Function API

If you’re into theming or you need to write some extra filters/hooks, you should probably use some function calls provided by Events Made Easy. Below you find some of the more relevant calls.


Prints or returns a list of the events. Accepts optional arguments, specified in a string ("key=value&key=value etc). See the documentation concerning the No events shortcode for a list of all possible parameters.

<?php eme_get_events_list("limit=5&scope=all&order=DESC"); ?>
The above code will print a list of the latest 5 events, including past ones, in a descendant order.
<?php eme_get_events_list("limit=0&category=1,4&period=monthly&order=ASC"); ?>

The above code will print a list of all events of category 1 and 4 using monthly paging.


Prints the current month calendar, highlighting any event and linking to it. Accepts the following optional arguments, specified in a string ("key=value&key=value etc).

  • full indicates you want to show the large calendar, don’t use this in sidebar widgets. Defaults to 0.
  • month indicates the month you wish to display. Defaults to the current month.
  • year indicates indicates the year the calendar will use to display a month of. Defaults to the current year.
  • long_events: if set to 0, events will only be shown on their startdate, if 1 events spanning multiple days will be shown on each of those days. Defaults to 0.
  • category limits the events shown to those of a certain category ID. You can also use OR and AND for multiple categories: “1,3” (category 1 OR 3) or “1+3” (category 1 AND 3)
  • location_id limits the events shown to those of a certain location ID. You can also use OR and AND for multiple locations: “1,3” (location 1 OR 3) or “1+3” (location 1 AND 3)
  • contact_person limits the events shown to those of a certain contact person (loginname). You can specify multiple contact persons for OR limitations: “admin,admin2” for events whose contact persons are user admin OR user admin2


<?php eme_get_calendar("full=1&month=8&long_events=1"); ?>


Prints a link to the events page. If you set the optional justurl property to true, the function only prints the URL of the events page.


Prints a link to the events RSS feed. Accepts a number of parameters, most of them identical to those of eme_get_events_list():

  • justurl If you set this property to true, the function only prints the RSS URL.
  • limit indicates the maximum number of events to display. Default is 10. If you give the value “0” there’s no limit.
  • scope lets you choose which events to show: Choose between today, this_month, next_month, future, past, all, 0000-MM (for the events of a specific month), YYYY-MM-DD (for the events on a single day) or YYYY-MM-DD--YYYY-MM-DD (for the events in a certain period) events. Default is future.
  • order indicates indicates the order of the events. Choose between ASC (ascendant, default) and DESC (descendant).
  • echo indicates whether the list should be printed (true) or just returned (false). This option should be ignored, unless you know what you are doing.
  • category limits the events shown to those of a certain category ID. You can specify multiple categories for AND and OR limitations: “1,3” for events in category 1 OR 3, “1+3” for events in category 1 AND 3
  • author limits the events shown to those of a certain author (loginname). You can specify multiple authors for OR limitations: “admin,admin2” for events created by user admin OR user admin2


Prints a link to the events ICAL feed. If you set the optional justurl property to true, the function only prints the ICAL URL.


Returns the person based on the rsvp info entered. This can then be used for example to see if he already registered.


Returns all existing booking ids for a specific event id and email.


Returns all existing booking ids for a specific event id and person id.


Returns all existing booking ids for a specific event id and wordpress user ID.


Since events aren’t posts, they are not shown by default in your search result. But by using a child theme and changing some lines in your theme’s search.php, you can shown them in any way you want.
So, create a child theme and edit search.php there.
At the beginning of search.php, add this line:

$events = eme_wordpress_search_events();

In EME before version 1.7.11, this is called just eme_wordpress_search() and will be available as backwards compatibility function call.
Further down in search.php, change:

<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>


<?php if ( have_posts() || !empty($events) ) : ?>

And then, just above the call for

<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

(or wherever you want it), add something like this:

<?php foreach ($events as $event) {
   print "<h2><a href='".eme_event_url($event)."'>".$event['event_name']."</a> ".$event['event_start_date']."</h2>";
   print substr($event['event_notes'],0,250)."[...]";
   print "<div style='clear:both;'></div>";
} ?>

You can even use shortcodes here, but I suggest to keep things simple …
The function eme_wordpress_search_events also takes 1 parameter, namely the scope of the events to search in. By default the scope is “future”, but you can also specify “past” or “all”:

$events = eme_wordpress_search_events("all");

eme_get_* functions

EME has many functions to get e.g. an event, location, category, template, membership, member, etc …
All these follow the same logic: give as argument the event/location/category id, the result is an array representing the event, location, …

$event = eme_get_event($event_id);

Custom field functions

An event can have custom fields, but the eme_get_event function doesn’t return this. Use the function eme_get_event_cf_answers for this.

$answers = eme_get_event_cf_answers($event_id);

There are also the functions eme_get_location_cf_answers, eme_get_person_answers, eme_get_member_answers, eme_get_membership_answers.

Conditional template tags

These tags return true or false, and are useful to structure your themes.


Returns true if events are available in scope. The default value of scope is future.


Returns true if the page loaded corresponds to the events page.


Returns true if the page loaded corresponds to a single event page.


Returns true if the page loaded corresponds the multiple events page.


Returns true if the RSVP is activated for an event in a single event page.

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