ll be able to use #_NAME, #_PHONE, #_EMAIL and #_ID placeholders in a new setting, just to format the #_ATTENDEES list.
KeymasterWell, this is info shown on the event data. Do you really want to show private info there? It’s a point open for discussion … I think I will make this configurable (with placeholders), but don’t forget: you have all the info you need in the backend if you just want to know who booked how many places.
Tue 2 Nov 2010 at 19:43 in reply to: Google Maps preview of Location is not the same as the map visible for public #45247Franky
KeymasterWell .. I tested it here, and it seems to work. 2 things though:
– I first found out the locations update didn’t happen anymore in the new-event window: has been fixed in trunk
– then I saw something weird: in the edit event window: google found the location, but after entering “prague” it suddenly showed nothing: it seemed to me one of the google servers had problems …
So I would say: try again by editing a letter (add/remove a space) in the location info, save and see what is the result. In the mysql database (table wp_dbem_locations), I have this as the latitude/longitude coordinates for this location (these are the ones used when an event is shown but not when editing it, then these are fetched from google servers):
latitude: 50.0876
longitude: 14.4282
Also: you can always try the trunk version, and see if it happens then:
KeymasterHmm … I’m guessing some other plugin is playing tricks with your tinymce fields then. Try disabling all other plugins and see if it works then, then reactivate one by one until you find the one causing the problem (if any). It might also be related to the theme you use for the admin backend of course.
KeymasterThanks 🙂
But you’ll need to be patient a bit until the version gets released. Or if not, you can grab the trunk (devel) version from the wordpress download page.
KeymasterCool, good to hear!
KeymasterHave you read this:
KeymasterWhich settings are you using? I tested it here with “Future events” and it works just fine.
Also: the version of EME could help …
Keymasterok, I can agree on this one: for WP members, the phone field should not be required. I’ve added this to the code.
In future versions I hope to make this more configurable.
KeymasterAdded to trunk:
* Feature: if you use “scope=this_month” as a parameter to the [events_list] shortcode, it will now show all events in the current month
* Feature: if you use “scope=0000-04” as a parameter to the [events_list] shortcode, it will now show all events in month 04 of the current year
KeymasterThis is not yet possible … but it should be easy to add to the code. I’ll try to code something up for tomorrow or so.
But for your example: you’ll then need to change it every time a year passes, not a month.
KeymasterSee . You need to use the shortcode
KeymasterOh, ok. So you don’t use the RSVP feature from EM? Maybe you’ll like EME better then 🙂
KeymasterThe “Zoom here” seems not very useful to me: you can zoom using the scrollbutton on your mouse or using the zoom controls … But look how I did it in the javascript:
google.maps.event.addListener(s_marker, "click", function() {
// the content of s_marker is available via "this",this);
});For the addlistener thingie, use “”.
I couldn’t help but noticing: your subscription form seems expanded (more fields than the default one). Adapted code?
KeymasterUpdate: it is very easy to add the current “directions” form to the infowindow as well, but since I build the content dynamically, the infowindow gets the wrong height then. Adding 5 or 6 extra
tags fixes this.So I’ll add it to the code, but with this as remark.
KeymasterYou can have driving directions using the placeholder #_DIRECTIONS (but not inside the infowindow yet).
But if you mail me the code how you did it in 2.2.2 I can try to adapt it to the current version. The google api has been updated to v3, so that changes things as well. Normally the javascript is more “correct” now, but functional identical to previous versions. I’ll take a look at the gmap example.
Do you have an example for the zooming feature?
KeymasterOk, this is a typo in eme_events.php. Go to line 2095 and change it from
if ((isset($event ['location_town']) && $event ['location_town'] != '') || (isset ( $_GET ['page'] ) && $_GET ['page'] = 'events-manager-locations')) {
if ((isset($event ['location_town']) && $event ['location_town'] != '') || (isset ( $_GET ['page'] ) && $_GET ['page'] == 'events-manager-locations')) {
(it missed an “=”)
KeymasterHmmm … this shouldn’t be. Let me check this out.
KeymasterPlease read this:
KeymasterIf you talk about the prevMonthCalendar and nextMonthCalendar javascript functions: the url gets built using the standard wordpress function site_url(). So if this function is returning a path you don’t want, it means you didn’t adapt it to the one you want the public to see. Just moving the folders around doesn’t help …
Check the mysql table wp_options, option_name “siteurl” (and “home” as well maybe)
KeymasterWell, any help is appreciated in this area … I’ll do my best, but it will take some time and experimenting before I get this right.
KeymasterThis is now in the trunk version, so closing
KeymasterOn the automatically created events page (the one defined as “Events page” in the events settings), you’ll always get just 10 events. In any other page, you can use the [events_list] shortcode with the limit settings. It’s not a good idea to set this in the admin page, if you can set it already to any limit you want.
KeymasterYes indeed, you’re right: I haven’t implemented permalinks in the plugin yet. But using some Rewrite-voodoo in apache gets you there 🙂
Of course if you really want the events in permalink without any extra manual action: nope, not done yet. But you have me an important hint here, so now I can go and make something of it 🙂
Edit: adding this for reference later on:
Edit 2: adding this for reference: A way to check if the blog has a permalink structure is:
if ( get_option('permalink_structure') != '' ) { echo 'permalinks enabled' }
KeymasterOk, some things: the placeholders (the things starting with “#_”) are to be used in the options concerning formatting in the Events settings (in the admin backend).
The placeholders (like [events_list]) are to be used in a page/post of choice, but just not the events page. Like it says in the Events settings for “Events page”: “The content of this pagea (including shortcodes of any kind) will be ignored completely and dynamically replaced by events data”
So placing shortcodes or placeholders in this page will have no effect at all.
And now the problem: when you see the events in the widget, they should be clickable and show the content of the event. So check your settings and verify if the setting “Events page” points to an existing (empty) page (normally called “Events”).
If in doubt: email me a temp admin account/password to: liedekef [at]
so I can see what’s going on.
KeymasterFixed in current version
KeymasterOk, fixed in current version.
Keymasterno response in a week: closing
KeymasterOk, for now I’ll close this then.
KeymasterThe showperiod thingie is now in trunk, the rest is already long done or a workaround in place 🙂
So closing this.
KeymasterThis is in the trunk version now
KeymasterSee you’ll want “limit=0” as an option to the shortcode [events_list]
KeymasterThen set your events to public again, and set the option “Require WP membership to be able to register” in the Event Settings page
KeymasterUse a page of your own with the [events_list] shortcode; eg.
[events_list category=1]
See for more examples and info
KeymasterAlso: the version of IE used … and I’ll need a good long search to find a computer running IE …
KeymasterWell … it should work 🙂 If you mail me the link to the form, I can test it. Also: a temporary admin account would be nice. My mail: liedekef [at]
KeymasterDon’t worry, if you don’t use shortcodes in your pages, you’re safe. And clicking on the convert-link won’t harm you either.
KeymasterLook in the settings, and check the “Events page” setting and save again.
KeymasterFixed. For those curious:
the placeholder #_IMAGE is only for the image in the balloon. For the image you entered in the event details, you just need to show the event details using the placeholder #_NOTES (as is mentioned in the doc and in the Event Settings page).
In this case I made use of custom attributes, so the user can enter an image url as extra given in the event edit page, and in the “Events list” setting I used this attribute to show the image. For info on custom attributes: read the docu 🙂
KeymasterAdding an image to an event is nothing different than adding it to a normal post. Just use the media buttons above the rich editor for the event details to add/upload an image.
Also, read this:
If you really need any help: describe in more detail the problems you have in a mail to me:
liedekef [at]
and give me admin access to check things out
KeymasterI’ll make the showperiod monthly view configurable in the Settings. I could try to take the date-settings from WordPress and leave out the hour/day info but I believe that to be a little ugly.
KeymasterThe content of the widget is changed via jquery, and the hover-link is of no importance. So if the change doesn’t work, it means something is interfering with your jquery being executed correctly. Try disabling all other plugins and see if it works then, then reactivate one by one until you find the plugin that causes the problems.
KeymasterWhich version are you using? In my preg_match I match “#_LOCATION$”, so it should not match “#_LOCATIONPAGEURL” …
KeymasterDone in trunk. I’m closing this feature request for now, if anything is desired please create a new one 🙂
KeymasterDo you mean you don’t like the “F, Y” as default, or do you adjust other parts as well?
Tue 19 Oct 2010 at 19:51 in reply to: How Do I Make Multi-Day Events Appear Days Long On The Full Size Calendar? #44720Franky
KeymasterWell, a fresh install then, in English please 🙂
Send it to: liedekef [at]
KeymasterNo, that’s only possible for wordpress members, otherwise I don’t know the details …
KeymasterNoted, and an interesting option. I’ll try to add it asap.
Tue 19 Oct 2010 at 17:53 in reply to: How Do I Make Multi-Day Events Appear Days Long On The Full Size Calendar? #44718Franky
KeymasterWell … for me it works … I’ll test in on this site this evening as well. Is it possible for me to get a temporary admin account on your blog, so I can test the settings?
Tue 19 Oct 2010 at 13:28 in reply to: How Do I Make Multi-Day Events Appear Days Long On The Full Size Calendar? #44716Franky
KeymasterAre you sure you use the correct syntax? I just tried it here, and it works just fine …
Tue 19 Oct 2010 at 11:41 in reply to: How Do I Make Multi-Day Events Appear Days Long On The Full Size Calendar? #44715Franky
KeymasterWell now, that’s not good 🙂 Let me check this out
Tue 19 Oct 2010 at 07:25 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45069Franky
Keymasterthe shortcode will be in the next version, the general placeholder [events_ical_link] can be used for this.
Mon 18 Oct 2010 at 21:30 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45065Franky
KeymasterBtw, for the hcalendar thingie: if I add a CSS class hidden to
<div class="vevent">
would it still work? I could then just hide this div and always include it …
KeymasterSee at the bottom of this post:
Mon 18 Oct 2010 at 20:26 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45064Franky
KeymasterWell … timezones are going to be difficult to add, apparently there’s no timezone info for a user, so it’s quite useless. But I’ll leave out the “Z”, so it becomes localtime, and people just need to do the math themselves (for now) 🙂
Edit: I created a shortcode #_ICALLINK to be used for a single event
KeymasterWell, since the category is added, I guess I can add the author as an option as well 🙂
I’ll try to do that this week.
Mon 18 Oct 2010 at 18:43 in reply to: Tip: Add a Google Calendar link and hCalendar microformat support easily #45062Franky
KeymasterVery interesting, maybe I’ll add these as options as well!
But, things can get simple: I’ve added ICAL support to the latest released version, should help you subscribe to your events calendar in any ICAL capable soft. But the “add to google” is nice, as is the hcalendar thingie.
Mon 18 Oct 2010 at 17:03 in reply to: How Do I Make Multi-Day Events Appear Days Long On The Full Size Calendar? #44712Franky
KeymasterTry this:
[events_calendar full=1 long_events=1]
KeymasterWell, then that plugin has problems since it complains about a missing database table 🙂
KeymasterI’ve checked the code for Events Manager, and they don’t use this tablename as well. So it must be related to some other plugin. So just the plugin deactivation should do the trick.
KeymasterWell, my question remains the same. Please read my previous post and answer my questions and do the actions described there.
Keymasterseems to me you’ve installed the plugin “Events Manager” as well. Is that possible? If so: remove that plugin and all related mysql tables. The new version of “Events Manager” has changed their mysql structure and thus “Events Manager Extended” can’t build on that db structure any more.
If not so: nowhere in my code I use “wp_frm_display” so this must come from another plugin. Try deactivating all other plugins and see if it works then. Then reactivate one by one until you find the guilty party.
Keymasterseems to me you’ve installed the plugin “Events Manager” as well. Is that possible? If so: remove that plugin and all related mysql tables. The new version of “Events Manager” has changed their mysql structure and thus “Events Manager Extended” can’t build on that db structure any more.
If not so: nowhere in my code I use “wp_frm_display” so this must come from another plugin. Try deactivating all other plugins and see if it works then. Then reactivate one by one until you find the guilty party.
KeymasterConcerning authorID: I changed this to author, since it’s easier to use the loginname than to get the loginID
KeymasterThere’s no funtions.php included in events-manager.php. If you want these functions, add them to one of the existing files. Or if you want a file functions.php, make sure it gets included in events-manager.php. Eg. add a line
in that file.
KeymasterThanks, has been corrected … again 🙂
KeymasterSorry, but this link doesn’t exist …
KeymasterOf course AND authors is impossible: an event can only have one author (creator).
So the following has been implemented in trunk:
new parameter for shortcode [events_list]: authorID, so you can show only events created by a specific person. Eg: [events_list authorID=1] to show events from author with ID 1, [events_list authorID=1,3] for authors 1 OR 3
KeymasterSee, I told you so: you need to be in “the loop” 🙂
KeymasterStarting over is simple:
– deactivate EME
– remove all mysql tables related to EM or EME: normally they’re called wp_dbem_*
– activate EME
Keymasterbtw: you didn’t install the plugin “Events Manager” I hope?
KeymasterWell, I’ll do “authorID=userID” like implemented catageories, so you can choose one, AND and OR authors. Will be implemented this weekend.
KeymasterWell, I saw that your site jumped to the correct page when clicking on a link in the widget, so I should’ve known that wasn’t the problem. From which version did you upgrade? Some extra checks were made after 3.1.4
Also, I looked at the page template from twentyten, and I see that you’re not doing “the loop”. the_content() should always be surrounded by a “the_post()” call. See page.php from twentyten theme.
KeymasterYou’re right, it should be AUTHOR_CAPABILITY. It has been changed in trunk. The check whether or not the user is the owner/creator of the event is being made when chowing the list of events and when the action is executed, so that should be ok.
KeymasterCheck your Settings, it might be that the “Events page” needs to be set again.
KeymasterI’m always open to suggestions 🙂
KeymasterFor now: no. I consider this info a bit too personal to be displayed on the net. You can always get a list in the admin backend if you want. Later on I’ll try to make the info shown more configurable.
KeymasterHmmm … I found the issue. Please update phpmailer/eme_phpmailer.php to this one:
and you should be fine (it’s a last remainder of the dbem=>eme switch)
KeymasterWell … according to me, it seems you can’t connect to localhost on port 25. I would check the mail settings in Events Manager Extended
KeymasterWell, for the third one it wasn’t really needed, but it doesn’t hurt. So yes: 3 changes 🙂
thanks for the report. I fixed this in the trunk version (and hope for translators to help of course).
confirmed as a new bug (I was a bit too quick there) and fixed in the devel version. If you want, you can already fix this yourself by changing the text in eme_locations.php from
action="<?php echo admin_url("admin.php?page=events-manager-locations"); ?>"
(it is on 2 places)
KeymasterI meant the development version (link point to that one)
it seems to have been broken in 3.1.6 (I guess), but I’ve fixed this in the latest version. You can always try this version (contains 3 fixes):
KeymasterApparently adding/deleting locations directly was broken because I tried to be correct using “POST” in forms. Anyway … it should be fixed in trunk. If you want the latest version for this file:
( for the changes)
KeymasterNow this is a bug 🙂 Onto it …
KeymasterDid you deactivate/activate the plugin? Also a list of other plugins might be helpfull. You also might want to try deactivating all other plugins, try your action again and see if it works. Then activate one plugin at a time again and see which one is the cause (if it is really a conflicting plugin problem).
Keymasterthis is now in the released version