In the past, there was an inconsistent behaviour when placeholders needed options:
and others
This resulted also in some unwanted behaviour where square brackets of wordpress shortcodes were matched as possible options for placeholders. This has now been made consistent and the syntax for #_ATT{…}{…} is being taken as a reference.
Legacy placeholder syntax
The following 4 event placeholders are now deemed “legacy”, which means you should avoid using them and also the usage is by default “off”. The new syntax is described next to it each placeholder. The only placeholders here areĀ event placeholders using square brackets:
- #_EVENTCATEGORIES[..][..] becomes #_EVENTCATEGORIES{..}{..}
- #_EVENTIMAGETHUMB[MyCustomSize] becomes #_EVENTIMAGETHUMB{MyCustomSize}
The old syntax can be restored by checking the new option “Re-enable legacy placeholder behaviour” in the EME general settings tab, but I encourage everyone to switch to the new notation if/when possible. If you enable the old syntax, the new syntax is not possible. This option does not influence in any way the new syntax for the deprecated placeholders mentioned next.
Deprecated placeholders
Some placeholders are now deemed “deprecated”, which means you should avoid using them but you’re still allowed to use them so as to give you the time needed to switch to the new syntax.
For event placeholders, the following changes:
- #_PRICExx or #_EVENTPRICExx becomes #_PRICE{xx} or #_EVENTPRICE{xx}
For RSVP placeholders, the following change:
- #_RESPSPACESxx becomes #_RESPSPACES{xx}
- #_TOTALPRICExx becomes #_TOTALPRICE{xx}
- #_FIELDxx becomes #_FIELD{xx}
- #_FIELDNAMExx becomes #_FIELDNAME{xx}
For booking form placeholders, the following change:
- #_SEATSxx becomes #_SEATS{xx}
- #_CAPTCHAHTML[..] becomes #_CAPTCHAHTML{..}
- #_SUBMIT[..] becomes #_SUBMIT{..}
You can still use them, but a warning will be shown until you deactivate the new option “Allow deprecated placeholders” in the EME general settings tab, but I encourage everyone to switch to the new notation if/when possible.
Remark: the newer placeholder notation for the deprecated placeholders is not influenced by the new option “Re-enable legacy placeholder behaviour”, so whether or not you activate that option, the new syntax for these placeholders will always work.